July 28, 2014

Navy Blue

Navy Dress | White Blouse | Mint Bag | Happy Medley

 dress: H&M
blouse: Loft
bag: Ali Express
necklace: Target

Whenever I go shopping, I'm instantly drawn to dresses. In almost every store, I look through the dress section first, then consider everything else. I love dresses. I love them formal, casual, floral, solid and denim. There is just something feminine and classy about a girl in a nice dress. It instantly gives you a whole outfit and you can play around with it in so many ways. 

My body shape is sort of disproportionate. I have small bust and womanly (haha) hips; so whenever I want to buy a dress, it's a struggle. If I get a size that fits my bottom, it's way to big on top and vice versa.  This dress didn't look like much on the hanger but after trying it on, I fell in love.

Lesson of the day: always try things on. Sometimes it feels like a waste of time but in the long run it will save you a trip back to the store to return something unwanted. I have done it way too many times, so take it from me. Thank you for reading!

xo, Anna

July 25, 2014

Are Meaningful Posts Worth The Trouble?

Why do people blog about clothes and what not? Because it's safe. You don't have to put yourself out there (well, just your best looking self) and there isn't much effort that goes into it. Let's face it - fashion blogging is not that hard. You go shopping, buy the best clothes you can (or cannot) possibly afford, wear them (while doing other life activities) and then post pictures of yourself looking fabulous and pretty. Done.

Blogging about meaningful issues and personal feelings is hard. That means a) you have to be honest b) you have open up c) you will probably get hurt. That is why very few people do it. You have to have guts to stand up for what you believe in and don't let other discourage you. On the other hand, why open yourself up for that much hurt? Because there is more to life than clothes, and because life is too short not to do something worthwhile with it.

So for a few minutes I decided to write about insightful, important and even controversial things. Then I was too worried about what other people will say, but then again, I wanted to change the world.

I'm not here to change the world. I'm not here to even change your world, I'm here to do my part and live my life the best I can.

If I  would have told you that I have been going through challenging part of my life personally, it would be an understatement. But you wouldn't know by all those pretty clothes I hide behind. And to me, that just seems fake and hypocritical. But how do we change that without preserving privacy and not leading you on to believe that I'm better than everyone else? Achieving balance in life is the hardest part.

Social media let's us portray only certain parts of lives, making perfection the standard for living. The perfectly staged Instagram pictures and happy-go-lucky Facebook updates lead us to believe that other people have it all together. 
Life is difficult and trying but I want to go through it all and come out on the other side - stronger, better and have gained a lot of wisdom. 
Thank you for stopping by!

July 22, 2014

And where have you been?

dress: H&M (similar, similar)
sandals: BCBG Paris (via DSW)
bag: Ali Express (similar)

And so it is with a great pleasure I return to this glowing screen. Have I missed it? You bet your sweet behind I did. Did I enjoy my break? Very much. I wasn't even using my PC in the last two weeks and that was a breath of fresh air. Maybe that's why it crashed while I was re-designing the blog layout and unfortunately I wasn't able to go back and size my pictures properly. (Sorry you guys)
I'm coming back to the world wide web with a few changes. First, of course, is the new blog design (I hope you like it). I went with simple layout and mint - the perfect combination. Second, the focus of this blog is making a comeback - living a simple and happy life, while sharing it with you. More on that coming up later. And although you may see less of me, I want to bring better quality posts that are worth your time.
Thank you for sticking with me for this long, or welcome if you are a new reader!

July 3, 2014

Patriotic (Sort Of)

dress: TJMaxx (1, 2, 3)
bag: Old Navy (12)
shoes: H&M (1, 2)
belt: H&M (similar)
Happy 4th everyone! I feel somewhat sacrilegious wearing the red, white and blue colors. After all, it's a flag of a nation and people gave their lives for it, not just a fashion statement. That's my personal opinion, and yet I still want to join other bloggers in celebrating this holiday. (Just a side note. Why don't we all look like a Christmas tree during holiday season?)
I hope everyone enjoys their three day weekend and gets some rest. I will be celebrating with family and taking the next week off from blogging. It's our anniversary and I'm doing a 5K run, so need to train and plan some festivities. It's been a long time since I took a break but I think I need it. I'm thinking about changing direction and re-branding, or even quitting all together. Not sure what the next step is and what God has for me at this point but I do know that there more important things out there than outfits. I love dressing well and showing ladies how to be modest and fashionable but maybe that's not my thing in life. As I take time to contemplate, pray and enjoy my family, I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for reading!

July 2, 2014

Being a Baby Mama


My little boy and I are quite close. I mean it's just him and I day in and day out. We wake up together. We eat breakfast together. We read books together. We go outside together. We take naps together. We do life hand in hand every day. I never thought I would enjoy being a stay-at-home mama so much but everyday my heart is filled with joy watching my son grow.

I got asked what I do for a living and after answering that I only stay home, I've changed my answer. It may seem trivial or unnecessary, but my answer now is that I work a full time job without vacation, overtime pay and sick days. Full time raising a little human being. Life as a mother is non stop and there is always someone who needs me. There is always plenty of learning, playing, exploring and having fun together. 

Jonathan is such a chatter box right now with occasional moments of silence which usually means he's getting himself in trouble. He knows what he can and cannot do, and will turn on the charm if realizes he got caught in action. If I'm scolding him, he will come to me and lay his head on my shoulder while giving a sweet little peck right on the lips. It melts my heart.

Being a mother to a toddler every minute of the day without leaving the house for work outside is harder than one might think. Doing the same thing over and over again sometimes gets tedious and frustrating. But the moments when I see him discover a new toy, learn  a new word and open a new book are the brightest and happiest moments of my life. His giggles and little quirky things he does, that happy grin and fast little hands, the way he lays his head on my shoulder and says first words are the things that I cherish right now. 

Finding joy in the small things, having patience for the tough things, remembering the good things, never-minding the hurtful things, discovering the new things, keeping the old things dear to my heart every single day. That's what being a baby mama is all about.