November 18, 2013

Patience {Motherhood Challenges Series}


Would you believe me if I said that I get frustrated with this cute little face and run out of patience? 
Well, it happens more than I like to admit. 
Patience is not my virtue and I will be the first one to admit it, but motherhood has brought a whole different perspective on it.
Having patience and practicing it is not an option anymore. It's simply something I have to do on a daily basis or I will loose my mind. 

As a mother, the primary caregiver and teacher, I become frustrated and impatient.
I know deep inside that he's still very little, he doesn't understand what 'no' means, or that he needs to wait 15 seconds for me to make his bottle. 
Yet it's still hard not to loose my cool. 

It's hard to be patient and still have discipline, to understand his little mind and not get frustrated at his inexperience, to teach him everyday tasks without getting annoyed with his forgetfulness.
Sure, he's cute, and sweet, and adorable, and fun but he still has his moments and it takes a lot of motherly patience and discernment on how to react and what to do when his mood strikes.
I ask the Lord to give me patience but then find myself frustrated and angry with the next situation if something doesn't go the way I planned or envisioned. 

We ask God for patience, but really it isn't something God can just pour on us. Patience is learned with time and age, it's something we conscientiously have to choose and act with, something we have to practice everyday. 

Therefore my prayer is not for God to give me patience. My prayer is to know God, and how He loves us, to show Him in my everyday life. He has so much patience and long-suffering with us, where many times we don't deserve it. 
God really knows us, yet has enough patience to let us come to Him, and let us learn and grow, without force or constrain. 
Learning to love like God does is what going to give me strength to have enough patience for my everyday life.  No matter what life brings.

November 15, 2013

Please and Thank You!

THANK YOU! Thank You! thank you! for following, reading supporting this little space on the world wide web. I feel so privileged and blessed to be able to share my life and have someone actually think it's interesting enough to keep coming back for more. It's incredible feeling this blogging thing and you guys make it happen.  From the bottom of my heart, thanks!

You guys, I have a HUGE favor to ask!
I've been trying to improve and grow my blog, and really want to do it with a goal in mind. I also want to know what you (my readers) think about it. What should I improve and what should I get rid of? What am I good at and what stinks here? 
Well, to make it easier for all of us, I've created a survey and with only a few minutes of your time you can make my life easier and this space better.
Follow this link to answer a few questions.

Thanks bunches!
Have a great weekend!

Jonathan //9 months//

I remember sitting in my PJ's right after I got home from the hospital, trying to latch you on (crying from the horrible pain) and thinking that this will never end. I will not survive this.
And here we are - nine months later, still alive and well.
You are making all kinds of babble noises as I'm typing away at the computer.

You are smart and fun kid to be around. You love books and every time I open a book you just love turning pages with me and looking at pictures. You play with books by yourself and attempt to turn pages on your own - so stinking adorable.

You are getting into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. There is absolutely nothing out there that doesn't look or sound interesting. Shoes, for example, are the best and you look to chew on them any chance you get.

You still only have two teeth and although the top gums look like they are a little swollen, they aren't coming out yet.
Since we have the luxury of having two living rooms, I bought a gate to keep you in a controlled and safe environment when I need to cook or get stuff done. You play in it for a while but it does get old, and you love to follow me around.

Your regular bed time is 8pm and usually you wake up between 4 and 6am for your bottle. Then fall asleep again until about 8 or 9. But of course the days daddy has a day off and we want to sleep in you will decide to wake up at 7am and proceed to demand to be picked up.

You are eating pretty much everything we do (although finger foods are your absolute favorite). Whenever I'm cooking, I don't add seasoning until the very end and puree your food then season ours.
You have the most adorable and funny laugh and everything is a game. We play and laugh, and read, and goof around together - I'm loving this stage the most.

You love going shopping and sitting in the cart like a big boy, looking around and grabbing pasta boxes any chance you get. You barely fit in your carrier car seat  and it makes me sad that you are growing so fast.
Bath time is a daddy duty and your absolute favorite - you squeal when you see shower start. You two have a lot of fun together, judging by all the laughing that's going on in the bathroom

You finally learned to hold your own bottle and now it's a lot easier putting you down for a nap, although sometimes I let you fall asleep without a bottle.

You have an easy-going personality and as long as you are fed, changed and rested - all is well with the world. You are starting to show your toddler side and definitely will let everyone know when you don't like something - we are working on it.

As much as I can, I'm teaching you the meaning of 'no' and that I mean it. Most of the time you understand it but still keep coming back and doing the same thing over and over again. I'm definitely learning patience.

You love going to new places and stranger's houses don't intimidate you at all. Really, anyone can babysit you and you will have no problem with it. Especially you love being spoiled by grandmas.

You are crawling and cruising everywhere you can, and I don't think walking is too far away. You can get places a lot faster by crawling so walking isn't on your To Do list right now.

Out of all the different stages and changes you have been going through, I'm enjoying every moment. Seeing how fast time flies and you will never been this little again, I'm doing my best to take in every moment, not to complain and just enjoy the life right now. 

November 12, 2013

What Would You Do For a Blog?

shirt: Loft
cardigan: J.Crew
skirt: Express
shoes: Guess
bag: Target
As the weather gets colder, it's a lot harder to take outfit pictures outside. The photographer is all bundled up in coat and I'm freezing my tail off for about ten minutes. Then I ask myself, why am I doing this?

Well, for one, I love doing it because blogging is my creative outlet, which doesn't let me get into mommy jeans rut at home.
Secondly, as I've mentioned before, my goal is to inspire people and show girls that you can dress fashionably yet modestly. 

I hope my efforts are not in vain.

Really, I will have to find a better location for outfit pictures this winter because I'm on the verge of giving up. The cold wind and snow will do that to ya. 
You can only go so far until you can't feel your toes and shivering from the icy chill.

What would you do for you blog? How far would you take your determination? 
Do share ladies! 
Thanks for reading and have a great day!

November 11, 2013

Thoughts On Turning Twenty Five + Inspiration Monday

 Whenever you pass a big milestone in life, it makes you stop and think. You are either satisfied and happy with what you see your life becoming or completely disappointed.
Turning twenty five isn't that big of a deal but still, it's a number that shows I'm approaching thirty (it's a dirty word in vocabulary). It is a milestone and a turning point that certainly got me thinking.

Am I doing something with my life to serve God? 
What have I achieved?
Am I in the center of God's will?
What are my goals and dreams? 
Am I headed in the right direction spiritually, emotionally and socially? 
What kind of memory and legacy will I leave behind?
I mean, there is a lot to consider. 

One thing that I'm sure of is I'm blessed. I have more than I deserve and ever would've of dreamed of to have. In the petty little every day problems, I seem to loose the sight of the big picture, of God's enormous blessings in my life. 

Life is good when it's shared with the ones you love. It's even better when you invest your life into others and help make some one's life better. I do not want to live for me and mine, just doing what's necessary for my family. I want to help others beyond my front door, to love people and serve any way I can. 

If I say I have no regrets, I would be lying. There are things I wish I would have done differently, and advice I would've have listened to, but it's not what's important. Important thing is to move on, to grow, to change things that I can and to accept things that I can't.

I want my life to matter. I want it to leave an imprint on someone else's life, to show others what love of God really means. 

Do I fail? Sure... I burn out, I struggle with things, I don't have enough faith and I get discouraged. Doing the right thing isn't easy. Sometimes it feels lonely and sometimes I don't want to do it at all - I want to throw in the towel and quit. 

Life isn't all roses and pretty pictures. Life is hard and behind every face there is story, there is hurt, there is pain and there are those who help us go through it all. I want to be that person. I want to help people, to leave a lasting impression on life, to do something that matters, to leave a legacy that's worth mentioning in a eulogy. 

I want to...
learn to love people like God does.
forgive and truly let go
move passed disappointments
inspire others to do the right thing
be thankful
have mercy with people
serve God with my talents (as little or much as I have)
help people through the storms of life.
be soft spoken
being able to admit that I'm wrong and change 
raise responsible and God-fearing child(ren)

I don't want to... 
quit because it's hard.
get bitter
forget God's blessings and mercy
worry about tomorrow
be judgmental 
live carelessly
be angry
lose sight of what's important 

Life is a gift so we need to start living like you are only given today because nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.
Thank you for reading and God bless!
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