April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

I love traditions! How can you not? Starting with new clothes to wear and all the way to the type of bread to serve. My mom and I spent almost the entire Friday together, making home-made sausages, kneading bread (by hand!) and setting up the table for a fancy Easter lunch. There was a lot of talk about the olden days and how my grandmother used to do all of this when she had six children, a farm and an overly critical mother-in-law. I love those moments where I learn about my family and get to spend some time with my mom (my husband came with with dinner later and of course he was put to work too;) But among all the preparations and fancy sausage making, we haven't forgotten the real reason for this amazing Holy Day where we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Sunday morning was sunny and bright just like an Easter morning should be. Church was filled with people and front platform was blooming with white lilies. Sermon was filled with power and spirit, and preacher  spoke about God's love and why Jesus did what He did. Then there was visiting of my husband's family and mingling with family, more food and more family conversations. It was a great weekend! Hope you had a great one too.

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