Showing posts with label Rampage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rampage. Show all posts

August 14, 2013

In Between

tee: Loft
skirt: J.Crew
clutch: H&M
heels: Rampage
My body has been kind of in between lately. You know the stage where you don't have the big belly anymore but not quite back to the pre-pregnancy weight yet? Yep that one.
Until yesterday that is...
I fit into my favorite pair of denim shorts, (not just zipped the fly while not breathing) and I could actually comfortably move in them. It was a long awaited victory.

For some of you ladies, post baby weight loss may come easily and you spring back into shape the moment you pop that baby out, but others (mere mortals like myself) have to work for it. 
You become a mom, have new responsibilities, have another human being fully dependent on you and yet, have to look slim and sexy day two postpartum. Well, give yourselves a break! 
We do a lot and have the hardest job in the world, so if the baby weight isn't off yet, it's OK. 
Since when being a mom became a sexy role anyway? 

I've been really hard on myself. Beating myself up for gaining too much weight during pregnancy, not loosing it fast enough, for not getting everything in the house organized, for not taking Jonathan outside more, for not spending more time with hubby and more. The point is, the list never ends and I still feel overwhelmed no matter how much I got done.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves and our families by trying to be everything for everyone. The most important thing though, is being happy from within. Your family and you will benefit from it more then from seeing skinny, hungry mom running around and having carrot sticks, while miserable.
Put those carrot sticks to good use- make yourself a carrot cake dear. Have a slice. 
Don't you feel better already?
Now go get on that treadmill and work them calories off.