Showing posts with label Pink Blush Maternity Wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Blush Maternity Wear. Show all posts

July 22, 2015

Denim x Deniim

top: Tahari
vest: Gap
shorts: Pink Blush Maternity c/o
bag: Amazon
flats: TJMaxx (similar)
hat: TJMaxx  (similar here or here under $15)
watch: Kate Spade (also these are on huge sale )

Hello lovelies. Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I'm trying to stay busy and keep up on my projects around the house, making time fly by faster. Although the heat and constantly being on my feet isn't doing me any favors. Yesterday I shared my favorite (very useful) products for surviving the third trimester (check them out here). But by far the most important thing is to keep hydrated especially during summer. Hope all you pregnant ladies are doing well and all the none pregnant ladies, say a prayer for us.

May 29, 2015

32 Week Bumpdate

shorts: Pink Blush Maternity c/o (similar non maternity)
flats: J.Crew (similar)
bag: Amazon (similar, also love this one)
watch: Kate Spade 
sunglasses: Tory Burch

I can't believe I'm already so far along but it's here! So for those interested in how things are going, here's a little update.

How Far Along: (almost) 32 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs

Gender: it's a girl (for sure!)

Maternity Clothes: whoever invented jeans with stretchy waist band should be awarded a Nobel peace prize. Nobel because it's freaking genius and peace because it keeps the peace in our house as I actually have something to wear.  

Sleep: It's getting uncomfortable! I don't like the body pillow for some reason - it's huge and I feel like it takes up more space than helps me. I constantly wake up and have to go tinkle. Yay for the beginning of sleepless nights!

Miss Anything: a glass of wine, fitting into normal clothes and not feeling like an elephant

Cravings: my first pregnancy I wasn't really craving anything but this time around it's two things - apple juice and smoked salmon. I could drink apple juice all day long if it didn't have so much sugar in it and eat salmon for breakfast lunch and dinner. 

Symptoms: I'm carrying much lower this time, by how my clothes fit and not sure if that's a second baby or post C-section thing. Definitely feel more tired and back to napping every day. Also I have a ton of Braxton-Hicks contractions (at least 5-10 a day) and hope that's a good thing

Belly Button/Body Changes:  Belly button popped and that's something new. My butt hasn't gained any weight as I can fit into my normal size 6 for the bottoms - yay me!   

Mood: I think I'm doing OK with mood swings but anything sweet or touchy gets me emotional. I almost teared up when hubby washed the floors without me asking. Yeah, hormones are going nuts!

Best Moment This Week:  My favorite is when Jonathan kisses the baby as we lounge in bed in the morning - he is so sweet about it!

Looking Forward to: enjoying the next few weeks as a mom of one and spending some quality time with Jonathan. I will definitely miss it when she arrives but I'm sure it will be a good kind of different.

Exercise: I picked up walking three times a week (about 2 miles). It's getting harder and harder to push the stroller up the hill but I'm determined to stick to it. No pain, no gain right? Especially because I do not want to be late again, although I'm praying God will give me patience either way.

On My Mind:  during my last pregnancy I gained the most weight last couple of weeks. At this point I'm super cautious about what I eat and try not to give myself any excuses to indulge. Also, I have a lot of weddings and events to go to so that keeps me motivated to look good. Oh and you know, putting pictures of yourself on the internet kind of helps the matter as well. ha!
I'm praying for an easy delivery that's on time and no C-section. I know Lord has it in His hands but I also know that I need courage. I've been back and forth with the VBAC thing and I'm kind of scared to go for it. Besides having that worry, I think this pregnancy has been going extremely smooth and I'm so thankful for it.

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May 25, 2015

Mint Floral Bump

dress: Pink Blush Maternity (non maternity options here and for plus size here )
shoes: BCBG (similar here /on sale/ and here)
bag: Ivanka Trump 
I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the holiday festivities. We had a few family gatherings, ate too much food and finally confirmed that it is a GIRL we are expecting with second ultrasound. I don't know how it is I'm having exactly the same pregnancy as last time but the baby is different gender. I'm excited about all the pink coming our way though! Here is to two more months until we meet our baby girl!
As soon as Pink Blush Maternity put this mint floral dress up on their website, I wanted it. It's so perfect for spring and summer! The dress is light and airy, has a nice slip layer and looks good with lot of different shoe and bag options (see my first look with this dress here). I think it will be great even after I have the baby!

Link Up: The Mummy Chronicles 

Shop Mint Floral Dresses

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May 18, 2015

5 Tips For Staying in Shape During Pregnancy

tank: Target
cardigan: Target
sneakers: New Balance
sunglasses: Tory Burch

When it comes to pregnancy, our society has given a no-limit, all-excuses fly, don't-tell-her-what-to-eat pass to women. For some reason, when a woman is growing a human being, it's OK for her to give in to every single craving, over indulge and watch her body become a shapeless mess. Yes, I know, trust me! I've been there. I ate way too many chicken sandwiches and crepes during my first pregnancy and gained too much weight (while doctors said nothing). This time around it's very different - I diligently watch what I eat, exercise, don't give into cravings and keep on top of my fluid intake . Here are some of my tips for keeping the weight gain under control.

1. Drink Water. Drinking plenty of water (not juice, not smoothies or lattes, just plain old water) will keep all those extra calories away from you. A few calories here, another there and drinks can add up to a hefty amount of your daily calorie intake. Stick to water. If you can't do plain, infuse it with fruits and citrus, which is a great way to detox your body of all the unhealthy stuff, without causing damage to the baby.

2. Cut Back on Salt. When people think pregnancy cravings, they imagine ice cream and cupcakes. I'll take smoked salmon and clam chowder any day over the cakes and pastries. It's my weakness. Salt retains fluid and makes you thirsty, causes edema and unnecessary weight gain. I have cut back significantly on amount of salt I put into my food (husband always complains that everything is under salted - good for me though). I don't salt my scrambled eggs if I know I'll be putting ketchup over them and avoid overly salty snacks like chips, salted nuts and cheese.

3. Skip One Complex Carb a Day. I love my bread as much as the next girl and can't live without potatoes but I have been trying to go one meal without any kind of complex carbohydrates (fruits don't count). If I know I will be having mashed potatoes for dinner, I won't have toast with my breakfast. If have croissant for lunch, I will skip starch during dinner time and load up on salad and protein.

4. Eat Healthy Snacks. I fall off the wagon plenty of times, but my day to day go-to snack is plain yogurt loaded with fruits, or simple granola (not the one drenched in chocolate or peanut butter). Also, I'm a big lover of fruits so I load up on those whenever I feel hungry. The key here is not to treat fruits as free pass, they still have calories and sugar. Have just a little bit to satisfy your craving and make sure to drink plenty again.

5. Do Some Kind of Moderate Exercise. When I say moderate, I mean, get up and walk, park further away from the store and take stairs instead of elevator. Every time an opportunity to move arrives, take it and welcome it instead of complaining about having to get off the couch. Either it's palates or simply taking a walk around the neighborhood, move that booty more rather than less. You will thank me later. 

I don't deprive myself of any certain food group but eat everything in moderation. If I have a pistachio cupcake, I have just one and don't add sugar/honey to my tea. If I buy smoked salmon, I don't salt the eggs and have only 1/2 of the toast. It's all about portion control. Every day, every time you sit down to eat or open your cupboard think how is it going to benefit your body and what exactly are you putting inside. Trust me, it's a lot easier to keep the weight off than try to loose it when the baby arrives and you have absolutely no time for yourself. I learned it the hard way so take it from me, instead

Link Up: DC in Style

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May 4, 2015

Maxed Out

dress: Pink Blush Maternity c/o, hat: J.Crew  (also similar), bag: TJMaxx (similar), glasses: Kate Spade, watch: Kate Spade
Welcome to another week, to our vacation week! I'm excited to relax and spend some time with family, doing nothing and eating lots of delicious food. Good thing I don't have to suck anything in at this point. Ha! I love this new dress that I received from Pink Blush Maternity because it's super comfortable and makes me feel so feminine. It's perfect for the time you need to get dressed and not think about it. Hope you have a great day and thank you for stopping by!

May 1, 2015

Paisley Print Bump

top: Sheinside c/o, jeans: Pink Blush Matenrity c/o, pumps: Nine West, satchel: Ralph Lauren, sunglasses: Kate Spade, watch: Kate Spade
There is always so much work to do before a vacation. Between errands, packing and cleaning the house (I hate coming back to a mess) it's been non stop here. And of course, my pregnant brain forgets half of what I need to do, as well as my to-do list after I leave home. Ha! At least it's gorgeous out and we are enjoying the sunshine while out and about. Hope you have a great weekend!

April 30, 2015

Floral Maternity Dress

dress: Pink Blush Maternity c/o (similar non maternity options here and here), jacket: Target (similar), flats: TJMaxx old (similar here and here), bag: Amazon (also love this one

Hello lovelies! This post is brought to you by tired and simply exhausted preggo. Between household chores, errands. my part time job and a toddler, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. But it's all about to change as we are taking a family vacation next week - beach bum life here I come! Speaking of sunshine, doesn't this dress just scream summer and warmth? This print is my favorite and it has room for growth which is encouraging since I will need to wear something for the next two months. Thanks for stopping by!

Link Up: Living in Color

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April 29, 2015


skirt: NY&Co (similar), tank: Pink Blush Matenity c/o, jacket: thrifted (similar here and here), pumps: Target, bag: Amazon

If you think about how many changes a woman's body goes through while she's pregnant, it's simply amazing. From the expanding abdomen that's capable of accommodating a baby of any size (or a few) to how her bones shift to give way for the baby. The baby is getting everything he or she needs through mother without mother's knowledge or help. It's so fascinating! Every time I feel the baby move I'm simply amazed at the fact that I'm carrying a life inside of me. A brand new life that was created and given to me to bring into this world. How amazing is that? It is truly a miracle and I cannot wait to see our little baby girl!

Current Sales

LOFT - extra 40% OFF sale items 

Ann Taylor - 40% OFF dresses and skirts 

J.Crew - 40% OFF all sale items

Nordstrom - up to 40% OFF handbags

Shopbop - up to 70% OFF designer sample sale

Neiman Marcus - spend $200 get $50 OFF, spend $400 get $100 OFF.

Piperlime - 50% OFF everything until 4/30 

Target - save 15% OFF $75 or more on all baby blankets, bedding and decor
up to 20% OFF carseats, strollers and travel systems
up to 25% OFF indoor and outdoor furniture 

Kate Spade NY - 50% OFF or more on select items

Link Ups: The Book of LeisureThe Pleated Poppy,
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!