May 19, 2014

Shopping {Zara Favorites}

Zara Love

Perhaps it's not the best idea to start Monday  morning with a little shopping but here I am, crushing on new Zara Collection. Every time I scroll through their dresses or shoes, I want to buy at least half a dozen. Everything from chic skirts, classy sandals and killer jeans is up for grabs but the thing that I like the most is that dust pink bag. It has my name written all over. Hope you like my selection of the very cute and summery pieces and enjoy a little shopping on my account. Let me know what would you buy in the comments, I'm so excited about their new summery clothes.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! 

May 16, 2014

Simply Chic

dress: Old Navy
sandals: Gap (similar)
bag: Dorothy Perkins
A lot of times when I take pictures of my outfit for the blog, I think, is it enough? Is my outfit trendy enough? Do I have enough accessories? Is it Pinterest worthy? And quit frankly, it gets so exhausting at times. There is a pressure for a style and beauty blogger to be on trend. Otherwise, your pictures will not be pinned and the Insta account will loose followers.
I feel like, I have been trying to be someone else for a very long time. Looking at some of the more accomplished and expensive bloggers, I fee inadequate. But this is just me, having a nice day with my son at the zoo. You know, there are days when I have simple and non-trendy outfits on. That's OK nd it needs to blogged too.
It's really not about the clothes or how much we have, or what kind of bag we could scrape up on. Life is about so much bigger things. Stop worrying about fitting in and being something you are not. Just stay true to yourself and everything else will fall into place.
Thank you for reading and have a great weekend! 

May 15, 2014

Currently Loving {Thursday} Link Up

blouse: Old Navy (old)
sweater: J.Crew
pants: Land's End (similar)
shoes: Aldo (similar)
tote: Dorothy Perkins
necklace: Target (similar)
This week's link up is brought to you by procrastination and lack of motivation. There are lots of things I'm loving at the moment but I don't always have my camera handy to snap a picture for the weekly round up. So I will tell you how things are...
- on the way home one evening I saw a gorgeous, giant moon shining over the dark summer sky. It was breathtaking
- I almost got a ticket but a nice smile and sweet word got me out of the trouble. Always do your hair and put on lipstick before heading out.
- with nicer weather we have been enjoying outdoors and I actually planted some greenery. Don't know how long it will last with the little hands that grab everything
- missing my mama as she's taking a trip overseas to visit her parents. Every time I reach for the phone to call her, or send a picture of Jonathan doing something goofy, I realize she's not there. Sad face.
- enjoying time with my sister and the kids at the zoo. The good 'ole chickens have never been so much fun

1. Please follow your host (via Bloglovin' or Instagram 

2. Link up anything... it could be one of your previous posts that you are loving or something new you just can't wait to share!

3. Please include a link back to this post within your post or grab my button from the side bar (because it's such a nice thing to do!)

4. Now simply add your link below! I hope you all enjoy meeting other bloggers and discovering some new things.

5. If you would like to Co-Host Currently Loving Link Up, email for more details!

May 14, 2014

Thoughts On Parenting

I set down to write this post three times, and have deleted every single draft. It's hard to put thoughts into words when you have ideas coming together in haphazard manner. So here it goes.
I think about what it means to be a parent. A lot. And how it changes me as a human being.
Few weeks ago, hubby and I had a night off (sorta) from being parents. We dropped Jonathan off at my mom's for the night and headed out. Although we were physically away from our child, we were still very presently parenting. After exchanging pleasantries we talked about that little guy that occupies most of our lives. 
We talked about his cute little quirks and the annoying-us-to-death things he does. We talked about life and how much joy that energetic boy has brought into our lives. At the end of the evening, the house felt awkwardly silent without the bubbling toddler running around. It felt a little weird not going into his room to make sure he isn't too hot, or not checking his diaper. His room was empty and it felt as if I never been to that place of just us two. Like we always had him in our lives.   
I thought, I would feel free. I thought, I was craving to relinquish the responsibility of parenthood for just one night. I thought, I missed the freedom.
But the only thing that missed that night was our boy.
Ones you become a parent, you never ever stop being one. No matter what happens in life, no matter the choices that child makes, no matter how geographically disconnected you are, no matter what he/she does, no matter what, you don't ever stop loving.
It was awesome to have a night out on the town with just the two of us, reminiscing about the good ole days. It felt so special to hold hands and not worry about third mouth to feed or the diaper duty. We needed that breath of romance and sweet time alone, and loved every minute of it.
But the next day it was all right with the world again - there were three of us. Hearing that cute babble first thing in the morning, goofing around in bed, chasing around the house, reading books and gathering around the table together. 
As much as I loved the dating and the newlywed stage, and miss being able not to think about nap schedule, I love this new stage in my life. I'm learning to embrace it and savoir every moment of adorable cuteness and naughty mischievousness. I'm learning to have more patience, to let go of the things that bother me and to live in the moment. I'm learning to hit pause for a minute to just sit down and play with Jonathan and remember the moments that brought me so much happiness.
When you hold that precious little baby in your hands, you give up the power and right to act, speak, or think as you want without consideration for another human being that depends on you for everything. That's what it means to be a parent. 

May 12, 2014

Mix It Up - Monday Link Up

dress: Dorothy Perkins (similar)
cardigan: Target (similar)
shoes: H&M (similar)
clutch: H&M (similar)
glasses: DKNY
It's Monday morning. You had a nice weekend being pampered by hubby with breakfast in bed, a nap and didn't wash a single dish (he was so kind). Although you had a late night yesterday and was hoping to sleep in this morning. Well, your toddler decides to wake up at 5:46 and not go back to sleep. Ever. Almost two hours later and he's still awake, running around, trying to unplug your computer and climb on your face. And you realize that Mother's Day weekend has come to an end. Real motherhood begins.
That's my story this morning and frankly, I'm not a happy camper. Add to that restless legs that didn't let me sleep the entire night and you will get a stinky face. 
But let's talk about pleasant things, like this pretty mint dress I wore. I love that color and how nicely it plays with pink. Now all I have to do is take a shower, do my hair, make up, get dressed and I should be feeling better. Naaaah. Lounging in bed, having pancakes and taking in nap sounds like my kind of morning. 

I'm linking up with Lauren from Fizz and Frosting for Mix It Mondays! 

fashion linkup Mondaysmix it monday_5-12Fizz & Frosting (Bloglovin') / Happy Medley (Bloglovin')

May 9, 2014

My Apparent Obsession

shirt: Loft
sweater: Target (similar)
pants: Gap
shoes: J.Crew (similar)
bag: Kate Spade (similar)
necklace: Forever 21 (similar)
In the last few outfit posts I've been wearing something yellow - sweater or skirt, or the neon glasses. It has become apparent to me that I love yellow, although I never have. Then I received compliments on it being 'my color' and now it's all over my closet. So today's post is brought to you by a little obsession with yellow, that I wasn't aware of. I don't have much to say today other than I can't wait for the weekend and so happy the warm weather is back. I did some yard work yesterday and I'm a little sore today. Grandma status over here.
Have a great weekend celebrating your moms! I am so glad I have my mama near by to share life's experiences with! Motherhood has taught me so much about mother's love and gave me new appreciation for my own. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! 

We have two winners for the giveaway and thank you to all who have entered! Please email me to claim your prize girls... :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

May 8, 2014

Currently Loving {Baby Edition} + Link Up

... baby Jonathan is such a little tail of mine

...enjoying some quality time with daddy

... his 'say cheese' face. by the way this kid loves taking pictures and every time I have the camera he smiles

... what a difference a year makes. this baby is all grown up and comparing to last year, he is so big.
I miss that little baldy 

... he has so much energy I don't know how to keep up. everything is a game. everything is funny.
and he must run all the time.

For this week's link up, I'm joined by gorgeous Amy from The Real Arnolds who loves fashion. She has a sweet spirit and seriously cute outfits. I like finding people of the same faith sharing similar interests - it's always encouraging. 

1. Please follow your host (via Bloglovin'and fabulous co-host Amy from The Real Arnolds (via Bloglovin')

2. Link up anything... it could be one of your previous posts that you are loving or something new you just can't wait to share!

3. Please include a link back to this post within your post or grab my button from the side bar (because it's such a nice thing to do!)

4. Now simply add your link below! We hope you all enjoy meeting other bloggers and discovering some new things.

5. If you would like to Co-Host Currently Loving Link Up, email ademko10 (at) gmail (dot) com for more details!

May 7, 2014

Thoughtful Gifts for Your Mama

Every year before mother's day, I see tons of buying guides. They include everything from silk pajamas to flowers but haven't your mama seen it all? Haven't she gotten every gift she doesn't need and will never use? Well, I have put together a list of ideas for your most special moms that won't make them yawn because mothers just want to feel special. Whether you do the dishes or take her to a fancy dinner, it takes a little extra thought to make this holiday memorable. Mothers want to feel appreciated in a thoughtful kind of way so you need to put some effort into it.

1. Treat your mama with a breakfast in bed! She doesn't expect it and will be ever grateful for your thoughtful gesture. Go all out and make something fancy or just simple toast with cup of coffee - whatever it is she likes. Don't forget to make it beautiful and serve it with a single rose on the tray. She will feel loved and appreciated because she, of all people, knows how much work it all takes.

2. Make her feel special with a spa day with plenty of rest and relaxation. Pamper her, either at home by drawing her a bubble bath with pretty candles and her favorite book or by sending her off to a day spa. Whichever it is, make sure you take care of it all so she doesn't have to worry about a thing (especially about the clean up or cost.)

3. A memorable photo album of those special Insta pictures and forgotten ones will bring smile and tears to her face. Every mother says that her children grow too fast so give her a memory capsule she will cherish forever. Make sure your personalize it to make is extra special.

4. Give her a full day off by taking care of little children, cleaning the house and making dinner. Do the laundry for her and any other tasks that need to be done that day. Let her do what she wants while you tend to her every whim, then see if she won't feel special.

5. Buy her something she has been wanting for a while, whether it's that new cook book or beautiful piece of jewelry. She will love the gift but more than anything she will love that you were paying attention and know her well. It's always nice to know someone cares so much.

6. Treat her by taking her out for lunch or dinner, when she least expects it. Of course, everyone is doing something special on Mother's Day but how about taking her to lunch on Friday or dinner on Saturday? It's expected of you to do something nice on Sunday but it's most special when the act of kindness is done unexpectedly.

7. Make her favorite dinner (or buy and bring it to her), from appetizer to dessert. Let her enjoy it in peace in quiet without interruptions, while you serve. She will love the opportunity to relax and have her favorite meal in peace without having to worry about anything. To make it extra special make sure you do the clean up because it's the hardest part (and as a mama she knows it).

8. Do her yard work without being asked. With spring time and lots to do around the house, she can sure use some help. Mow her lawn, water the plants, weed the garden and trim the bushes. If she doesn't have a house, see what else she needs done (a faucet is leaking somewhere probably). Just ask, and I'm sure she will have a list ready to go for you.

I hope you will make this Mother's Day extra special by putting thought and effort into your gift for your mama. She surely deserves it and will appreciate your thoughtfulness, especially because she knows how much work it all takes. Thank her by doing something for her, instead of just brushing the holiday off with another cliche of a gift.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by lovelies!

May 5, 2014

Beauty Demands Sacrifice

sweater: J.Crew
skirt: thrifted (similar)
shoes: Zara (similar)
belt: Loft (similar)
glasses: DKNY 
The hardest part about blogging is not the pictures in freezing cold temperatures, or the hours of planning outfits. It's not even the enormous amounts of time we spend at the computer editing photos and networking with other bloggers. It's coming up with the post titles. I'm not joking when I say that I think about the title more than I think about what I'm actually going to say in the post. I always wonder if I should name my post after the outfit or whatever I'm talking about. Or should I tie the two things together and make them related, somehow? For example, in this outfit I'm wearing yellow sweater so I could talk about the lack of sunshine and name the post 'you are my sunshine'. That would be very lame and pretty pathetic though, wouldn't you think?
Instead I'm going to talk about how I was dying while wearing these shoes today because, well, beauty demands sacrifice. There is a saying in Russian that goes something like that but it's very hard to translate cultural phrases into another language because you loose the meaning. Well, even in English everyone understands that to look put together you have to sacrifice something. Whether it's sleep, because you have to wake up an hour early to do your hair or comfort, because you are wearing four-inch stilettos that make absolutely no sense at all. Except that they totally go with my midi skirt and add some height. That's all folks.
Thanks for stopping by! 

May 2, 2014

Reflect Neon

top: Old Navy (similar), skirt: J.Crewflats: Marc Fisher (similar), bag: Kate Spade (similar), watch: Target, glasses: similar
Let's just talk about the new trend that has taken over blogosphere - neon aviators. Yes, I succumbed to the pressure of the web and bought myself a pair. I do like them with certain outfits, when I like to give something edge. I do like the RayBan's but they are way too expensive for a seasonal trend. So I headed to the mall and found myself a pair of cheap aviators that I know I wouldn't be upset if my son finds. And guess what? They look just fine and that's that's way I like it. I hope you have a great weekend!