August 16, 2012

Here & Now {Guest Post}

Hi there. I'm taking a little impromptu vacation with my hubby so while I'm gone, I have one of my favorite down-to-earth bloggers filling in for me. Without further ado, here is Jessica.

Hello Happy Medley readers! I am Jessica from Here&Now where I blog about my daily outfits, adventures in building a stylish wardrobe (aka shopping), and of course my fur baby, Doug the Pug. I am so excited to be joining you guys over here!

It is that time of year... I am over my Summer clothes, and drooling about the new Fall collections popping up on shelves everywhere... what's a girl to do!?
Shop smart for transition pieces... items that can still be worn in hot weather (who wants to wait to wear new purchases!?), but will get plenty of love come cooler months as well... when shopping for end of Summer/Fall clothes, think about items that layer, have classic color palettes, and are easily mixable into what you already have in your closet....
just that easy huh!?
Well here are some of my tips, and outfits for your inspirational pleasure 

(oh and almost all of these items are at amazing price points... who wants to only get 1 or 2 items off of their Fall wish list... let's stock up!)
{Fall Florals: skinny floral jeans}

Yes, florals were big for Spring/Summer and (if you can believe it) are continuing will full force into Fall. Pick up a pair of skinny floral jeans in more muted colors and enjoy remixing them with easy basics and full of personality accessories

{Hot Dots: Polka dot dress}
colorful scarf + neutral clutch + basic booties

Polka dots... get ready to see them everywhere. Polka dot pieces from Old Navy to J.Crew are already selling out quickly... so go ahead and jump on the trend, it's here for another season. Polka dots can be playful with a jean vest and girlie flats. Or toughen them up with chic booties. Go a step more and pair your dots with a on trend green army jacket or be super brave and try them with camo!

{Pop of Peplum top}

Oh have you heard of this little piece, it's called a peplum... and it is hot hot hot! Peplums popped up on tops, skirts, and dresses in late Spring and are continuing their trendy up-swing into Fall. My favorite way to wear a peplum top now is with laid-back jorts and cool-girl details. Come fall I can't wait to pair peplum tops with a fuller skirt and spicy accents (à la the ever fashionable Blair of Atlantic-Pacific).

I might be a little biased, but I think all of these items are closet workhorses... and hopefully I can purchase a few smart transitional pieces of my own (got my eye on that polka dot dress!)
What pieces are you eyeing?
Come visit me over on Here&Now anytime!


  1. i love these all! her style is so great - these are all perfect get ups

    have fun on vacation!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

    1. She is an awesome and fun blogger

  2. Cute I love these ideas! And I love Jessica's blog! She always looks fabulous!

    Rachel’s Lookbook

    1. She has a great sense of style!:)

  3. I'm dying to add a peplum top to my wardrobe! I want to invest in some new flats too for fall...I've been eyeing some ZARA pairs :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my group giveaway!

    1. I am a little hesitant to add peplum so going to start with something a little less risky :)

  4. Hi Jess, love her blog! I totally want that polka dot dress, so cute!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. I said the same thing when I saw it... Already picked up two different ones - polka is contagious ;0


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