September 26, 2017
When You're Letting Go of a Piece of Your Heart {Motherhood}
August 18, 2017
Contentment is a Great Gain in the Eyes of Jesus
Have you ever thought that you got it? Have you ever felt like there is one area in your life where, really, you are on top of things? You are doing the thing you are supposed to be doing and it's going great. You know God has you in His this exact place and time and it feels so good. Then, just as you were settling into your comfy spot and petting yourself on the back for a job well done, you get the wind knocked out of you. You wonder, what just happened? Everything was going so well.
We are called into a life where the 'righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness' are main possessions we should boast about. Unfortunately we all fall into the trap and temptation to seek more earthly desires.
Having good things isn't necessarily wrong but the love of them will take you onto the path of evil. If we desire to be rich and seek possessions with all our might, that path will lead us "into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction".
Lastly, we are in the presence of many witnesses. Whether it's our neighbors, our friends or the people we pass by on the street, we are made witnesses to the Lord. With are grateful attitudes and content hearts, we can either draw people to the Lord or push them away. We are also standing before Jesus and serving Him. If as Christians we still have to work on contentment, the Lord will have to take us through some trials before we learn to have a grateful heart and serve others. In His eyes, we are living the life He wants us to live, He supplies all our needs and gives us necessary things for life. To Jesus our soul is far more precious then any earthly possessions, or fulfillment of our temporary desires. Jesus brought us to this place and He will sustain us, our part is just be thankful and content with the life He chose for us. After all, He knows best and delights in our contentment.
August 7, 2017
Setting Right Priorities Will Make Your Life Blessed
I recently read some discouraging news about a public figure I admired for years. It simply hurts reading that people you thought were strong and faithful, fall prey, yet again, to the age-old attacks from Satan. It's just so discouraging. If they couldn't make it, what are the chances of me making it in the long haul? Slim to none. Yet, I have the Lord on my side, He is the one who guides and leads me through the valley of the shadows.
After I read about yet that couple getting a divorce, I started thinking what went wrong. Why did something that God destined to serve as an eternal example of His love ended up breaking into pieces? Why are they not sticking with it? Why are they not putting more effort? Why quit? Why?
I know I am not perfect. Far from it. I have to constantly remind myself of what's more important and why I'm doing what I'm doing because there plenty reasons to quit. Yet, one of the important things I learned in my life is that priorities are what separates people from successes and failures. The way you set your priorities is what makes you, who you are. Basically, whatever is the most important to you, you will love, cherish, spend time with and invest energy in.
Question: What are the most important things in your life?
I was recently reading a few articles about habits and routines of highly successful people and one thing stood out among all of them. They all make something a priority, make a plan and set out to pursue that goal. They narrow down the most important things and only focus on those, while ignoring the distractions and developing themselves in that direction.
Successful people focus on something and make that a huge priority in their life, then work very, very at getting to the point of achievement. Whatever it may be, emotional, spiritual, financial or social prosperity is a matter of priority. It doesn't necessarily make those priorities right, because people pursue all kinds of things that aren't worth the time. But one thing remains the same - setting priorities in correct order will make your life blessed.
God is looking for people who will put Him first, and I don't mean going to church. Making the Lord a priority, means that everything else will follow only after the relationship with Him is fulfilled. It means you don't start a job, build a family or get a new friend without consulting with the Father. He ultimately is your source of strength and wisdom for all decisions. He is the number one priority in your life.
Priorities are what drives us to pursue the life we will eventually live, blessed or completely destroyed. The choice is up to us.
Managing your time wisely and employing personal discipline to pursue the correct priorities will make all the difference in your life. Putting action into your life towards the goal you set out to pursue will release the blessings God has promised to those who love Him. When we make our relationship with Him a priority, the Lord will bless and prosper us in a way we haven't even imagined. The relationship with Him is absolutely worth it all.
Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities.

November 25, 2015
May 8, 2015
Mother's Day Inspiration {Anna :: Happy Medley}
December 19, 2014
Why We Don't Have an Elf on The Shelf
October 29, 2014
School of Life {God Thoughts}
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A lot of times, we forget how much time and work it takes to get anything good come out of us. No, seriously! The bad habits, awful language and nasty attitude are easy to come by but the good habits, edifying words and sweet attitude are something we have to work on. Work very hard and very long - a life time.
us in difficult circumstances because He wants us to learn something and move on.
Is God teaching you a valuable lesson? Have you gone through difficulties without an understanding of why? Now that you've gone through trials, can you see why God put you through them?
Join the conversation on my FACEBOOK page!
September 24, 2014
Things You Don't Appreciate Until You Have a Toddler
August 11, 2014
Leaving a Child
July 31, 2014
Judge Not
Summer is our favorite time of the year. Jonathan loves all the outdoor activities and spends most of his time running. The shoes take a beating every time he's outside and don't last very long. So, long story short, I found myself at the mall the other day walking from store to store, searching for toddler sandals. Notice that Jonathan hates flip flops. Every time I would try to put them on his feet he would say that they hurt. Apparently retailers forgot how to make regular boy sandals because I could not find even one pair.
Jonathan was completely tired after about an hour of walking around. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find what I was looking for, he didn't want to sit in the stroller but I couldn't let him walk as he would run away. So after another attempt to calm him with a toy and some snacks, I did what I have judged others for - I searched the YouTube for cartoons. The connection in the mall wasn't so great and it was taking a while to load one 15 minute video but it kept him occupied. He was watching a cute Russian cartoon that I have watched as a little girl and being somewhat cooperative. Target came to the rescue with only the very last pair of sandals in his size, and we were on our way home.
It's taking me a while to realize that there are many ways to parent. Some parents let their kids go to bed late and then sleep in the morning, other parents have a bed time and stick with it. Some parents don't have food guidelines and others have strict instructions what their child can and cannot eat. No matter what your parenting style is and no matter how paranoid or laid back you are, I don't judge you. I'm doing the best I can and you are doing the best you can, so we are in the same boat. People come from all sorts of economical and societal backgrounds, having gained the knowledge of what's normal from their parents. If someone has been less fortunate or simply disadvantaged in some areas, it's not my job to criticize their skills and abilities. We, as parents, need to encourage and help each other along because this job is hard enough without someone criticizing me for doing my best.
July 2, 2014
Being a Baby Mama
June 2, 2014
Fear {Motherhood Challenges Series}
Motherhood is a challenging task. It makes you take an honest look at yourself and evaluate who you are as a person. Of course, none of us can reach a point where we have corrected out bad habits to the point of perfection. In addition, every child needs to learn from his parents how to grow, learn from and deal with difficult parts life.
As mothers we face the reality of life every day and want to protect our children so much more but we cannot. What we can do is ask God to cover all our inabilities and insecurities with his love. It's not that we won't make mistakes, but we know that God keeps our children in His hand and in whatever we're lacking, He will fill up. Whatever we can't do, God will finish and whenever we mess up, He will give mercy.
May 14, 2014
Thoughts On Parenting
April 8, 2014
The Gentle Reminder
January 10, 2014
Thoughts On Feeling Like a Failure
I have been thinking a lot about what have I accomplished. Not just in the last year but in my entire life. Looking at other women my age and those even younger, at those with, what seems like, better marriages and celebrity-worthy closets I got jealous. I started feeling pity for myself because I don't have a thousand people following after two years of blogging, every item in my closet does not have a J.Crew label on it, my husband is not a freelance photographer who takes pictures of me for living and my baby's outfits are not Instargam-worthy.
I'm just a married girl with baby in tow who has a blog. I write half legible sentences of incoherent thoughts and post pictures of simple outfits. That's it. I'm not sensational or original. In most cases I look to Pinterest and other blogs for inspiration. I carefully plan out all of my blog outfits and take a million pictures of baby for that one cute grin.
November 18, 2013
Patience {Motherhood Challenges Series}
Many of us come away from the weekend uninspired and just not reay for the week. Others of us have ample amounts of inspiration and ready to conquer the world. Whether you are in the first or the second category, this link up is here is serve as a well of inspiration to all of us. Do you have a great Sunday outfit, or your favorite relaxed weekend look? Or maybe the Sunday message touched your heart and you want to share some wisdom? Be that your post or your bloggging BFF's post or whatever else, join the party and spread some inspiration into the blogosphere.
Here are the rules to enter
1. Folow Happy Medley with one or all of these gadets - GFC, Bloglovin, Instagram or Facebook
2. Grab my button or share the link on your blog
3. Please link up to the specific post and not the main page of the blog.
4. Visit at least one other blog and leave encouraging comments...
1. | Feminine Modesty: 1 Skirt 2 Ways | 2. | Medieval Peasant | 3. | Felicia |
November 11, 2013
Thoughts On Turning Twenty Five + Inspiration Monday
being able to admit that I'm wrong and change
lose sight of what's important
Thank you for reading and God bless!
Join the link-up party below and spread inspirational words and encouragement!
Many of us come away from the weekend uninspired and just not reay for the week. Others of us have ample amounts of inspiration and ready to conquer the world. Whether you are in the first or the second category, this link up is here is serve as a well of inspiration to all of us. Do you have a great Sunday outfit, or your favorite relaxed weekend look? Or maybe the Sunday message touched your heart and you want to share some wisdom? Be that your post or your bloggging BFF's post or whatever else, join the party and spread some inspiration into the blogosphere.
Here are the rules to enter
1. Folow Happy Medley with one or all of these gadets - GFC, Bloglovin, Instagram or Facebook
2. Grab my button or share this link on your blog
3. Please link up to the specific post and not the main page of the blog.
4. Visit at least one other blog and leave encouraging comments...
1. | I Remember | 3. | Small Graces | ||
2. | My Modesty Guidelines | 4. | My Veteran |