October 4, 2013

Cute and Cranky

The amount of faces this kid makes is just too much. The grimaces are hard to explain and happen at the most unexpected moments. He is very vocal and animated so sometimes just watching him from aside is fun. He can be very happy and then very serious in a matter of seconds.
I mean, this face, you guys is too much for Friday morning.

Besides being the cutest kid on the planet (too far?), he has been cranky.

 Last two weeks he hasn't been sleeping or eating well. We both had a cold and a runny nose, so that may have had something to do with it. 
So forgive me if I haven't been on this bloggidy blog lately because frankly, the most important thing on my mind right now is getting ample amounts of sleep. And chasing after a baby who can climb steps, crawl and constantly pull on my legs, begging to be picked up. 

October 2, 2013

Love {Motherhood Challenges Series}

Jonathan at 3mo old photo shoot

Love is hard.
It's not just a feeling of butterflies in your stomach, or head spinning from the excitement of newness, or not even sweet feeling of joy when holding your newborn babe.
Love is action. Love is thought. Love is work.
Sometimes love requires a lot of work to stay alive.
We say that we love things - everything from a tasty burger to our mother. But the love I'm talking about is something that you learn to give, something that needs time to grow and mature

To love children it takes...
...patience when they don't listen and obey; when they have stubborn will and awful attitude
...care when they can't care for themselves. Every time of the day, every day.
...compassion for their inexperience when they don't know any better.
...lots and lots of teaching right from wrong and empathy for their mistakes. 
...wisdom to let them go and be independent while carefully watching over. 
...sound judgement when to punish and when to have mercy. 
...kindness in every word we say. 
...goodness and grace. 
...understanding of their little minds and how God designed them.
...tenderness for their fragile soul and impressionable spirit.
...affection and smiles. 

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;  does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
(1 Corinthians 13:4–8)

Love takes much effort on our part and doesn't come easy because, let's face it, we are selfish human beings.
It's hard to give love as a parent without having a constant source to receive from.
This is why God's love to us, people, is such an important part of His existence. He loves us every time we mess up, every time we leave Him and don't obey Him; every time we make mistakes and are unkind. We bring turmoil on ourselves and still ask Him to help us and guide us. And He does.
Truly God's love is amazing!

As a mom, I know that I cannot love my child as much as God loves him. I cannot come even close in understanding, kindness, compassion and wisdom that God has with us but I can try.
It isn't easy and every day grind gets to me.
I fail. I ask His forgiveness. 
I try again to be the best mother I could be. To show my little boy what love really means and how give it to others. How to live it and show love in my everyday life.

October 1, 2013

One Heart

 MUNCHKIN #1                     +                         MUNCHKIN #2



Over the weekend hubby and I (finally!) got a chance to get away from the daily grind. It was a long awaited but short-lived vacation that we both very much needed. 
One thing I did not expect is to miss my baby so much. 
This little munchkin of mine completely stole my heart. 

My sister was gracious enough to watch Jonathan and, although I trust her completely, I was anxious. The night before we were supposed to leave, I couldn't sleep, was super worried and doubting the entire idea.
 I honestly did not think it was going to be this difficult to leave him behind. For just one night, mind you.

I've read countless stories of mothers who had to leave their child over night (or two) and how they were driving away in tears. I thought that those mothers were taking it a tad too far. Why wouldn't you want to leave your kid somewhere to escape for couple of days? 
You do. Really. You need to.
But when it comes time to leave, you doubt and feel guilty and just about to cry. 

You brought the little munchkin into the world and that heart is a huge part of you.
No matter where, no matter how far away, he will forever and always be with you.
He's a little part of both of us.

Who do you think he looks like?

September 26, 2013

Everybody Gets The Sniffles

sweater, belt: Gap
skirt: Talbots
flats, watch: Target
It is the season for vicks and humidifiers. 
We got the sniffles in this house and I guess there is just no way of getting around it. We tried to look like it's not happening, stayed away from all the sickly people but, alas, we are here.
Runny noses and teary eyes. Mommy and baby are both sitting in the living room and planing on doing absolutely nothing today. 
There were plans and there were aspirations.
We even thought to venture out to the farmer's market today. 
All that's happening today is lots of hugs, chest rubs, hot tea and watching chick flicks... 
Hope you have a great day! 

P.S. Stay away from sickly people. 

September 25, 2013

The Mistakes We Make

blouse: Vince Camuto
skirt watch: Target
purse: Kate Spade
shoes: Tahari
glasses: DKNY
I'm the type of person who has played it safe all my life. I haven't made any 'big', life-altering mistakes and stayed on the 'good girl'side. But there are plenty of times when I have made a mess.

The worst mistake that I made was in 10th grade. No really. I was taking my Russian language exam (should be easy right?) but was too distracted with church activities (ready: lazy) to write an essay on a topic of my choice. I went online and downloaded a good looking (too perfect) paper about the last Tsar in Russia and submitted it. So dumb! Did I really think I wouldn't get caught? 
The thing is that I could write a stellar paper in Russian language without any problems. 
But I was lazy and ignorant, thinking I was better then anyone else, that I wouldn't get caught.

Upon receiving the paper, the grading teacher, of course, knew I copied it off internet. She was really kind to give me another chance instead of reporting me for cheating. I was so embarrassed and felt HORRIBLE. Which I should.
I went home and wrote the paper (all by myself) without telling a soul about what happened and received 98% on the exam.
I told this story to only one person and kept this moment of shame to myself. 

What's the lesson(s)?
First no matter what, do what's right.  And not just because you will get caught but because it is the right thing to do. 
Second, learn from your mistakes. I learned that mercy trumps judgement; that giving people second ( and third) chances will humble them and teach them life's greatest lessons.
God gives us second (and third, fourth... and millionth) chance to change and we still mess up. Thank goodness for His mercy.
The mistakes we make help shape us into the people we are today. 

September 23, 2013

What We Are Up To

I thought instead of boring you with a minute by minute update on what's going on (who needs another one of those?) I'll summarize it for ya.
Here it goes. Only the important stuff ;-)

Making : a ton of DIY projects. Started a million of them but how many will I finish?
Cooking eggs Benedict every morning. I have to lay off the Holaindaise
Drinking : water out of fancy glass bottle. even with a weeknight dinner it feels a bit grown up and we like it
Reading: between pages of marriage and baby books. Must. Know. It. All.
Wanting: a vacation
Looking: at my baby trying to stand up all by himself 
Playing: with his shoes. they are just so fascinating and it's like a new toy every time
Wasting: time on Pinterest
Sewing: a dress I found in thrift store which was too big on me. 
Wishing: for summer days to stay longer.
Enjoying: family time when daddy gets home. especially when Jonathan goes to sleep and I get him all to myself
Waiting: for the weekend. exciting stuff is happening
Liking: my new brightly colored wall in the kitchen
Wondering: when Jonathan will start walking
Loving: the changing foliage 
Hoping: for a mild winter
Marvelling: at God's goodness, love and mercy everyday. it still amazes me 
Needing: more time in a day 
Smelling: the last rose in my garden
Wearing: lots of fall colors 
Following: too many blogs
Noticing: how old I'm getting
Knowing: that this time will never come back and Jonathan will never be this little again. sad face
Thinking: about Sunday message
Feeling: tired
Bookmarking: cooking magazines
Opening: curtains every morning and letting sunshine in
Giggling: with my sister and mama. best time ever
Feeling: my cold toes. always

Got the idea from this lady

September 20, 2013


top: Target
jeans: Tommy Hilfiger
shoes: Aerosoles
clutch: TJMaxx
glasses: DKNY
Blogtember Challenge Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort. 

As a fashionista, I often ignore comfort in the name of good looks. In life, I crave comfort and surround myself with things that put me at ease. 

Honestly, I can't even count how many times I have worn shoes that were killing my feet only because they looked good; or froze half to death, again, for the same reason. I think that stage was part of growing up and now that I'm getting a little older (or maybe wiser) I'm more about comfort and happiness. Even my outfits becoming more practical and I'm all about sweaters and comfy flats.

Last week hubby and I were heading out for a date night, it was a little chilly out. I wanted to wear a cozy top with jeans but he was asking me to wear something sexy. I just told him that I would like to stay as comfortable as possible and, get this, didn't even want to wear heels. Part of it maybe we are getting too familiar with each other, or just plain lazy.

Comfort is something people look for and usually find it within the walls of their home. Although, it's easy to go from being comfortable to becoming a slob, especially with someone as close to you as your spouse. 
It's a delicate balance.

Is it possible to be comfortable and look good at the same time? 
So far it has proven itself a little difficult. 
What do you think, ladies (and gents)?

September 18, 2013

Life Lately, In Pictures

This is our life. 
This smiling face, curious gaze and lots of kisses.

Have a great day!

September 17, 2013

Not Perfect

top: H&M
skirt: Talbots
shoes: Calvin Klein
glasses: DKNY
 This may come as shock to some of you, but I'm not perfect. (sarcasm)
There are days when I honestly don't want to get out of bed, stay in my PJs all day, , forget to change my kid's diaper and don't even bother to brush my teeth (I know, gross).
We all have those days.

Behind the pictures of outfits and perfectly polished clothes, I don't want to seem fake. 
At times I have struggles and I do fail.
I struggle to keep within my monthly budget (currently considering getting in trouble with my budget to get these bad boys), have emotional meltdowns and altogether bad days. Even my perfectly worded monthly posts about Jonathan's well being sometimes don't come out that easy, especially after a long day of cranky babe and no sleep.
 It's real life and life isn't perfect. 

Sometimes, I have a hard time with the concept of imperfection.
I get into the mode and try to show this perfect image of who I am (perfectionist) and forget to be real. Of course, I try to be as honest as possible but really, who's life is perfect?

You cannot judge someone else' life by their Insta account and Facebook updates. There is just so much more to it and when we don't see the entire picture and what's going on behind the scenes, it's easy to get discouraged. But today, in my perfectly imperfect life I'm at peace with who I am and where God has me.
Thank you Lord for this imperfect life.

September 13, 2013

Jonathan //7 months//

How fast does the time fly! 
When you were born and I was constantly nursing you and changing your diapers every two seconds, it felt like the routine would never end. Yet here we are seven months later with you sitting, eating solids, desperately trying to crawl and talk.

Your bottom two teeth came in just the other day without fever, drool or much wining. The night before, you woke up about five times and I was getting aggravated and tired of it. After picking you up the third time, changing your diaper and nursing you, I decided it's time for you to sleep. You wined for a little bit and fell asleep. An hour later you woke up again, and then again. I bet it was probably uncomfortable but you got through it.

You are really trying to crawl and most of the time just want to stand up. Last night you took your first step on all fours and daddy and I about to have had a party. You are so active and curious, always looking and exploring things. 

You have the most adorable and funniest laugh. We play and cuddle, I read to you and make animal noises and you just crack yourself up. 

Most nights you sleep 8pm - 7am but if you had a lot to eat, you do wake up once in the early morning with a super soaked diaper. I change you quick and put you back to sleep, after a quick nursing session.

You are easy going and happy kid unless you are a) hungry b) tired c) have a dirty diaper. If all of the above are done, then you are a happy camper. Although, you still don't want to hold your bottle on your own.

You love taking walks with me. Every morning when we go for our stroll, you just look around and don't make a peep. About half an hour into it, your start getting tired and fall asleep. I get my exercise and you get your nap.

Daddy and you have a special bond going on. Your father loves spending time with you and playing with you. You are his 'little buddy' which is always sweet to see.

You are in 12 months clothes now and growing by the minute it seems. I don't know if you are even going to fit into the clothes I bought you for the winter. Your weight is average but with height you are in 75th percentile.

You still love to nurse and be near me. I love to hold you when you are sleepy and almost falling asleep on my chest, sweetly sighing and closing your eyes. I put you on my shoulder and press my cheek against your soft baby skin and just don't want to let you go. I want to capture and sear that moment into my brain to remember it and hold it in my heart forever.
 I love this stage and want to just stop the time and enjoy your sweet little smiles with two little teeth, and hold you in my arms a little longer, before you try to run away.

Love always,
 mom and dad

September 12, 2013

The Next Best Thing

tee, flats: Target
pants: Gap
clutch: TJMaxx
This fall, camo print is the new 'it' pattern. I personally don't like the print (ex. here and here) and think it doesn't really belong with regular clothes. But who am to dictate fashion trends? 

Well, the next best thing would be olive green and that, my friends, is the next best thing to the ever-so-popular craze over camo. I love how it easily pairs with anything and goes really well with fall colors. 
Also, how about the bell bottoms? I'm loving these pants and I don't care if I look like I'm from the 90s.
 At least my hair is fancy (even if I'm just going grocery shopping).

Tomorrow, Jonathan is turning seven months and I'm the point where I honestly want the time to stop. I love this stage and his curious little mind. I wish my sweet little boy would stay this small a little longer and can't even write his seven months post without tearing up. 
I'm a big gushy mama mess.
I'm going to go and kiss those cute little cheeks and squeeze him a little extra hard tonight.
Hope you have yourself a great day!

September 10, 2013

Change For Better

top: The Limited
skirt: Calvin Klein
shoes: Kate Spade
clutch: DIY
glasses: DKNY
As part of Blogtember  today we are supposed to describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn. 
I have to say that the most dramatic point in my life was switching continents. One thing is to move to a country that's very similar to yours, has the same language or at least you feel comfortable in. 

Another thing is to move across the globe (with only eight suitcases for a family of four), learn a new language (start a blog in that language), get yourself accustomed to mew culture (what's Seinfeld? how do you play baseball?), change all your eating habits (gain 15 pounds while you at it) and still succeed doing all that and more. It definitely changed my life. So far, it has been a change for better and I'm grateful for it

On a totally different note...

Sometimes it's hard to be a style blogger and not to feel like everyone else has stylish and latest clothes while you do not. I mean, my budget is very limited. 
I've been trying to style my clothes in a new and exciting way, while drawing inspiration from all the great bloggers out there. I'm also doing couple DIY projects and re-organizing my closet.

Saturday I did a MAJOR closet clean out and got moved all the clothes that I don't wear or don't like anymore out. It was a monumental decision.
I'm going minimalistic.

Basically everything I haven't worn in a year has gotten tossed, and everything that I still like but can't fit into yet was put away into summer clothes box. The clothes that I love but are too big got put away into maternity box (yes, probably going to have more kids).

My sister came over to do some 'shopping' in my closet, and I'm selling the rest of it here. Maybe you would like to Shop My Closet and score some great deals?
Hope you are being inspired by all the stylish bloggers out there while re-mixing your clothes in a new  and exciting way.
Have a great day!

September 9, 2013

Fall Trends To Try

(above, left from top down: blackcamosilver toedtwo-toned, right from top down: orange,
 leopard - LOVE)

(above: necklacenail polishblazerdresswaxed denimcordsbagflats - LOVE)

Welcome to the new week!
If you are anything like me, you are probably already doing your fall shopping and scouting the web for great deals. It's that time again.
This fall new trends are coming into the fashion world but at the same time, a lot of tried and true are here to stay. Polka dots and burgundy are still in but we are seeing more casual pieces of clothing becoming fancy. Pretty sweatshirts embroided with everything from jewels to lace, sportswear making its way into office wear, and pointed flats make the casual shoe ever so glam.
I'm loving the new trends but still keeping the old things in heavy rotation this season. I'm planning on adding a couple of things from each selection. I especially love the burgundy color and the warm dressy sweatshirts.
Are you going to be adding any new fall trends?
What's your favorite?

P.S. I've added a new page to my blog! Now you can SHOP MY CLOSET and score some great deals... Happy shopping!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!

All photos are a property of Good Life Blog

September 6, 2013

That One Time I Was REALLY Afraid

Blogtember Day 4: A story about a time you were very afraid.

While I was thinking about this topic, I could think of only one time in my life when I was scared. For real. 

When I was pregnant with Jonathan, I had all these different ideas in my head on how his birth is going to be. Every Braxton-Hicks contraction gave me butterflies and I thought that 'this is it'. But they never progressed and at my last check up I wasn't dilated at all.

Doctor told me I could wait another day or two which, given my current situation, probably wouldn't help. Or I could get induced. I really, really, really did NOT want to get induced. After careful discussion and consideration hubby and I decided to go for induction. You can read Jonathan's full birth story here

On the day we were scheduled to be at the hospital, I really didn't sleep much. We got up, had brunch and made sure that my hospital bag was packed to its maximum capacity. I had laptop and movies, snacks and magazines (oh how naive I was) and pretty much everything else did not need. After packing everything into the car, tiding up the house and doing my make up and hair (I had to take some last minute pictures ok?), we were ready to go. 

I still had doubts about our decision but tried to be optimistic and talk myself into it. In my mind I was listing every reason why this was a good idea and why we didn't want to wait any longer, but I was afraid.

I was scared to death of the pain that was coming. It's like seeing a train coming your way and knowing it's going to hit you but not being able to do anything about it. It's going to hurt. A lot. That's the way it is.

I was afraid of the unknown. I haven't been through this before and not knowing what's coming was the worst part of this whole ordeal (being the control freak that I am). 

I was nervous that I'm going to chicken out and get an epidural (which I did). I knew that my pain tolerance was very low and the side affects of epi are great. Nevertheless, the stories I've heard about the pain, made me consider it even more.

I was afraid of all the complications and every horror birth story kept coming to my mind (that's what you get for reading a million blogs). 

I was afraid of something happening to the baby and him having some kind of physical or mental defect. I was so scared that I will blame and will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. 

I was afraid that although my husband was there with me, he couldn't help me much. I felt so alone and scared, that all I kept doing the entire ride was holding on to his hand and praying.

That fifteen minute ride to the hospital felt like an eternity and my heart rate was going up with every mile passed by. I was nervous, anxious and jittery which probably wasn't helping the situation. 

The only thing that helped me get through was to get my mind off those things. Even praying wasn't helping because I kept listing and asking the Lord to make sure that none of those afro mentioned things happen, which send me into a mental freak out every time.

It was the scariest time of my life. 
But it was worth it.
I know we made the best decision we could make at the time and I had a perfectly healthy baby in my arm, which I thank God for everyday.

September 5, 2013


Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

I think the best lessons we learn are taught by life itself. No matter how much can someone explain or tell you something, unless you've gone through it yourself, it really doesn't stick. Ya know?

The best advice that I can ever give is the one I've learned myself, from personal experience. I've learned this the hard way - from hurt and tears.
Always remember to love others.

 "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" Matthew 22:39

There is enough hurt, pain and evil in this world that we, Christians, don't need to add to it. God called us to peace, love and joy and that should be our main goal. 
Loving others isn't easy. It takes patience, character and caring attitude; it's something we learn over time. 

Love brings out best in people and helps them really shine through. Love softens our hearts and makes us stronger while showing others that we truly do care. And isn't that the best thing in the world, knowing that someone cares?

There were always enough judges, teachers and disciplinarians to keep everyone in check but there isn't enough people willing to love others. 
Just love them for who they are and really care for them. 

Love is the only thing that everyone is looking for but very few get to experience.
Love people, showing them love of God.


top, hat: Target
shorts: J.Crew
wedges: Kate Spade
bag: Nine West
The days are still very warm but we are softly transitioning into fall. I'm trying to get every last bit of sunshine but wanting to embrace autumn colors and clothes, struggle with what to wear now. I see so many style bloggers pull out their jackets while I hesitate even to put on a blazer. 

I love this time of year but find it hard to balance the warmer temperatures with fall trends. It's a bit too warm for wool, leather and sweatshirts just yet. 
So I'm making my summer clothes work for my transitional wardrobe as I slowly pull out warmer clothes and mix it up a little.

Tip: wear your summer shorts with a three quarter sleeve and a hat for a more sophisticated look. Also, incorporate darker colors like black, brown, purple and burgundy, making those summer pieces shine in a whole new light.

Enjoy the last bit of summer!
It's going to be gone before we know it.