March 21, 2014

Currently Loving {Weekly Link Up 2.0}

Another week has gone by and I don't know where it went. Although it's officially spring, we couldn't be any farther away from it. It's currently snowing outside and doesn't show signs of stopping any time soon. Between being sick all week and having below freezing temperatures, I haven't taken any outfit pictures because, let's face it, you don't want to see my pajamas. They are old and they are from Target. Instead I bring you another installment of Currently Loving series and these are some of the coolest things around the web. Link up your posts and spread the word! 

1. How cool are these stacking chairs? The coolest things are available to kids now-a-days.

2. Lovely length ad gorgeous cut of this dress makes me want to take the price plunge. Swoon!

3. Because we all need to laugh at ourselves...

4. Loving neon for this spring and especially this bag.

5. Tried Brazilian Steakhouse and loved every second of it. It was absolutely delicious and totally worth the steep price point. If you never tired it, it's so worth it!

6. I've been feeling under the weather last weekend with some flu-like symptoms. It might be from fatigue, stress or exhaustion.

7. Is having enough material good and a comfortable life here really a blessing? Read this.

8. Life around the globe in pictures is so different then ours. A lot to be grateful for.


March 19, 2014

Spring Bags

When A Household Is Sick

Unrelated shot when everyone was well and actually had time to take pictures.

Last weekend was part of 'it was the worst time of my life' story and it all started Saturday morning. 

I woke up feeling tired, achy and overall blah. I did not want to get out of the bed and had no appetite. Hubby was a sweetheart and got up with Jonathan while I got to snooze extra hour or so. We had plans with a few of our friends to go out of town. I hate to cancel on people, so we ended up going and had a great time. But by the end of dinner I was shivering and coming down with some awful chills, that the entire ride home I was jittery and cold. 

All night and the next morning I was ready to die. I had the worst chills and my body felt like I was run over by a train a million times. All that along with never-ending pain in my throat let me think I had the flu. Dear husband took Jonathan to church and cooked lunch, went to the store and got me medicine and fruit so I could stay in bed. I went to see the doctor  Monday morning and the diagnosis was strep throat.

Next day, hubby started getting down with same kind of  fever and chills. He was feverish all night and next day had the same diagnosis - strep. It had got to be the worst - both of us with a full of life and energy toddler. Shoot me now.

Two out of three people in our household had strep throat, so we quarantined ourselves inside the house without anyone in or out. Since strep is highly contagious and awfully painful, I'm was so worried about Jonathan getting it too but thankfully, he didn't. I wiped down the entire house with Clorox wipes and rewashed every utensil I used every day. We feeling better but still not totally there.

It was hard being a parent while being sick. 

When a sweet, babbling baby wanted to clime in bed with us and play pick-a-boo but all I wanted to do is bury my face in a pillow, it was hard. When he wanted to play with me and kiss me all over and I couldn't, it was hard. When he wanted to be held and carried but I was too tired to even get out of bed, it was hard. It was hard not to be physically close, kiss, hold and love my baby when he so desperately needed it. It was probably harder then going through the pain and ache and after only a day of being away from him, I realized how much I missed that sweet boy of mine.

So if anyone in your house is ever sick, stay away from them. Do not sleep in the same bed (even if they want to cuddle), do not share a glass (unless you sanitized it), do not give them a kiss goodbye (so cold, I know) and certainly, do not exchange any bodily fluids (wink). It's hard being sick and caring for a baby but when both are sick, it's even worse. Take that from me.

Thank you for stopping and hope your week is going better than mine!