October 22, 2012

Embracing the Moment

top: Target, cardigan: Gap, skirt: Express, shoes: Nine West, necklace, bracelet: Charlotte Russe
Once upon a time, I vowed not to live life ungrateful  I didn't want to work all my life for that dream job, just to get there and realize I didn't want it after all. I didn't want to wait to live. I didn't want to think along the lines of "just let me finish college then..." or "when we buy a house of our own, then..." or " it's when we have kids of our own then..." 
But lately all I catch myself thinking is exactly that.
I have to admit, I haven't been embracing each and every moment.
I keep thinking forward to the end of my pregnancy and what I'm going to do then. How I'm going to exercise more, take my kid to the park and do other fun things.
I keep thinking that when we finally move into our new home, I will have all my cupboards organised and shelves without any dust. Ever.
That's what happens, when we forget to just live in the moment. Do the best we can to enjoy life right now.
Even if that means organizing all my cupboards right before we move.
But you don't wake up one day thinking, that from now on you will enjoy life and embrace the beauty of it.
It's a process. It's enjoying one day at a time.
This year has been the hardest of my entire life but it's also have been the most blessed. I am learning to live to the fullest because I don't know what tomorrow will bring and how it's going to change me forever.
Here is to enjoying the life right now.
Have a great day! 


  1. Cute outfit! Love your top, it adds a lot of color to the look :)

    1. Thank you! :) it's preggo friendly

  2. Anonymous22.10.12

    So cute! I love your outfit! You look great!

    1. Thanks... It means a lot for a pregnant girl


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