Showing posts with label Bump Style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bump Style. Show all posts

July 29, 2015

Maternity Shoot + 40 Week Bumpdate

dress: Nordstrom (similar)
bracelet: TJMaxx (similar)
flower crown:DIY

How Far Along: 40 Weeks 1 day

Total Weight Gain: 27 lbs

Clothes:  running out of things to wear and currently living in one pair of shorts and oversized t-shirts. 

Sleep: I can barely get through 2 hours without having to move or go to the bathroom. I go between couch and bed all night long. 

Miss Anything: a glass of wine, fitting into normal clothes and not feeling like an elephant

Cravings: no craving but making lots of excuses for eating whatever I want right now. 

Symptoms: Lots of contractions, some are real that come for a few hours than stop. We are moving in the right direction just not as fast I would like. 

Belly Button/Body Changes:  Belly button popped and that's something new. My butt hasn't gained any weight as I can fit into my normal size 6 for the bottoms - yay me!   

Mood: Definitely moody and hungry. Bad combination and add to that pregnancy hormones. 

Best Moment This Week:  When the doctor told me we are making progress and possibly will have this baby sooner than later.

Looking Forward to:  holding our baby girl. I have everything set up, washed, packed and ready to go. Cannot wait to finally be done with the pregnancy!

Exercise: Walking at least a 1 mile every day. 

On My Mind: I have a very negative attitude right now and that's bad. I had almost no hope when going in for my last prenatal check up that things weren't moving along. But the doctor seemed to think I will be able to deliver on my own. I want to have a VBAC but being late is not something that goes with successful delivery. I have prayed today for God to help me be patient and for Him to have his hand over this delivery. I know that there is very little we can do about the timing and He has it all in his hands. It seems that 9 months fly by so fast but than the last few days come to a screeching halt and all you want to do is to get the baby out. I'm definitely tired of being pregnant but what's a few days with years ahead? A drop in a bucket! Here is to a safe and easy delivery!

P.S. I'm guest posting over at Elegance and Mommyhood today! Check it out!

July 27, 2015

Family Photos

If anything was keeping this babe from showing up, were our family photos. I've been a huge procrastinator this time around, waiting until I was 39+ weeks pregnant to do a belly family shoot. Honestly, I'm glad we finally got that done and she can come any minute. Please say a prayer for this mama who's more than ready to get the show on the road. Have a great Monday and the rest of your week!

July 22, 2015

Denim x Deniim

top: Tahari
vest: Gap
shorts: Pink Blush Maternity c/o
bag: Amazon
flats: TJMaxx (similar)
hat: TJMaxx  (similar here or here under $15)
watch: Kate Spade (also these are on huge sale )

Hello lovelies. Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I'm trying to stay busy and keep up on my projects around the house, making time fly by faster. Although the heat and constantly being on my feet isn't doing me any favors. Yesterday I shared my favorite (very useful) products for surviving the third trimester (check them out here). But by far the most important thing is to keep hydrated especially during summer. Hope all you pregnant ladies are doing well and all the none pregnant ladies, say a prayer for us.

July 15, 2015

Stripes All Around

dress: Jules and Jim
heels: Jessica Simpson (similar here or here)
bag: Amazon (similar current style)
sunglasses: Choies
watch: Kate Spade 

Let's talk about how comfortable and amazing this dress is. I have had it for a while and loved wearing it every chance I get. It has a lining that sits on the figure so nice and doesn't cling to all the wrong places. It's very light and I love the color combo. Amazon has so many different maternity brands and I found Jules and Jim Maternity to have really good quality. Check them out!

Between Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (which will open to public on Friday July17th) and Amazon Prime Day (which is today July 15th) there are so many tempting deals! I love that Amazon and Nordstrom both have free shipping as most of the time I don't know if the stuff is going to fit me and how it's going to look in person. Especially being pregnant, I've bought (and returned) whole bunch of stuff with Amazon and Nordstrom. So if you are looking for something and not sure, it's OK to order a few sizes and than send the wrong stuff back. If you don't have Amazon Prime yet, it's totally worth investing into - add countless video and music streaming to the free shipping and returns, and it's a must. Happy Shopping! 

Shop Jules and Jim Maternity

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July 13, 2015

Printed Navy

dress: MK (thrifted) see more options below
cardigan: Talbots
espadrille: Kate Spade (similar)
bag: Ivanka Trump
aviators: Tory Burch
watch: Fossil

As you may have heard (or maybe you haven't) Nordstrom is having its annual Anniversary Sale. The store is putting up its fresh and new fall/winter merchandise for sale for a limited time. After that, the prices will go back up until after the season is over. The internets (i.e. bloggers) are going nuts over it. Nordstrom has this early access thing for all the cardholders for about a week and later the rest of us mere mortals can shop it too. I do not own Nordstrom credit card, neither do I want to. First of all, I don't have that much money to spend on designer items that (may) sell out, and second, I can wait a few days.
Well, in case you can't wait, you can sign up for credit card (HERE) and than shop your heart out. But on Friday when the doors will be open to the public, you better make sure you have your shopping list ready, because things will go fast for sure. Come back tomorrow for my best picks from the sale (most items I pick will be under $100, including designer apparel). Let me do the digging for you so that all you have to do is shop the best items Friday. Are you ready? Get your wallet out girlfran!

Shop Navy Dresses

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July 9, 2015

Rose Print

dress: ASOS (similar)
bag: Ivanka Trump
sandals: BCBG (similar)
jewelry: gift from husband 

Don't let the pretty dress and high heels full you - I'm quite miserable at this point. The baby feels very low and I have a lot PGP, it's hot outside and my feet are swollen. I have heartburn and can barely sleep even though I don't eat later than 7. I have been experiencing mild contractions and some very high/low emotional swings. So basically, I'm a typical very pregnant woman although it feels like this will never end. I know, I shouldn't be complaining and just enjoying this time to myself but I want this baby out. Then I hear a lot of people saying that if the first one was late, the second one may be too and that I should have chosen C-section this time too, which is totally discouraging. I'm trying to keep my spirits up with my daily prayers for the Lord to have his hand over this baby and give me grace during labor and delivery. Come out and play baby girl!

Shop Floral Dresses

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