August 19, 2013


dress: Lord & Taylor
shoes: Aldo
clutch: H&M
I'm about to simplify my life.
Lately it has been (very) busy.Yes, I know you hear that all the time but it's true.
 Saturday morning hubby was home and we were all sleeping in (trying to at least). When Mr. Baby woke up we took him with us to bed and he was rolling and cooing all over. But both hubby and I kept reaching for the phone and checking whatever it is we are constantly checking. Then it hit me - this is ridiculous! We can't even play with our child without checking the phone all the time. 
This has got to stop!

We live in information overload age. If you not sure of something, all you have to do is Google it and bam, here is your answer. Constantly having multiple apps, email and blogs available on the phone is making this life a lot more stressful and complicated.
Comparing your life with someone else' Instagram account is driving us crazy because we are never satisfied with ours, constantly on the run and always distracted from 'real' life. 
I decided to change that.

From now on I will only be checking Facebook, email, Instagram and my blog once a day! To keep my sanity in tact, make sure I spend enough time with my family and focus on the important things in life (like having everyday devotionals), I  am going to set a time once a day where I check all the media outlets and pay all the online bills (if necessary). That way I don' have to feel  guilty about time spent online knowing that everything else taken care, that I'm not being idle wasting my time. 
I'm sure it's going to be hard at first because it's a habit and I do need to turn off all the notifications and stop constantly checking for comments on the blog. 
Enough said.
Let's make life simple again.
Have a great day!

August 16, 2013

Glimmerglass Queens (and a Prince)

Last weekend my sister, mom and NkI headed out for a gals (and kids) day out. We took a boat ride and strolled through the streets of one of the prettiest towns in Upstate New York. It was a gorgeous day for being outside and exploring, having some delicious bakery and watching the kids' reaction to water. Here is our day in recap.
Jonathan slept through half the boat ride, then attracted every grandma on the boat with his adorable smile.
Must be nice.
My mom, niece, sister, Jonathan and I (love his look)
We barely made it to our first ever boat ride. It was pretty awesome.
All hands on deck. Or in the mouth.
My niece rocking the rich and snobby look.
Must pose for outfit picture.
Must pose for outfit picture #2

Cool old fashioned theater turned into a store. Fo' shame.
There is something behind the closed gate.
Apparently this guy is famous. 
The architecture in the old town is always very romantic.
Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Style ElixirHer And Nicole

August 14, 2013

In Between

tee: Loft
skirt: J.Crew
clutch: H&M
heels: Rampage
My body has been kind of in between lately. You know the stage where you don't have the big belly anymore but not quite back to the pre-pregnancy weight yet? Yep that one.
Until yesterday that is...
I fit into my favorite pair of denim shorts, (not just zipped the fly while not breathing) and I could actually comfortably move in them. It was a long awaited victory.

For some of you ladies, post baby weight loss may come easily and you spring back into shape the moment you pop that baby out, but others (mere mortals like myself) have to work for it. 
You become a mom, have new responsibilities, have another human being fully dependent on you and yet, have to look slim and sexy day two postpartum. Well, give yourselves a break! 
We do a lot and have the hardest job in the world, so if the baby weight isn't off yet, it's OK. 
Since when being a mom became a sexy role anyway? 

I've been really hard on myself. Beating myself up for gaining too much weight during pregnancy, not loosing it fast enough, for not getting everything in the house organized, for not taking Jonathan outside more, for not spending more time with hubby and more. The point is, the list never ends and I still feel overwhelmed no matter how much I got done.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves and our families by trying to be everything for everyone. The most important thing though, is being happy from within. Your family and you will benefit from it more then from seeing skinny, hungry mom running around and having carrot sticks, while miserable.
Put those carrot sticks to good use- make yourself a carrot cake dear. Have a slice. 
Don't you feel better already?
Now go get on that treadmill and work them calories off.

August 13, 2013

Jonathan //6 months//

Daddy's teaching you to stand strong and tall
Celebrating your cousin's birthday. All pink and not sure it all. Poor guy.
Handsome little dude. #toomuchcutenessinoneface

I honestly didn't see this day coming so soon. It's your half birthday! Should we get a half of cake? Since you can't have any, we will enjoy something delicious on your behalf dear. 
So 6 months...Where did the time go!?
I remember trying to teach you how to latch on and now I'm stuffing that face with green beans, which you still aren't huge fan of.
Dear boy, you are growing way too fast and yet not soon enough.
You are such a happy baby, I can't believe how many fears I had about having a child but you have proved a lot of them wrong. 

You sleep like a champ, eat like a hungry monkey and enjoy playing by yourself. Now that I know you more and what ever cry, wine and smirk means - life is becoming easier. I don't worry that you will be screaming your lungs out in Walmart or that you won't take the bottle and I will have to nurse you right there in cereal isle. It's like we have our own rhythm and get along very well.
Of course, you have your days and I have my moments but over all, you are one easy-going baby. 

You are rolling all over the floor and sitting up a little too. You love your cereal and don't mind the bottle. But most of all, you still love to nurse and actually will get kind of cranky if you don't get a nursing session in any given 5 hours. And there I thought you will be weaned by 6 months. Yeah, so that didn't happen.

You have the most adorable and contagious laugh I have ever heard and yet most of the time, you are one serious fella. Every grandma loves you but you get very shy around strangers and turn away with a cute smile. Such a heartbreaker already!

You are ever so curious and love looking around, going for long walks and exploring new surfaces and places. You are also a lot more sociable and don't cling to me all the time, which is good when I have to leave you in the nursery during church services. You are fascinated with all the kids there and I'm pretty sure soon it will be your favorite place.

We had a small struggle with getting you used to falling asleep in your crib during the day. You have such a stubborn personality already and a very strong will but finally you got used to it. Now if I see you getting tired and rubbing your eyes, all I have to do is give you a bottle and put you in the crib where you fall asleep all on your own. Such a smart kid. 

It's such a fun time watching you take everything in and explore this new and exciting world. 
Daddy and I love you very much.
We pray for you to grow big and strong, to know God and love others.
Happy half a birthday son!

August 12, 2013

Don't Give Me Excuses. Give Me Results.

top: Target
skirt: Dorothy Perkins (dress)
heels: Guess
glasses: DNKY
Welcome back! 
How was your weekend? Mine was busy.
I've been meaning to wear this dress couple of times but every time it was a little too... hmm how should I say it? Too much booty.
Well, with me loosing weight and all, it's finally fitting just right. I love the feel and color, but it's still a bit too dressy for simple Sunday outfit. It was a bit chilly in the morning, so I dressed it down with a blouse.

Apparently, the diet has been working. Can I get a woohoo? 
I did one week with no carbs and no dairy, and then another week were I ate a little bit of bread and rice here and there (I did splurge on French Toast once). It's been amazing to see results! 
Now I'm back to eating pretty much everything but still limiting sweets, ice cream and carbs, while focusing on veggies and whole grains. 
Also, I take walks as much as I can. Jonathan loves taking naps and I get my exercise - it's a team effort.
I am on the roll and loving it.
Are you currently dieting? Trying to loose that last belly fat? 
Do share your secrets people!
And have a great day!