March 8, 2013

Being a Mommy

So this is what happens to a tired, worn out, didn't-get-any-sleep-last-night mommy. Hubby was off yesterday and I had a line up of outfits I wanted to snap for next week but was soooo tired. Around five o'clock when the lighting is perfect for pictures, I could not move. 
Dead tired.
Somehow I managed to shower, visit with a friend, whip up some breakfast and even bake a banana bread all in one day. Whoa! 
Not that I'm trying to pat myself on the back or anything
Well, maybe a little
The childless me used to wonder what do women who stay at home do with their all that free time they have. Surely, you can get so much done. Now I know.
You can't get much of anything done. 
Time just flies and days seem to pass in a blur while you wonder when was the last time you brushed your teeth or ate something.
Thinking about this made me admire women in my life even more. I applaud all those gorgeous girls who while having children manage to look good (that constitutes taking a shower), put a dinner on the table (anything besides fish sticks) and have a life outside of home (be that a job, church or just social club).

So today is your Day lovelies. 
You deserve a day all to yourself with some flowers and maybe a bubble bath without someone pulling at your leg, crying for your boob or tagging at your hand. 

March 7, 2013


sweater: French Connection, blazer: thrifted, jeans: Target Maternity,  boots: TJMaxx, bag: Nine West
I must admit - this outfit should not be granted the time and space on the world wide web. I was only going to Walmart to get some grocery shopping done and later that night came up with a much better version of this outfit. Alas, I'm out of practice and out of touch with my fashionable side. 
Taking outfit pictures three weeks postpartum has its challenges. Try to appear slim(er) and wear the pre-pregnancy clothes while desperately attempting to be stylish again. So there are couple things I've learned from this outfit to avoid for the post-preggos like me.
a// don't wear a turtleneck when you have chubby cheeks. baaad idea
b.. ditch the maternity wear (yay! finally) and maybe get a pair that fits you right now  
c// don't look so stiff. 
d// try to comb your hair so it doesn't look like a lion mane (hubby did warn me of this)
Since we got that out of the way, let's attempt to look a little more polished and styled next time, shall we? 
This shall go down into the history as an epic fail.
Good day.

March 6, 2013

Let Them Be Little

So let them be little 'cause they're only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little.
It's a funny thing this life. When you are waiting for something, time seems to drag its feet and really slow waaay down. On the other hand, when you enjoying every moment and trying to make it last as long as possible, time flies too fast.
 Honestly, I don't think anything has ever made me realize how fast life is, as much as this little guy. All of this: the 3am feedings that seem to last f.o.r.e.v.e.r., the endless dirty diapers, the crying for no apparent reason, the helplessness and cuteness will pass. Too fast. 
He is three weeks old today and I still cannot believe he is mine. But in the middle of it all - feeding, changing, burping, swaddling, changing again, crying and puking - he gives me a cute little toothless smile. Then when I just fed him and he's falling asleep in my arms, in that state of sweet slumber as his hand is on my chest and his cheeks are pressed against me, it's all so worth it. 
Life is short.
No rewind.
No replay. 
So enjoy every moment God has given you.

March 4, 2013


You know that stage of your life when you are about thirteen years old and just starting to develop? You still act like a kid, and probably look like one but your body is going through this huge change. One day you wake up a normal kid and the next BAM! you are becoming a woman, all emotional and hormonal. 
Well, that's sort of what it feels like right now. 
My body is is still recovering and far (close to twenty pounds to the south far) from what I started with.
It needs time. 
I have the belly that's slowly shrinking and some additional bootay, and of course, the girls are doing their duty too. I mean, it's all disproportional and out of line. Add to that my hormones jumping off the cliff and you've got a mess. 
So one of two things can happen. I can either pout and cry over my incongruous body or I can embrace this stage and just do my best. I'm picking the latter.
My body has accomplished a gigantic task and brought a life into this world. I can be hard on myself sometimes but this awkward-turned-plump stage isn't permanent. Hopefully.
I don't want to focus on the negative but rather enjoy the sweet little boy that I have. He's a joy and a blessing, so take that belly fat.

March 1, 2013

Five Things

I've realized that if I post a picture a day of this precious face, I will have enough cuteness until the end of times. I mean, look at that angel!

So everyone is tagging everyone on Instargam with five random things about the individual. Whoever came up with it, hit the spot and it's like a plague going around Web now. Natalie brought it into blogosphere and I think it's here to stay. I've been tagged  too (well, sorta), so here is my five things.

//1// When I was around fiver or six years old, I wanted to be a judge when I grew up (at least that's what my mom tells me I told everyone). Then I saw the cost of tuition for law school.

//2// When I first met my future husband, I disliked him. I mean, we were butting heads for a while, as we hung out in the same youth group. Once on a sledding trip we were playing around and I accidentally knocked glasses off his face. We found the glasses. I did say sorry. To this day, hubby swears I did it on purpose.

//3// Besides my secondary education, I went to music school for seven years and art school for five starting 6 years old. I did not have a moment of free time until my last two years of high school.

//4// I'm a clean freak except I hate doing dishes. I will scrub my house from top to bottom and vacuum and wash everything, only I may leave dishes for hubby to finish (if at all possible).

//5// When I was twelve years old, I spent entire summer in  Norway's country side. Our parents were working on strawberry farm and my sister and I were having a blast. Talk about spoiled.

Therefore to keep the ball rolling, I tag ShelbyKayleeDanielleAbbey and Jessica