October 8, 2012

Think Again

We enjoyed the beautiful fall colors and gorgeous view while out for a walk.
Isn't this absolutely magnificent? 

People just don't know that being pregnant makes you that much more sensitive to the remarks they make.
First of all, yes, I know I'm showing. You do not need to reiterate that with "Wow! you are getting big". Seriously, you don't think I know that my narrow waist is gone and I can do nothing about it? You don't think I check myself in the mirror? Well, think again.
Next, do not predict the size of my child by looking at me. Do not tell me that I'm going to get huge with the way things are going. Again, think.
Do not tell me that my stomach is squishy and soft, if I let you touch it. Thanks a lot. I know that I'm a big blob of gushy mess. Just don't say it.
Lastly, the only thing you can say to a pregnant woman is that she is glowing
Tell her that she is carrying very well and that her child is going to be so lucky to have her as a mom.
So next time you want to say something less than absolutely one hundred percent positive and reassuring to  to a pregnant woman, think again.


  1. How about "You look so cute!"...is that rude?

    I often say that to my friends or people that I know who are pregnant.

  2. People are so weird. One of my pregnancies I was told "oh how cute, your face is getting so fat." What??? Well, I think you are gorgeous and look awesome.


    1. Thank you... People loose all sense of tact when they see a pregnant woman... if anyone would tell me that, I would probably not speak to them again lol

  3. Wow! Nice photos! I love Fall and colorful leaves on the ground.So happy to discover a cute blog! Maybe you can check mine out when you have a chance?


    1. Fall in New York is gorgeous... I will stop by

  4. mmmm.... I remembered that when I was pregnant, but dear, don´t listen what they say to you, you have to focus in you and your baby, and enjoy this months, no matter what enjoy it, is the most beautiful time in your life, really! I loved being pregnant... it was the happiest time in my life...
    kisses and lots of hugs!

    1. It is definitely precious time and I just hate it when people spoil it with their rude comments...
      thank you

  5. I've always cringed at the things I hear people say to expecting mothers. No tact. Anyway, I adore this outfit, pregnant or not. Red pants are a wardrobe staple in my opinion and the striped top is killer!

    1. Thanks, although I'm thinking that stripes play against my belly - they actually expand things :)
      ohh well, i love that sweater


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