Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts

May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Inspirations {Lulu :: Simply Lulu Style}

Today I have Lulu of Simply Lulu Style who has impeccable sense of style and some of the cutest shoes a girl would want. I love following her on Insta to see her everyday style because that's when mamas need inspiration the most. She has two adorable kids and shared her infertility story on the blog, which touched my heart totally made me cry. I'm so happy for her that her prayers have been answered and she now posses the title of a mother. Take it away girl!

Hi there!  My name is Lulu and I blog over at Simply Lulu Style.  Anna was so kind to reach out to me to be apart of her Meaning of Motherhood blog series and I was thrilled to participate.  Wow what a topic though right?  I think I could write an entire book on the subject... but I won't! :)  Ever since I could remember I wanted to be a mother.  However it there was always something nagging inside that wondered - would I be able to?  Sometimes I just have a funny sense about things.  Indeed my husband and I struggled, (you can read more about there HERE), but we are so blessed to have 2 kiddos we affectionately call the nuggets.  Jack and Ella are twins born in 2008 and are the sweetest, funniest, adorable kids (I'm a little biased).  

Motherhood has been much harder than I expected and not really because of having twins.  It's the second guessing, the I'm not sure what to do, the NO ONE TEACHES YOU THIS!  At first it was all these things were riduculous to handle.  Add to this my nuggets had terrible reflux.  And by terrible I mean the babies were screaming and crying for hours and hours.  Side note: It's SO important to find a good pediatrician who will listen to you.  We did not.  Finally we found help, got medicine, and the nuggets were like new babies.  But during this process, of reflux, having twins... I was a new mom!  I had no idea what to do.  But the Lord gives you a mother's instinct for a reason and trust me it's there.  I had everyone and anyone giving me advice.  Everything from how to feed them, how to burp them, how to put them to sleep, but inside I began to get a good sense.  A grew, I learned, I read and developed my own strength and intuition as a mom.  

At the end of the day mothering is about 2 simple (but not so simple) things: love and discipline.  Love first, then discipline.  Don't get me wrong, I'm strict, very strict.  But my nuggets always know I love them no matter what.  I pray... a lot.  I pray that God watches over them, protects them (heart, soul, mind, body).  I pray that they the love God, love others, love each other.  I pray that they are best friend (and they are).  I pray, pray, pray.

I pray to remember the little times with my little family.  Last night we were just getting the nuggets ready for bed, showers, jammies, Ella wanted me to paint her nails, you know, the regular stuff :).  Afterward we were all hanging out in our room.  Ella was coloring, Jack was playing a game with Daddy, I was folding clothes.  It was just a normal night, nothing special, but to see them so sweet in the moment was somethingI wanted to remember.  I'm still really learning to live in the moment.  But I think motherhood is a lot about that.  It's about love, discipline, and living in the moment.  

I hope you stop by Simply Lulu to see more of my nuggets and get inspired by some mom, but not-so-mom, style.  Happy Mother's Day!

May 6, 2015

Mother's Day Inspiration {Irina :: Bond Girl Glam}

Hello there! Today we have Irina of Bond Girl Glam is giving us hew take on the meaning of motherhood. She is a beauty and has Bond girl flare (hence the name of her blog). I love her new motherhood role and how magnificent she is at it. Her baby girl is beyond adorable and I love seeing her outfit photos on her blog. Plus her birthing experience is so close to mine, I feel like on some level we connected over that. Take it away girl!

Introduce yourself and describe your motherhood situation.
I’m a first-time mom to a baby girl named Vienna.  My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary in a couple days, so we waited almost 5 years to have our first baby; it felt like the perfect amount of time to have to ourselves, and now we can’t imagine life any other way. I have been exclusively breastfeeding since the beginning (about 5 months), and I can’t wait to introduce solids in the next month.  We hope to have at least 2 children eventually.

What does motherhood mean to you?  Motherhood to me means guiding a little person so that they can learn to guide themselves and help others.  It also means forever being a source of love and comfort for that little person.

What's your favorite part about being a mother?  My favorite part of being a mother is watching all the little milestones happen in front of my eyes.

What is the hardest part of being a mom? I dislike how fast everything passes, but it also makes me try to live in the moment.

What is your number one goal for your children?  I hope my children remember their childhood with absolute fondness.  I hope they learn to feel confident, be infinitely curious, and feel incredibly grateful for everything that comes their way.

Is there anything else you would like to add?  You are enough and are doing enough, mama!

Thank you so much for stopping by! 

P.S. Check out my feature on Elegance and Mommyhood. 

May 5, 2015

Mother's Day Inspirations {Kimberly :: Penny Pincher Fashion}

Hello my lovely readers! I have been thinking a lot about motherhood and how it changed my life forever. I have asked a few of my favorite style bloggers (who are mothers too) to participate in a series discussing their take on motherhood. 
The first guest post is by Kimberly from Penny Pincher Fashion. I have been a fan of her blog for a long time now. She has a timeless sense of style and her polished outfits get me every time. Kim is also a wife, mother to two adorable kids (see below) and a business woman. She does a great job at balancing it all. Here is her take on the meaning of motherhood.

Introduce yourself and describe your motherhood situation
I'm a full-time blogger/stay-at-home mom.  I have been married for 15 years & we have two children - my daughter is 11 (going on 16) and my son is 7.

What does motherhood mean to you?
Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs in the world.  It brings both abundant joy & endless fatigue.  It is sacrificial love that means putting your children's needs first.  It is being a protector, defender, provider, teacher and disciplinarian.  It is a role that is full of challenges, but also rich with blessings.  No matter what other responsibilities I have, being a mom comes first.

What's your favorite part about being a mother?
Seeing their personalities evolve - it's amazing how completely different my two are from one another.  My daughter is outgoing & talkative while my son is more quiet & reserved.  It's so fun to watch them develop their own sense of humor, to see the things they are beginning to take an interest in & to hear how they interpret the world around them.

What is the hardest part of being a mom?
Watching my kids struggle.  My son was diagnosed with Tourette's last year and seeing him battle it has been one of the hardest things for me as a parent.  I wish with all my heart that I could just take it away from him, but I know that he is becoming a stronger person because of it and that it is making him more compassionate towards others who have similar conditions.

What is your number one goal for your children?

To have self-confidence, to feel loved & to be kind.  I guess that's more than one thing!  :)

March 11, 2015

My Route to a Healthy Pregnancy

Once you are pregnant, every fiber of your being starts releasing mother-hen hormones and you want to do everything possible to protect that child. Having a healthy pregnancy is very important, regardless of age or any other factors, so I piled up a list of things I'm doing (or at least trying to do) to keep on top of the game. 

1. Drink Plenty of Fluids. I aim for 8-10 glasses of water a day, with no more than 2 glasses of juice. If I want something sweet and bubbly, I mix one can of seltzer with half a glass of cranberry juice. I'm also a very heavy tea drinker so I do  herbal and regular teas and may have up to 3 cups a day. If I want more tea hot but already had too many cups that day, I add 1 tablespoon of honey with a slice of lemon to hot water. Sometimes I forget to drink first thing in the morning and can tell how that negatively affects the rest of my day. Fluid intake is something very important and I do everything possible to make sure I'm always well hydrated. 

2. Exercise Regularly. We have been stricken with a bad cold for the last week so I haven't done much. But I'm planning to pick it back up as soon as I can breath without cough choking my chest. My exercise routine consists of 2 miles walk/jog  2 to 3 times a week on the treadmill. I have been keeping very constant with exercise but hoping that the good weather will let me go and enjoy the outdoors more. I hate being stuck in the garage looking at my husbands tools and wishing for the time to pass by faster. I know that once it warms up we will be taking walks and going to the park all the time. Also, I ordered the exercise ball which is supposed to be very good for pregnant women but have never tried it. We shall see how it works.

3. Get Some Rest. My first trimester fatigue was so bad that I had to take multiple naps during the day. Once second trimester hit, I felt much better but still like to lie down for a quick (or a long) nap every day (if I have time that is). I have never had any morning sickness so I guess fatigue and extreme tiredness will have to be my thing. I know that I can't complete the same tasks in the same amount of time so I have to schedule things and allow more time to getting ready and lounging in the morning. 

5. Take Prenatal Vitamins. I have been slacking on this end (I have to admit) and got sick. I know that when I don't give my body extra support it needs, I get weak and get sick. I don't take anything fancy or expensive vitamin support is very important to my health. Baby will take whatever he/she needs to thrive but I may be left with less than enough for myself. Taking prenatal vitamins is definitely important and something that shouldn't be taken lightly. 

6. Watch What You Eat. I have to say that this time around, I'm not giving myself any slack. My first pregnancy I would constantly make excuses why I wanted to (and could) eat anything and everything I wanted. This time around, I'm not allowing any extra and unneeded calories enter my body. Also, I do one carb-free, protein-rich meal a day. If I start a day with egg omelet with veggies and avocado, I will skip the bread. That way I can have the mash potatoes in the evening, or vice versa. Grains like quinoa,  buckwheat, rice and lentils are great for nutrition-packed meal yet they don't carry a heavy load of carbohydrates and sugar. I also limit my sugar intake to that only in the protein rich (like yogurt) or healthy (almonds and cranberries) snacks, and fruits. Don't get me wrong, I like a piece of pizza as much as the next gal, but I know that it's a treat and not an everyday occurrence. 

What are your tips to a healthy pregnancy? Have you tried the exercise ball? Do share! 

My Healthy Pregnancy Must Haves

Thank you for stopping by!
xo, Anna

January 15, 2015

My Pregnancy Essentials

For comfort: I loved sleeping on my body nest pillow the last trimester. It's a MUST for all expecting mothers but there is no room for cuddling with hubs. It allowed me to get some sleep (between going to tinkle and trying to get comfortable there goes the night)

For skin care: I cannot live without this oil. I slather it on after every shower and even during the day when my hand feel dry. It goes on smoothly, doesn't have any smell that would get annoying after a while and is very thin in consistency. I also bought coconut oil but didn't use it as much as this. I go through 3 bottles during my pregnancy and swear it helps with getting rid of stretchmarks afterwards.

For health: it's so important to keep up on vitamins to have a healthy pregnancy. These vitamins are natural, food-based with no additives or colors. My husband did quite a bit of research before buying them for me. They are gentle on stomach and awesome for the baby.

For clothes: I bought myself maternity jeans/ that fit me like a glove. I love the new J.Crew line and bought myself a pair of shorts on sale for summer. We shall see how they work out but the Pea In The Pod maternity jeans worked great for me.  I know they might seem expensive at first but if it's your only pair you will wear them all the time. 

For shape: Whenever I start feeling like everything is just out of proportion and too big, SPANX are there to save my butt. Honestly, they support the belly, shape your body and allow you wear those pretty dresses and such. It's the dirty little secret no one talks about. 

For snack: When craving chocolate or something sweet, I eat a handful of these snacks. They are delicious, nutty and healthy, plus not too sweet. I love them and could eat the whole bag in one sitting but carry in  my purse for desperate times. 

Thank you for stopping by!
xo, Anna

December 19, 2014

Why We Don't Have an Elf on The Shelf

I may rain on your parade. You may not agree with me. This isn't about right or wrong but about what we chose to do as a family and why. You may even stop following me after this post but this is somethings that's been on my mind for a while. It has been bothering and eating me up and because I'm very opinionated and vocal about what I think.

I do not like the Elf on The Shelf idea and we don't have one in our house,

At first when I saw the idea take the Facebook posts by storm I though it would be fun to do when Jonathan gets a little bigger. But I could not justify buying the thing, making sure to move it from place to place every day,  make up the whole thing which is surrounded by a bigger lie - it's all about Santa, presents and being good or bad just to get stuff.

First it seems like a lot of work for a silly and almost cruel character who messes up a lot of things (which we parents have to clean up), doesn't obey rules (but expects children to follow), spies on the children (horrible telltale) and wants you to work for your gifts (you have to be good enough to receive presents).

The message of Christmas is that Jesus came to this earth and gave us the biggest gift of all. We don't have to work for the gift. All we have to do is accept Him.

The elf idea promotes the persona of santa and makes children believe that he will end up knowing everything they do. While including santa into holiday celebration is not horrible, it takes away from the character of God who actually knows everything and see everything. But you don't have to be afraid of Him because He will not take the gifts away just because you misbehave.

It also justifies mischief while promoting fear. Maybe it doesn't seem very obvious but the elf is constantly looking over you, checking on your every deed to make sure you are 'good enough'. Some kids don't care about the elf but some maybe afraid that they can never measure up to the standard for good boys and girls. That's completely opposite of what Jesus teaches us.

Last children have so much trust for the adults in their lives so when we make up lies and fake characters, they believe it as truth (up to the age of 10). When we include santa, elf and other cartoon-like characters and make them real, we blur the lines between fantasy and reality. So after we tell them how the elf works they believe that it's true. Then we go on and teach them the Christmas story in the Sunday school, they sing Christmas carols believing that it's true also. When the time comes to tell them that santa, rudolf and the elf are not real they are confused. Maybe that Jesus character is not real either?

Christmas is about Jesus not about any other name.

We treat the characters of santa, the elf and others as any persona from a cartoon. Yes it's there. Yes some people make it a part of their celebration. There are songs about them but the holiday is not about them.

Santa doesn't bring presents. Parents love their children and give them the gifts, doesn't matter how bad or good behaved they are. We love them unconditionally.

Elf on the Shelf is not going to spy on you or tell on you. He isn't much more than any other cartoon character (if they happen to see it at someone's house). They don't have to be afraid of anything or ever be good enough to receive things. God loves them unconditionally.

That's the message of Christmas and that's what I want my children to remember. The love, the joy and merry spirit of the season without any ill-behaved, mass-produced, popular character which no one will even remember in a few years when they will come with something new to sell.

They won't miss out on Christmas tradition because we will make our own, doing kind things for our neighbors and loving each other. They won't be spoiled with presents for being good or robbed of them for misbehaving because we love them no matter what. They will play and get mischievous without being afraid of being told on.

And they will have a great Christmas.
Hope you will too!

September 24, 2014

Things You Don't Appreciate Until You Have a Toddler

Time is flying way too fast around these parts. With fall in full swing  and Jonathan entering toddlerhood, I catch myself wishing for this stage to never end. On the other hand, I can't wait until he is a little more independent and we are over the potty training (oh the joys of potty training). I'm definitely learning to enjoy my time with him more and just take in every moment with this curious, smart and energetic boy. Also, looking at life through eyes of the toddler makes me appreciate the simple, every day things that I would've taken for granted otherwise.

The wonder of an open book. Jonathan loves reading, and every time I have a minute to sit down he brings me a book (or asks for one). The pages come alive in his eyes as he learns and explores the familiar stories. It's the excitement and wonder in his eyes that make me stop and enjoy the story with him. He never tires of it and is always ready to listen while intently studying the pictures. He will sit down and imitate reading while flipping through the pages by himself. It's the most adorable thing ever.

The beauty of nature. There are things that he finds in our yard that I didn't even know were there. Being outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine is his other favorite thing to do. Either it's taking a walk through his grandmother's garden or swinging in the park, it's always so joyful and exciting. He doesn't care if it's sunshine or rain, there is plenty to  discover and learn. The outside world is always exciting and never boring.

Unconditional love. No one loves as unconditionally and freely like toddlers. They don't hold grudges, they don't remind of old mistakes and forgive very fast. They really put the meaning of unconditional love in our lives and undeniably receive it in return. Children (and especially toddlers) love us with all our faults and mistakes, they accept us for who we are and perhaps that's why they are the most fun bunch around.

Our own parents. Living with a child and experiencing all the day-to-day difficulties and joys makes us appreciate our own parents  even more. All the cooking, cleaning and teaching our mothers did for years now seem so real and personal. It takes a lot of effort to keep a toddler out of harm's way, and at the end of the day, I am exhausted just by doing simple household tasks. After I had Jonathan, I understood all the work my mother put into me and appreciate it a lot more.

The value of a family. Children really bring life to a family and make the home come alive. Sure we were happy and satisfied as a couple before but now, it's just a lot of fun. Every single day. It brings my husband and I closer knowing that we are in this together and that we are a family. Life without children seems dull, and with addition of just one (so far) in our lives, we have experienced so much joy and fulfillment it's hard to describe it. Children bring extended family closer, they make us drop our guard and open our hearts to each other, because, really, nothing out there is more valuable than family.

August 11, 2014

Leaving a Child

As we were planning our vacation, I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted it to be just the two of us. We haven't been away from Jonathan for more than a day in the last two years and it was something we needed as a couple, as parents, as adults. 

So we booked our vacation and arranged babysitters for Jonathan but as the day to leave him behind approached, my heart dropped. I was worried and besides myself. Honestly, I could hardly sleep the night before thinking about the worst possible scenarios happening while we are gone.

How could I do this? How could I leave my baby behind (with family, mind you) and just enjoy a week without him? How will he be without my constant care and attention? How am going to survive without his flamboyant personality and happy giggles? 
And to be honest, I don't know how.

Just to paint you a fuller picture of how much of control freak I am, here is exactly what I did before leaving. I scrubbed my house from top to bottom and washed all the laundry, changed all the bed sheets and stocked fridge with milk. Then I packed Jonathan's bag which included pretty much everything from ten spare shirts to fever medication and bibs. I wrote out a detailed list of his every day routine and gave to family members (yes, I know). 

Let's just say that packing for this vacation was heck of a lot more work than it would have been staying home. But I had to make sure that people who were able to raise a few children of their own would be well equipped looking after mine (oh the irony). 

In the end, I know he's in safe hands and that this time away from every day life is so good for our marriage and relationship. I know it in my mind and I know it in my heart. So I'm putting my dear baby in The Father's care and praying for him to be safe and content while we are gone. 

No matter how much we love out children, relationship with our spouse should always come first. I know sometimes it's hard to get away but it's absolutely needed to renew, refresh and rekindle the love. After all, children thrive in a loving and caring atmosphere and  benefit from a happy marriage.

July 31, 2014

Judge Not

Summer is our favorite time of the year. Jonathan loves all the outdoor activities and spends most of his time running. The shoes take a beating every time he's outside and don't last very long. So, long story short, I found myself at the mall the other day walking from store to store, searching for toddler sandals. Notice that Jonathan hates flip flops. Every time I would try to put them on his feet he would say that they hurt. Apparently retailers forgot how to make regular boy sandals because I could not find even one pair.

Jonathan was completely tired after about an hour of walking around. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find what I was looking for, he didn't want to sit in the stroller but I couldn't let him walk as he would run away. So after another attempt to calm him with a toy and some snacks, I did what I have judged others for - I searched the YouTube for cartoons. The connection in the mall wasn't so great and it was taking a while to load one 15 minute video but it kept him occupied. He was watching a cute Russian cartoon that I have watched as a little girl and being somewhat cooperative. Target came to the rescue with only the very last pair of sandals in his size, and we were on our way home.

It's taking me a while to realize that there are many ways to parent. Some parents let their kids go to bed late and then sleep in the morning, other parents have a bed time and stick with it. Some parents don't have food guidelines and others have strict instructions what their child can and cannot eat. No matter what your parenting style is and no matter how paranoid or laid back you are, I don't judge you. I'm doing the best I can and you are doing the best you can, so we are in the same boat. People come from all sorts of economical and societal backgrounds, having gained the knowledge of what's normal from their parents. If someone has been less fortunate or simply disadvantaged in some areas, it's not my job to criticize their skills and abilities. We, as parents, need to encourage and help each other along because this job is hard enough without someone criticizing me for doing my best.

xo, Anna

July 2, 2014

Being a Baby Mama


My little boy and I are quite close. I mean it's just him and I day in and day out. We wake up together. We eat breakfast together. We read books together. We go outside together. We take naps together. We do life hand in hand every day. I never thought I would enjoy being a stay-at-home mama so much but everyday my heart is filled with joy watching my son grow.

I got asked what I do for a living and after answering that I only stay home, I've changed my answer. It may seem trivial or unnecessary, but my answer now is that I work a full time job without vacation, overtime pay and sick days. Full time raising a little human being. Life as a mother is non stop and there is always someone who needs me. There is always plenty of learning, playing, exploring and having fun together. 

Jonathan is such a chatter box right now with occasional moments of silence which usually means he's getting himself in trouble. He knows what he can and cannot do, and will turn on the charm if realizes he got caught in action. If I'm scolding him, he will come to me and lay his head on my shoulder while giving a sweet little peck right on the lips. It melts my heart.

Being a mother to a toddler every minute of the day without leaving the house for work outside is harder than one might think. Doing the same thing over and over again sometimes gets tedious and frustrating. But the moments when I see him discover a new toy, learn  a new word and open a new book are the brightest and happiest moments of my life. His giggles and little quirky things he does, that happy grin and fast little hands, the way he lays his head on my shoulder and says first words are the things that I cherish right now. 

Finding joy in the small things, having patience for the tough things, remembering the good things, never-minding the hurtful things, discovering the new things, keeping the old things dear to my heart every single day. That's what being a baby mama is all about. 

May 29, 2014

Currently Loving {Life Edition} Thursday Link Up

Few weeks ago my sister and I took the kiddos and went to the local zoo. It's nothing fancy, mind you, but still it was an event. We strapped the kiddos into strollers and headed up the hill. Half way up we realized that our kiddos weren't so impressed with napping lemurs and dirty zebras (you literally couldn't tell it was a zebra), so we paused for some pictures.
First let's take a selfie. Notice how the kids are acquainted with the concept but don't know you are supposed to put your best tooth forward. Get the joke? No? At least I'm laughing.
My gorgeous sister. We take pictures of each other but she's way better at it than I am.
Us and the llamas. But the zoo is not for Jonathan apparently - there is something more interesting
in the opposite direction.
At least something was interesting enough that he was pointing to it
 the goats which were only looking for a treat from us. The kiddos didn't want to touch them at all and Jonathan's face says it all.
When we were done with the mammals that's the face they gave us. Ha! Money well spent no?
We ended the day with some froyo. Those green little balls are Japanese candy made in all kinds of flavors. I like how they burst in my mouth creating an explosion of taste because apparently dozens of animals weren't exciting enough. This should do it.

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2. Link up anything... it could be one of your previous posts that you are loving or something new you just can't wait to share!

3. Please include a link back to this post within your post or grab my button from the side bar (because it's such a nice thing to do!)

4. Now simply add your link below! We hope you all enjoy meeting other bloggers and discovering some new things.

5. If you would like to Co-Host Currently Loving Link Up, email ademko10 (at) gmail (dot) com for more details!

May 23, 2014

Blessings of a Stay at Home Mama

Last picture of his baby curls...

A younger version of myself never saw this life that I'm living in the future. I always thought I will get my education, get married, have children and go back to work as soon as I could. Little did I know that God had different plans for me. Being stay at home mom has its challenges but it's such a huge blessing. There are so many things I enjoy that need to be documented before I forget how precious this time of my life is.

The best part about being with my child 24/7 is seeing the little things he does as he changes and grows. I notice how he goes from dependent-on-me-for-all-things baby to independent boy. I see how his personality starts to show through and he becomes a fully functional member of our family. I love seeing him grow into a little man, attempt things on his own, like certain food and dislike others, categorically object to me leaving him and talk up a storm.

I'm amazed when all the teaching and repeating things over and over again finally pays off. After a million 'please' and 'thank you's he finally says something and it seems like there is nothing more precious in the world. I'm surprised when he randomly brings something into garbage without me telling him, or knows where the place of a certain item is. Those are the moments when every difficult moment and sleepless night is worth it.

I adore his slobbery kisses and hugs, and the fact that I'm his first love. He sees only me, wants me, and although it gets annoying at times, I treasure this time of closeness. Don't get me wrong, I like my personal space and alone time but that boy just knows how to melt my heart into a huge puddle of mush. He is a hugger but not s cuddler, if that makes sense. He will come up and give me a huge bear hug, after he jumps on me a little. But he will not stay passed two seconds because frankly he's too busy and has got to go.

Time is fleeting and life is so short. I cherish the time I get to spend one-on-one with my son. I'm raising a human being, a future leader, husband and father - that has got to count for something more than the career I'm missing or the dress I can't fit into. Motherhood is a great joy, and there is nothing in the world I would rather be doing right now.

May 14, 2014

Thoughts On Parenting

I set down to write this post three times, and have deleted every single draft. It's hard to put thoughts into words when you have ideas coming together in haphazard manner. So here it goes.
I think about what it means to be a parent. A lot. And how it changes me as a human being.
Few weeks ago, hubby and I had a night off (sorta) from being parents. We dropped Jonathan off at my mom's for the night and headed out. Although we were physically away from our child, we were still very presently parenting. After exchanging pleasantries we talked about that little guy that occupies most of our lives. 
We talked about his cute little quirks and the annoying-us-to-death things he does. We talked about life and how much joy that energetic boy has brought into our lives. At the end of the evening, the house felt awkwardly silent without the bubbling toddler running around. It felt a little weird not going into his room to make sure he isn't too hot, or not checking his diaper. His room was empty and it felt as if I never been to that place of just us two. Like we always had him in our lives.   
I thought, I would feel free. I thought, I was craving to relinquish the responsibility of parenthood for just one night. I thought, I missed the freedom.
But the only thing that missed that night was our boy.
Ones you become a parent, you never ever stop being one. No matter what happens in life, no matter the choices that child makes, no matter how geographically disconnected you are, no matter what he/she does, no matter what, you don't ever stop loving.
It was awesome to have a night out on the town with just the two of us, reminiscing about the good ole days. It felt so special to hold hands and not worry about third mouth to feed or the diaper duty. We needed that breath of romance and sweet time alone, and loved every minute of it.
But the next day it was all right with the world again - there were three of us. Hearing that cute babble first thing in the morning, goofing around in bed, chasing around the house, reading books and gathering around the table together. 
As much as I loved the dating and the newlywed stage, and miss being able not to think about nap schedule, I love this new stage in my life. I'm learning to embrace it and savoir every moment of adorable cuteness and naughty mischievousness. I'm learning to have more patience, to let go of the things that bother me and to live in the moment. I'm learning to hit pause for a minute to just sit down and play with Jonathan and remember the moments that brought me so much happiness.
When you hold that precious little baby in your hands, you give up the power and right to act, speak, or think as you want without consideration for another human being that depends on you for everything. That's what it means to be a parent. 

May 7, 2014

Thoughtful Gifts for Your Mama

Every year before mother's day, I see tons of buying guides. They include everything from silk pajamas to flowers but haven't your mama seen it all? Haven't she gotten every gift she doesn't need and will never use? Well, I have put together a list of ideas for your most special moms that won't make them yawn because mothers just want to feel special. Whether you do the dishes or take her to a fancy dinner, it takes a little extra thought to make this holiday memorable. Mothers want to feel appreciated in a thoughtful kind of way so you need to put some effort into it.

1. Treat your mama with a breakfast in bed! She doesn't expect it and will be ever grateful for your thoughtful gesture. Go all out and make something fancy or just simple toast with cup of coffee - whatever it is she likes. Don't forget to make it beautiful and serve it with a single rose on the tray. She will feel loved and appreciated because she, of all people, knows how much work it all takes.

2. Make her feel special with a spa day with plenty of rest and relaxation. Pamper her, either at home by drawing her a bubble bath with pretty candles and her favorite book or by sending her off to a day spa. Whichever it is, make sure you take care of it all so she doesn't have to worry about a thing (especially about the clean up or cost.)

3. A memorable photo album of those special Insta pictures and forgotten ones will bring smile and tears to her face. Every mother says that her children grow too fast so give her a memory capsule she will cherish forever. Make sure your personalize it to make is extra special.

4. Give her a full day off by taking care of little children, cleaning the house and making dinner. Do the laundry for her and any other tasks that need to be done that day. Let her do what she wants while you tend to her every whim, then see if she won't feel special.

5. Buy her something she has been wanting for a while, whether it's that new cook book or beautiful piece of jewelry. She will love the gift but more than anything she will love that you were paying attention and know her well. It's always nice to know someone cares so much.

6. Treat her by taking her out for lunch or dinner, when she least expects it. Of course, everyone is doing something special on Mother's Day but how about taking her to lunch on Friday or dinner on Saturday? It's expected of you to do something nice on Sunday but it's most special when the act of kindness is done unexpectedly.

7. Make her favorite dinner (or buy and bring it to her), from appetizer to dessert. Let her enjoy it in peace in quiet without interruptions, while you serve. She will love the opportunity to relax and have her favorite meal in peace without having to worry about anything. To make it extra special make sure you do the clean up because it's the hardest part (and as a mama she knows it).

8. Do her yard work without being asked. With spring time and lots to do around the house, she can sure use some help. Mow her lawn, water the plants, weed the garden and trim the bushes. If she doesn't have a house, see what else she needs done (a faucet is leaking somewhere probably). Just ask, and I'm sure she will have a list ready to go for you.

I hope you will make this Mother's Day extra special by putting thought and effort into your gift for your mama. She surely deserves it and will appreciate your thoughtfulness, especially because she knows how much work it all takes. Thank her by doing something for her, instead of just brushing the holiday off with another cliche of a gift.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by lovelies!