May 18, 2012


Cardigan: Old Navy (similar)
Skirt: TJMaxx (similar)
Belt: Target (similar)
Shoes: J.Crew (similar)
Bag: Coach 
             Every Sunday night I tell myself that this coming week is going to be different. I am going to exercise at least 3 times, spend time with my hubby engaging in meaningful conversation, finish another DIY project that I started and do million other things. Yet Friday comes and I haven't done much. I beat myself up and feel incredibly guilty  for whatever it is I didn't do. It feels like no matter how much or what I do, it's NEVER good enough. Why do I feel like life isn't good enough? Then I have to remind myself that my life is exactly what it should be and I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. I have to remind myself to thank God for amazing blessings in my life and everything that goes into it. I don't know if it's the maturity coming through, or I'm just getting tired of the guilt trip.
             In the generation of supermodels, TV moms and tabloids, we get caught up in comparison mode. We compare out houses, children, salaries, husbands, the length of our legs, closets and everything in between. That's not wise. If you are reading home/fashion/family blogs and comparing yourself to other people, you will never be happy with your life. The value of life does not lie in your career, the width of your thighs or the things in your closet. And happiness is not lots of money. It's the simple things in life (I know it's a cliche but it's true). Until we learn to love, appreciate, adore and value what we have, contentment will never come. In other words, take a deep breath and enjoy the little thing - laugh of your children, morning coffee, smell of fresh cut grass, family and friends, roof over your head and even that annoying whatever-it-is.
Life is short.
Go ahead.
Enjoy it.


  1. Yes I fully agree, the simple things in life are the most beautiful. If we don't meet our weekly goals then we can always try again.

    God bless!

    1. And we have to remind each other of that...

  2. Anonymous20.5.12

    This is so true. We have to value the big picture and the things that we have, not the things that we want. Cliches are cliches for a reasons. They are brushed off and overlooked when they should not be.
    I just discovered your blog, and I love your message and sense of style. Would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thank you for your kind words and for following


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