February 5, 2014

Favorite Remix

button down: H&M, top, skirt: J.Crew, boots: from Belarus, glasses: DKNY
I've been working on a very heart felt post for weeks now and  it's still not coming to me. It's hard to write well when your major in college was math - what was I thinking starting this blog anyway? Clearly, I wasn't.
The only thing I was thinking about is sharing some outfit ideas for an everyday girl and inspiring other moms to look their best. Trust me I don't always look like that, but I certainly try. Also, I wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about my outfit posts. I wear every single outfit I put on here - whether I plan to wear it or already have. I don't just style clothes, snap couple pictures and then jump back into my pajamas. These are actually my clothes and I do wear them. Now that I got that off my chest, I hope your week is going well.
Thanks for stopping by!

February 3, 2014

Let's Party

top: J.Crew Factory, button down: Target, skirt: J.Crew, booties: Ann Taylor
Welcome to post Superbowl Monday! Did you watch the game? Or just munched on the party food? I'm in the second category. I could care less about the game but always get together with friends for the super bowl party. Ladies are chatting away about their girly stuff while guys are cheering on their team.
Speaking of parties, another on is on the horizon - Jonathan's birthday party. I cannot believe my little boy is going to be a toddler although I'm excited for the change. He is officially walking as of Saturday night (showing off at grandparents' house) and it's the cutest thing. I did not think he was going to start before his birthday. I'm excited to throw his party because I'm a control freak and love to plan events. I'm going a little overboard with the food, themed cake, decor and personalized invites but loving every minute. Are you big on baby birthday parties? Or is it too much for one year old? I adore all the cute pictures afterwards, especially the ones with cake smashing. Cutest thing ever!
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!

P.S. Also, I'm quiet proud of myself for figuring out the setting where you can add different movements to the pictures like snow. Isn't it cute? I thought so.

January 30, 2014

Get Over It

sweater: TJMaxx, coat: J.Crew, booties: Ann Taylor, bag: Kate Spade, hat & scarf: Gap

It's easy to fall into winter blues, especially in January. Nothing is happening (except getting my credit card statements and realizing I spend too much over holidays) and it's absolutely frigid outside. But you already know that. Everyone (and I mean, everyone) is complaining about how cold it is and how we cannot wait until summer. Then summer comes and we can't stand the heat and the humidity. So which one is it? I have nothing to complain about. I'm sitting in a nice, warm house with peacefully asleep baby and a wonderful husband who's nodding off as I type this. Millions of people around the world don't have even half of what I have and that's something to be thankful for. Yes, winters are cold and how is that a news? I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of complaining. I'm tired of hearing people complain and I'm tired of myself getting caught up in it. It's January. Temperatures are below zero. Get over it.
So what's new with you?