April 20, 2012

Walk in a Park

Shades: TJMaxx
Tshirt: Izod
Necklace: Loft
Button-up, ring: Thrifted
Jeans: H&M
Flats: JCrew Factory
Good Things Happening:
- Feeling good enough for a stroll in a park, which turned out to be very nice
- Keeping busy with DIY projects (I will post another one soon)
- Working a lot lately makes me appreciate that I have some type of job
- Thanking the Lord for allergy meds
- Realizing I have more than I need
- Having an interview and a possible job in the fall... Yeeek!!!
- Spending more time with my mom and sharing
- Making good friends with some new people
- Loving spring time and all the colors in wardrobe
- Stumbling upon a great sale and (of course) scoring some great buys...

What's good in your life?

April 18, 2012

Second Stripe

Is there anything more annoying that spring allergies?Currently I'm i the middle of constantly sneezing, wiping my watering eyes and trying to breath. Sitting at home, drinking tea and trying to stay warm under the blankets. The constantly changing weather isn't doing me any favors either. Today it was breezy and pretty much almost freezing outside, yet sunny. I was literally cold and even had to turn up the heat a little, soooo forget you spring. No, I'm sorry... PLEASE come back! :)
Comments are welcomed!

April 17, 2012

The First Stripe

Today was a perfect day for a spring outfit with stripes and bright colors. Recently I have been experimenting with mixing patterns and colors and this is a bold move for me - stripes with leopard. Another thing is that I cannot stop wearing this JCrew necklace but my hubby is saying that I need to tone down the jewelry - he's new to the fashion world. What do you guys think?

- Of course, we got one (!) warm spring day in NY with gorgeous 80 degrees just to go back to 50s the next day
- My mom has a cat. He is new. As in she just got him about 4 weeks ago. Every time there is someone in the house visiting, he runs downstairs and doesn't come out until everyone is gone
- Talking to myself in the car, while standing on the red light. I turn my head and see a guy looking at me with 'did your brain just get up and walk away?" look. Awkward...
- Going grocery shopping with hubby on Saturday with a list and the whole nine yards, only to get home and realize we didn't get one thing we really need - OJ.
- Getting allergies when it's 80 outside and not being able to breathe or sleep like a normal person... Big huge bear hibernating ove hee...
- I wanted to get a dress from JCrew for couple of weeks now but have been patient to wait for the sale on sale. Then, I go the website the moment I see they have a sale and my size is gone. GONE. People when do you shop? In the middle of night? Not cool.

- Having my hubby cook the entire Sunday lunch with like 3 courses! Yay for me! I was banned from kitchen only to discover a delicious French Onion Soup, Beef Roast with Asparagus (I was allowed to help with asparagus only) and Crème Brûlée for dessert. Can I get a WoHooo??
- Not having to wear nylons because it's so warm out
- Still enjoying crème brûlée two days later because he made so much!
- Going for a walk with hubby
- Realizing that I have been good with saving some money up all by myself. Hubby is proud.

Happy Tuesday!

April 16, 2012

The Pursuit of Happiness

Skirt: JCrew Factory similar
Sweater: H&M similar
Shoes: Payless similar
Bag: Thrift Store
Necklace: Macy's 

Do you know that state of happiness and content is entirely up to us? Being content means state of complete awareness of the circumstances you are in, while having positive attitude towards life and joy in the heart. Content means being happy with what you have and not coveting what you cannot have. It does not mean that you have to plop on the couch and just forget about ever reaching for anything or achieving something better. If it is in your ability to gain better relationships, better life or financial situation, you should take that opportunity but not at the expense of others. It is a new day - reach for better things, strife for goodness and be content with your life.
Happy Monday!

P.S. So while you are being happy with life, go ahead and indulge in extra 30% OFF at JCrew Sale... Don't mention it:)))

April 15, 2012

Stripes Anyone?

So once in a while there comes a trend that takes everyone by a storm and no matter how hard you try, you will fall for it. That's stripes for me. I love them! Currently I am trying to experiment with mixing patterns and stripes maybe just the way to go. So grab your favorite stripes and show it off in two ways. I always think that a piece of clothing is versatile if you can dress it up for a office meeting and down for a casual Saturday afternoon. So girls, here is your chance! All the details are at What I Wore: Stripe Challenge. Even if you are not going to post, cheer for me!