June 11, 2012

The Pressure of Being Perfect

top: American Eagle, jeans: Loft, wedges: Adrienne Vittadini, belt: Target
necklace: Calvin Klein, bag: Kate Spade NY

I have to admit, I'm a perfectionist. Hubby is somewhat too, only he denies the whole thing. Lately, I've been feeling more pressure then usual to be perfect - perfect wife, perfect daughter, perfect church-goer, perfect you name it. 
I have found myself spinning in a cycle of expectations left by someone else. From clothes to goals in life - there is just so many expectations. 
I have an image, more like an idea in my head, what should a good wife, sister, daughter, friend, blogger, Christian, teacher, employee do. It's the awful feeling of never living up to everyone else's expectations, not being good enough and always, always trying to be perfect. 
But what's worse, I expect only better then best from myself and sometimes life becomes unbearable.
So in an effort to have a life, I daily need to remind myself that life is NOT perfect at all. Life is full of mistakes, messes and disappointments. 
The problem with being perfect is that you are never enough. But being yourself, being your imperfect perfect self is just that - perfect.

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