March 13, 2015

Pink Blush Maternity Wear

jacket: Pink Blush Maternity c/o (similar), jeans: Pink Blush Maternity c/o (similar), top: Banana Republic (similar), pumps: Jessica Simpson, tote: Amazonwatch: Fossil, necklace: vintage

Hello friends and I'm so happy it's Friday! It has been a loooooong week and I'm so happy it's over. Believe it or not, the cold hasn't completely left us and I'm still stuffed up. But the sun is shining, the temperatures are getting warmer and I'm feeling better. The florals are my absolute favorite (judging by the last few posts) and I'm not planning on stopping. If you are looking for affordable maternity clothes, check out Pink Blush Maternity and their huge selection of dresses, bottoms and tops. They also carry a large selection of plus size maternity wear and constantly update their merchandise selection. Hope you enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Sale Alert

  Ann Taylor (40% OFF entire purchase with code FRIENDS40)
LOFT: 40% OFF everything
GAP 30% online purchase with code SPRING
Lord & Taylor 20% regular and sale items with code SAVE
J.Crew 25% off with code SALELOVE

 Style Elixir // What I Wore Wednesday // Mix It Up Friday // Cappucino and Fashion // Throw Back Thursday // Sunday Style // Passion4Fasshion // Favorite Fashion Friday //Style Med Wednesday

March 11, 2015

My Route to a Healthy Pregnancy

Once you are pregnant, every fiber of your being starts releasing mother-hen hormones and you want to do everything possible to protect that child. Having a healthy pregnancy is very important, regardless of age or any other factors, so I piled up a list of things I'm doing (or at least trying to do) to keep on top of the game. 

1. Drink Plenty of Fluids. I aim for 8-10 glasses of water a day, with no more than 2 glasses of juice. If I want something sweet and bubbly, I mix one can of seltzer with half a glass of cranberry juice. I'm also a very heavy tea drinker so I do  herbal and regular teas and may have up to 3 cups a day. If I want more tea hot but already had too many cups that day, I add 1 tablespoon of honey with a slice of lemon to hot water. Sometimes I forget to drink first thing in the morning and can tell how that negatively affects the rest of my day. Fluid intake is something very important and I do everything possible to make sure I'm always well hydrated. 

2. Exercise Regularly. We have been stricken with a bad cold for the last week so I haven't done much. But I'm planning to pick it back up as soon as I can breath without cough choking my chest. My exercise routine consists of 2 miles walk/jog  2 to 3 times a week on the treadmill. I have been keeping very constant with exercise but hoping that the good weather will let me go and enjoy the outdoors more. I hate being stuck in the garage looking at my husbands tools and wishing for the time to pass by faster. I know that once it warms up we will be taking walks and going to the park all the time. Also, I ordered the exercise ball which is supposed to be very good for pregnant women but have never tried it. We shall see how it works.

3. Get Some Rest. My first trimester fatigue was so bad that I had to take multiple naps during the day. Once second trimester hit, I felt much better but still like to lie down for a quick (or a long) nap every day (if I have time that is). I have never had any morning sickness so I guess fatigue and extreme tiredness will have to be my thing. I know that I can't complete the same tasks in the same amount of time so I have to schedule things and allow more time to getting ready and lounging in the morning. 

5. Take Prenatal Vitamins. I have been slacking on this end (I have to admit) and got sick. I know that when I don't give my body extra support it needs, I get weak and get sick. I don't take anything fancy or expensive vitamin support is very important to my health. Baby will take whatever he/she needs to thrive but I may be left with less than enough for myself. Taking prenatal vitamins is definitely important and something that shouldn't be taken lightly. 

6. Watch What You Eat. I have to say that this time around, I'm not giving myself any slack. My first pregnancy I would constantly make excuses why I wanted to (and could) eat anything and everything I wanted. This time around, I'm not allowing any extra and unneeded calories enter my body. Also, I do one carb-free, protein-rich meal a day. If I start a day with egg omelet with veggies and avocado, I will skip the bread. That way I can have the mash potatoes in the evening, or vice versa. Grains like quinoa,  buckwheat, rice and lentils are great for nutrition-packed meal yet they don't carry a heavy load of carbohydrates and sugar. I also limit my sugar intake to that only in the protein rich (like yogurt) or healthy (almonds and cranberries) snacks, and fruits. Don't get me wrong, I like a piece of pizza as much as the next gal, but I know that it's a treat and not an everyday occurrence. 

What are your tips to a healthy pregnancy? Have you tried the exercise ball? Do share! 

My Healthy Pregnancy Must Haves

Thank you for stopping by!
xo, Anna

March 10, 2015

Spring 2015 Runway Trends: Florals

There is nothing groundbreaking (ha!) about florals for spring yet we keep coming back to them year after year. This spring is no exception - florals are everywhere! From tops and dresses, to heels and purses - spring is in the air. I couldn't be happier about it! Hope you are enjoying spring and starting to warm up a little. Here are my favorite floral pieces from different price points and brands. Check it out and deck yourself in some flower power





and more...

Thank you for reading!
xo, Anna