Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts

July 22, 2013

It's a Heart Issue

top: Joe Fresh (sold out)
skirt: NY&Co (similar)
shoes: ALDO 
clutch: old
As a Christian woman, mother and a wife right kind of clothing is very important to me. How others see me, how I portray Christianity and how I feel about what I wear, are all parts of one issue - modesty. 

Growing up, I was forced by my parents to dress conservative and mom would never buy us anything she thought we should not wear (i.e. mini skirts, halter tops).
Then I went all the way off balance and wore only skirts and dresses for couple of years, thinking that I will win 'points' from God by doing so. (That's a blog post in itself)
When I got married, I rebelled a little, because my parents couldn't tell me what to wear. Not that I looked sleazy or anything, but some cuts were lower and hems were higher. I definitely wanted to show some skin.

Now I'm finally starting to find the delicate balance, while being comfortable with who I am as a woman and a Christian.

You see, I grew up with this preconceived ultra conservative notion that Christian people put a bag over their heads and read Bible all day long. Although, no one around ever did that, it was still wrong to put on make up, color your hair or wear jewelry (not even wedding band). 
Having a heart for God and looking good was impossible, because apparently all Godly people were ugly. Wrong.
There are many accounts in the Bible of women dressed in beautiful clothing, Godly men exchanging gold jewelry and God describing His Bride as a beautiful lady. Also, check out the book Songs of Solomon - that woman is smoking hot. Somehow they've missed that.

The most important thing in any Christian person's life is his/her heart. God doesn't care if we do something out of duty or because we were told we are supposed to. 
He wants us do it from the heart or rather not do it at all.
If I'm putting on a maxi skirt and a long sleeve turtle neck and hating it, God knows what's going on inside and really doesn't care for the outfit. But that does not mean I can put on a mini skirt and a halter top and claim that I'm a spiritual person either. 
There has to be a balance to life. Balance between looking groomed and attractive, and becoming vain and abscessed with labels and latest trend. 
Balance is hard to come by because that is a heart issue.

P.S. Happy birthday to my wonderful hubby! Love you! Muah.

Linking up with Molly for Monday Fun Day

July 15, 2013

My Lover Is Mine, And I Am His

'So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.'

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. 

Friday we celebrated our 5th weeding anniversary.
 I honestly can't believe it's been five years but it has been truly amazing! We weren't able to go away (kid troubles) but still took a full day off to relax and pamper ourselves. 
Fancy shmancy lunch to start the day (insta), then massage and spa relaxation, finishing off with delicious dinner. We did have plans to go see a movie but baby Jonathan didn't think so.
He refused to be put to sleep by grandma and was demanding his daddy (he usually puts him to sleep).

We came home early and instead of watching a screen and not looking at each other, we were able to spent some quality time together.
It was great to just get away for a day and focus on each other.

Happy Anniversary Love!

still being [molly]

June 7, 2013

Leading By Example

A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.
Ever since I got pregnant, I've been thinking a lot more about what kind of example I'm going to be for my kids. Am I going to be the kind of parent my children will follow and be proud of? Or the one they want to stick in the back of the family album and be embarrassed of at the family reunions?

We talk a lot about teaching our children to do right.
To respect their peers.
To honor their elders.
To love their neighbors.
To fear the Lord.
To esteem their heritage.
To obey the authority.
To love their spouse.
To cherish the youngsters.
To protect this God-given Earth.

And that's all fine and good and very necessary. As parents we have the responsibility to raise those little ones into mature, responsible adults with solid moral values.
The best way to do that is to teach by example.

You can spend your days drilling, talking and lecturing your children about what is good, wholesome and right but if you yourself isn't doing any of it - it's not worth a  single penny.
Your actions speak louder then your words.

You have to be respectful to your mean boss, without talking trash behind his back.
You need to honor your parents and grandparents, landing them them a helping hand when they need assistance in their old age.

You need to love those who gossip about you, mean to you at the grocery store and take your pew on Sunday morning.
Those who take advantage of your kindness and take your parking spot at the mall. Those who don't respect your space and privacy, and who don't ask for forgiveness. Love them.

You need to show your children how to fear God and honor Him with your life. How to be an example to this world without judging those who aren't doing right. How to be a genuine Christian and nevermind occasional hypocrisy and hate.

You need to appreciate where you've come from and who you are. No matter the race, ethnicity and color without putting anyone else down.
You need to obey the laws that are put in place by the government, even if at times they seem ridiculous and the authorities aren't truthful.

You need to protect the littlest children from the cruelty and hate in this world, showering them with  abundant love.
You need to protect this Earth for future generations and be thankful for sunshine and rain, for beauty of flower and depth of an ocean.

You must be what you want your children to become.

April 18, 2013


top: Gap (similar), skirt: J.Crew, shoes: Aldo (similar), bag: Kate Spade NY ,

How beautiful you think you are?
What do you think of your appearances?
If someone asked you to describe yourself to a blind person, what would be the image in his mind? 
Would it be an image of a beautiful person, so someone unattractive? 
Our perception of beauty is so distorted, thanks to Victoria Secret ads. If only we knew the amount of work it takes to make those women look like that, we would be shocked. 
On some level we do know that the magazine covers, fashion shows and billboard ads have been digitally altered to look like that but who said that computer-produced image of a woman is true beauty?
This  video is a real eye-opener to us as women. Honestly, the amount of self-destructive thinking and negative attitude that we have, it's really amazing we think anything of ourselves at all.
 Beauty really does come from the inside because if you think that you are unattractive, others will you see that way. 
We are beautiful because we are real. Real women with real bodies and real lives. 
Don't forget to love yourself and channel that inner beauty for the world to see. 
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde 

March 15, 2013

This Guy

Jonathan recognized his daddy right away. Awake and alert when hubby was talking to him.
I just want to take a minute here and brag about this guy a little. The bigger of two. I suppose there are many mushy and overly lovely-dovey blog articles flying all over the net but here is another one.
Bear with me.
First of all, I love this guy. 
His ability to make me laugh. 
His willingness to be there for me. Every time.
His strong beliefs and unwavering convictions.
His few wise words.
His adorable, most sweetest baby talk to our son.
His willingness to sacrifice for our family.
His ability to notice the little things.
His ability to do those little things that matter the most.
His lion-like guard of our family. Of me. Of our boy.
His ability to say the sweetest, most meaningful things looking deep into my eyes, taking my breath away. 
But most of all, his natural ability as a father.
The day I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't keep it in. I had these great plans in mind of how I would tell him, but I was in such a shock that it was written all over my face. I had a storm of emotions and a hurricane of thoughts going through me but he was there to let me pour my emotions out.
Mind you, he's not the kind of guy that will be jumping up and down with excitement but he will rejoices in quiet of his heart. 
Then the very first ultrasound he was with me. And the second and third. I mean, this guy has been with me every step of the way. 
Then when it was time to make the tough decision - induction or no induction - he was so supportive. He didn't rush me or push me towards a decision. He was ever so patient and understanding of my battling mind and never ending "I don't know".
Once in the delivery room he was on the edge of his seat (I could tell) although he breathed tranquil spirit. He calmed me and constantly reminded of my breathing and relaxation techniques. 
Then came the moment.
Moment he became a father. 
Like with everything, he accepted our son with calm adoration and was present every single moment of the day ever since. 
As a right of passage first diaper was on daddy ;-)
Now that we settled into our new life and living with a baby in the house has become somewhat familiar, I realized how much he actually means to me. How I couldn't do it all without him. Without his sweet words of encouragement and reassurance. 
He truly is my rock.
Of course, he isn't perfect and there are days when he annoys me and drives me up the wall but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Our life isn't perfect. We have our ups and downs. 
We may not have it altogether but together we have it all.

March 6, 2013

Let Them Be Little

So let them be little 'cause they're only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little.
It's a funny thing this life. When you are waiting for something, time seems to drag its feet and really slow waaay down. On the other hand, when you enjoying every moment and trying to make it last as long as possible, time flies too fast.
 Honestly, I don't think anything has ever made me realize how fast life is, as much as this little guy. All of this: the 3am feedings that seem to last f.o.r.e.v.e.r., the endless dirty diapers, the crying for no apparent reason, the helplessness and cuteness will pass. Too fast. 
He is three weeks old today and I still cannot believe he is mine. But in the middle of it all - feeding, changing, burping, swaddling, changing again, crying and puking - he gives me a cute little toothless smile. Then when I just fed him and he's falling asleep in my arms, in that state of sweet slumber as his hand is on my chest and his cheeks are pressed against me, it's all so worth it. 
Life is short.
No rewind.
No replay. 
So enjoy every moment God has given you.

February 12, 2013

Finding Motherhood Along Abbey Road {Guest Post}

Once the pregnancy is over and you have done all those things to make sure your baby is healthy, and actually gone through all the trials and tribulations of labor, you get to hold your bundle of joy. It's an emotional, confusing, exciting, scary and joyous time.
Here is Abbey from Along Abbey Road blog and her first motherhood experience. 

Hello, there! I am Abbey from Along Abbey Road. I am so happy to be here while Anna is loving on that precious little babe of hers!

Babies are miraculous, complex beings. Babies are also tiring and testing beings. I remember that first moment I sat on the couch with Luke, just the two of us. Both Matt's mom and my own had made their rounds teaching us their best-practiced mothering skills and Matt reluctantly went back to work, tired, worn, and learning to adjust to this new world (bless that ole' chap's heart).

There sat this helpless, wrinkly, perfect human in my arms. I was terrified and thrilled all in the same moment. I already knew him from the kicks, flutters, and rolls we shared those last 10 months, but now he was really there. Tears flooded my eyes that we had been blessed to rear and direct this amazing soul.

I will never forget the feel of Luke's silky almost translucent skin. The smell of his tiny body curled up under my chin. The softly pleading and adorable cry. The way he reached up his tiny, 1-inch hand to mine while he fed, reassuring me that I was his favorite and most-needed person in the world.

Those are the moments that we mothers live for.
Congratulations, Anna! So excited for you to create your own loving memories with your beautiful baby boy!

February 1, 2013


I have a lifestyle blog. I love fashion. I love (gasp!) shopping. 
I'm not really crazy obsessed with the whole idea of shopping, I just like having new things and being inspired (read: jealous) by other bloggers, doesn't help. My hubby has been rolling his eyes at my habit but mostly very tolerant.

Side note: sometimes I think if I were the main breadwinner in the household (say I was the husband) and the wife was spending money left and right, we would have some major problems. Thank God, for a patient hubby of mine. He is really good. The best kind of good. 
Moving on to my inability to pass a good sale.

As I said, I've been bad about shopping. 
I think, I have a hard time identifying what I really need (mostly nothing) and what I want (mostly everything). If you really think about it, clothes are there to keep us warm in the winter and somewhat decent during summer. It's not there to define who we are.
I decided that I needed a little more accountability in this area, being that we have a baby on the way and a new house (read: added expenses which do not include my closet). So I think telling the whole world (you guys are the entire world of Internet users right?) how much I spend each month and what I buy, will help me and also hopefully inspire some of you (other shopaholics) to curb my cravings. 

Main things to keep in mind. (Don't listen to the lady in the poster above, that's for sure)

Realize the difference between a want and a need. Do I want that pair of BCBG leopard pumps? Yes, I sure do! Do  I need them? nope... 

Have a set-in-stone budget. Make sure there is no way of getting around it, be that $1000 or $10, stick to it no matter what. 

Be accountable for your spending. Find a person, start a blog or do something to make sure that you are sticking to it. And don't reward yourself for sticking to it one month by doubling your spending the next.

Ditch the credit cards. Only spend money (even if you are putting it on your credit card because you get 30% off) when you have the the same amount in your account.

Have a goal in mind. Identify the things you actually need (new winter coat for next season?) and shop the sales. 

Subscribe to couple email alerts letting you know when the things you are looking for are on sale. DO NOT subscribe to all the stores, high end designer boutiques and any other shops that will lead you down the path of temptation. 

Therefore, starting this months, I'm going to be doing a feature describing my purchases and having a grand total at the end of every month. I mean, it's probably going to help having a newborn and not being able to get out of the house much, but I can manage to spend as much (if not more) money online.
I don't want to be overly optimistic, so let's start with a budget of $100 for the month of February.
Here I go!
Wish me luck!

December 31, 2012

New Year. New Life. New Hope.

I might have mentioned before that this year has been challenging. HARD is not the word for it. 
There have been heartaches and disappointments, but also there has been laughter and joy.

The year 2012 has been the most eventful year of my entire life and among all those things happening around me, I've watched, learned and grew as a person.

Sometimes I wonder if we encounter sadness, heartache and pain not only because it's a sinful, imperfect world but because we need to learn to appreciate the joys of life. I mean a new kind of gratitude and peace. 
It's hard being forgotten by your own father when you are in your 20s, I can't imagine how must children feel when their fathers don't want anything to do with them for their entire lives. It gives a whole new meaning to love of a family. It makes me appreciate the little family that I have.

We lose people we love, go through breakups and yet we come out stronger.
All that is for teaching us, for showing us how much our Heavenly Father loves us.
I don't know what 2013 holds for me (for our family) but I know that there is joy coming.

One tiny bundle of joy is scheduled to arrive some time in the next five weeks. :)
 I know that heartaches will heal, that hearts will soften and relationships will blossom.

Personal goal: be a friend. I feel like in the hassle and bustle of life, I forget to take the time to care for someone else. Outside of my immediate family. There is a lot of 'me and mine' but  how good is my life if it doesn't shine passed my own gate?

Personal challenge: tackle motherhood. The overwhelming responsibility of being mother is exciting to say the least. It's all new, it's all inexperienced, it's all pure joy.

What are your goals for 2013? 

December 27, 2012

Quick Hello

Merry Christmas to all!
I'm a little late on that one,  I know.
We moved in our new home over last weekend and still have no internet connection.
We are buried in boxes but enjoying our new home.
I will be back soon.
Have a safe and joyful holiday! 

December 20, 2012

It's Not The Number

Just showing off my cute pregnant belly...
Love you baby boy...

There are lots of things on mind and none of them involve taking a picture of my outfit.. 
It's more of a reflection on myself...

One thing is for sure - I have some body image issues. I mean, who doesn't? But when you think that 'number' on the scale is the definition of slim, pretty and cute, you are ohhh so wrong.
 It's soooo not the number.
 I thought that once I'm married, I wouldn't have those issues. After all, I'd have a man who adores me and loves my body just the way it is. Nope. Wrong. Not skinny/slim/fit/ enough.
Then, once I'm pregnant, for sure, I will let my body do its thing. After all, I'm carrying another life inside me and he needs some extra calories. So a few pounds of extra weight for the great cause won't make me cringe when looking at the scale. Nope. Wrong again. Gaining too much weight
The problem is not the number on the scale but how we see ourselves. 
A healthy body image is not just a word for me, it's something unattainable. I felt that if I was ever satisfied with my body, you will let myself go and become a fat pig. But that's (probably) not true. 
Looking at yourself and realizing that you are not Gisele Bundchen is one thing, but another to constantly see faults that make you feel like you hate this body. 
Not a good attitude towards yourself. It makes you an unsatisfied person. And that transfers into everything - from your butt to the men bagging your groceries at the store.
An unhappy way to live that starts with not liking the size of your butt only because you can't fit into size 2. 
Last thought.
God gave us the bodies that we posses. Wow! This puts the entire blah-blah-blah psychological nonsense into a whole another perspective. So if I don't like how God naturally created me, with all my flaws and faults, I'm saying I don't like what He has done. But God knows best. All of his creation is very good
Therefore, I'm wonderfully made (Psalm Bible reference). 
Thank you Lord for making me just the way I am.
And thank you for this wonderful little life growing inside me. 

August 28, 2012

When It Rains, It Pours

Matthew 5:45

That ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven
For he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good
And sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust

Sometimes you feel like giving up. Moving away. Far away, into a different country where no one knows who you are and there are no heartaches. That's called heaven and we aren't there yet.

Well, where we are is Earth. With its people, unstable economies, unknown future, and unbearable heartache. I really cannot go into much detail, but life here hasn't been easy the past year. It has been completely opposite of easy - struggles.
It isn't pretty and it isn't fair, but it is what it is.

Life is hard kids. It doesn't warn you, there is no sign "bumps ahead"  - it just strikes against all odd, against all understanding and we are left standing alone. Alone in cold pouring rain. 
But I am not alone. I know God. I do not understand any of it. I feel like I'm buried in trials and there is no end, but somewhere in the mess that my life is now - God has an answer. He has a plan.

It's hard to go through pain knowing that God in His foreknowledge planned it. Why would He? I know why, just don't want to admit it.
God knew what to put into my path for one reason - to soften my heart. To make me better.

So after it's all set and done, even if I don't see His plan, even if I won't ever understand,
God has me in His hands.

August 26, 2012

Live and Learn

blouse: Banana Republic, skirt: Talbots, shoes, clutch: H&M

I bet you guys thought I'm going to talk about some profound statement that I found, judging by the title of this post. Well, there are other ways to learn stuff, like by experience. And there are two things that I can tell you:
  1. Taking pictures in the broad daylight won't give good results. All the shades of pink are going to look exactly the same or almost white. Yes, this outfit was supposed to be pretty pink 
  2. Sometimes it's good to listen to your hubby when he says that the light is too direct and it's going to ruin my picture. {Don't tell him I said that}
Take it from someone who's stubborn and determined to prove herself. Learning lessons the hard way (a.k.a by experience) is not fun. Be that how/when to take pictures or when just learn to shut up - learning by banging your head against something hard isn't fun. So next time, just go ahead and listen to that advice your grandma/hubby/mother/pastor is giving to ya. It may save you lots of frustration.
 And camera footage in my case.
Have yourself a great week!

August 6, 2012

Something Interesting

daddy shoes, mommy shoes, wittle bitty baby shoes

So it's been one of those things that I wanted to tell everyone but at the same time, I wanted to keep it all to myself. I did not realize that I was such a private person because I was a little annoyed by people asking me when I was going to tell that other person. That's just preggo moodiness is coming out, and I can blame a lot on that now-a-days. So here is something you probably want to know...

How far along? 13 weeks

Total weight gain: none 

Maternity clothes? Nope, not yet

Morning sickness? You know how you hear about these women that don't have any morning sickness? Well, I'm one of It's weird and some days I was doubting the whole pregnancy thing because I felt so normal and nothing has changed. 

Sleep? Traveling to the other side of the world messed up my schedule. Ever since I got preggo I feel tired and want to take naps like twice a day. 

Best moment this week? Getting a sonogram! We finally saw our little one and he/she does not look like those alien babies... Still surreal though

Miss Anything? Being able to eat anything and everything (not that I ever had shark or smoked king mackerel lol)

Movement? still too early 

Food cravings? Everything salty - herring, pretzels, salami, pickles, smoked salmon and other good stuff.

Anything making you queasy? Strong smells 

Symptoms? I am starting to feel like a cow... I think my belly is starting to grow just itty bitty tiny bit.

Wedding rings on or off? always on

Happy or Moody most of the time? Depends. Mostly I'm happy but if I'm tired I get cranky. Also I'm kind of worried about everything to go smooth - there are gazillion things that can go wrong!

Looking forward to? Right now I just want to find out who we are having and start decorating the nursery! I have so many DIY projects in mind.

July 23, 2012

It's Always Been a Mystery to Me

I myself don't like those posts with mushy, over the top declaration of love for the spouse, after reading of which you just wanna barf a little. Well, It's not going to be like that. Maybe just a little. 
I have missed my hubby so so so so much! And although we have been apart for 3 weeks (the longest period of time we have ever been apart), AND I missed our 4 Year Anniversary AND his birthday (I'm an awful person, I know), I have had a great time. 
I think it's actually a good therapy for a relationship.
Being together day in and day out, getting on each other's nerves and bickering, you begin to devalue the relationship and your spouse. When you have it good, you don't know how good you've got it, until it's gone. Even if temporarily.
The idea of having two people come together, two absolutely different people - from different families and backgrounds, but becoming the two closest people in the world is amazing! 
I don't know how God put in us the desire to share our life with someone, but only to think that couple of years ago this incredible man of mine has been a stranger to me. Today, I cannot imagine my life without him. 
So on this note of sappy love song, I want to wish my hubby Happy Birthday!
My world would be empty without you and my life incomplete.

P.S. The outfit posts are coming back soon... 

May 31, 2012


For the last three days I was learning a lesson on patience and compassion, and understanding and maybe some other wisdom too.
Our A/C unit broke... and I almost killed my hubby somewhere in there too. The story goes like this.
You may laugh at how almost silly it sounds. 
It got really hot outside and not just any hot - it was MUGGY. Impossible to breath and sleep muggy. So we decided to bring air conditioner down from the attic. Hubby asked me to clear out the way for him because that sucker is heavy and poor thing won't let me help him. So, I got chairs outta the way but forgot to push the rug aside and it's one of those flimsy rugs, that slide every time you walk. Of course, as he was carrying the unit, he tripped on the rug, almost fell, and dropped the A/C. I almost had a heart attack but what's worse? It wouldn't turn on. It WAS HOT! 95F! So to ensure we will will live, we went to Walmart and got a fan. Thank God we were able to get some sleep that night but it was still very hot and humid in the house. Then hubby called a store that sells parts for stuff and they couldn't even find the model number for our A/C and I was so frustrated and mad at myself. Honestly, I said a silent prayer to God to give patience. Two days passed. Hubby decided to plug the sucker in... and it worked! We were relieved and surprised but most of all thankful for the luxury of having the air conditioning in the house. We ARE spoiled!

A lot of times God has to teach us lessons over and over, because we don't pass the exit exam for the class. Or we act like little spoiled toddlers that act out with the first thing that doesn't go their way. I don't know about you, but I feel like I just took the patience test. I don't know if I passed.