April 3, 2012

Hello Spring... ummmm... Where did you go?

Dress: LOFT  (couple year ago)
Blazer: Thrift store
Shoes: TJ Maxx
Necklace: Antique Show
Belt: Target

It seems Spring has played April Fools joke on us, couple of weeks ago. We had high 70s temperatures and sunshine, yet this morning it was 60F in my house. Brrrr... I didn't even want to peek a toe from under my blanket and stay in bed all day, but gargling of my stomach forced me to get up and heat up the crepes that I made yesterday. My toes and my stomach thanked me. So, now I have my blanket and socks on, trying to figure out the art of Photoshop (or in my case, GIMP2). It has been a long road since I not being able to decipher's any computer program to actually editing something, all by my self (!). I know what you think, "Gosh, this is awful editing" but I'm working on my skills, so please be patient. 
I wore this outfit when it was 70 outside (hence no nylons) and absolutely love this purple dress. (Btw, I recently realized that i have like a million purple things, which was a discovery all in itself). I'm new to the blog world, but those of you who will read this, thank you. Please stick around and see what else I will come up with. 

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