October 10, 2013

Truth Be Told

blouse: Forever 21
top: Target
pants: LOFT
bag: Kate Spade
heels: borrowed from my sister
Truth be told, the heels I'm wearing with this outfit 1. not mine 2. killers for the feet. I wore this outfit with flats to go shopping and the second time out with heels  really love it). My sister was taking the pictures so I had to borrow a pair of killer shoes. Seriously, some shoes are not meant to be. Whoever made those hates feet and want to see them suffer.

On a totally opposite note, I'm enjoying the beautiful fall. Savoring the last sunny days by DIYing my kitchen table and spray painting almost everything I owe. As well as going to the very last farmer's market and buying a bouquet of fall flowers. I miss summer, but there is just something about a brisk, sunny fall morning with gorgeous colors all over that makes your heart sing. 
Enjoy it and have a great day.

October 7, 2013


vest: Land's End
skirt: thrifted
boots: TJMaxx
purse: Target
I love fall. It's my favorite time of the year, truly. The beautiful scenery of the changing foliage, layering of my favorite boots and skirts and deep colors are all so inspiring. 
Plus October is my birthday month, so I'm truly an autumn babe. 
The only thing that I'm not looking forward to is the impending winter months. I literally have ice water instead of blood and am always cold. I live in boots and sweaters all winter long. 
For now, the few sunny days and perfect temperatures are exactly what I need to enjoy this time of the year.
Hope you have a great week and enjoy this beautiful autumn.
Thank you for stopping by.

October 4, 2013

Cute and Cranky

The amount of faces this kid makes is just too much. The grimaces are hard to explain and happen at the most unexpected moments. He is very vocal and animated so sometimes just watching him from aside is fun. He can be very happy and then very serious in a matter of seconds.
I mean, this face, you guys is too much for Friday morning.

Besides being the cutest kid on the planet (too far?), he has been cranky.

 Last two weeks he hasn't been sleeping or eating well. We both had a cold and a runny nose, so that may have had something to do with it. 
So forgive me if I haven't been on this bloggidy blog lately because frankly, the most important thing on my mind right now is getting ample amounts of sleep. And chasing after a baby who can climb steps, crawl and constantly pull on my legs, begging to be picked up. 

October 2, 2013

Love {Motherhood Challenges Series}

Jonathan at 3mo old photo shoot

Love is hard.
It's not just a feeling of butterflies in your stomach, or head spinning from the excitement of newness, or not even sweet feeling of joy when holding your newborn babe.
Love is action. Love is thought. Love is work.
Sometimes love requires a lot of work to stay alive.
We say that we love things - everything from a tasty burger to our mother. But the love I'm talking about is something that you learn to give, something that needs time to grow and mature

To love children it takes...
...patience when they don't listen and obey; when they have stubborn will and awful attitude
...care when they can't care for themselves. Every time of the day, every day.
...compassion for their inexperience when they don't know any better.
...lots and lots of teaching right from wrong and empathy for their mistakes. 
...wisdom to let them go and be independent while carefully watching over. 
...sound judgement when to punish and when to have mercy. 
...kindness in every word we say. 
...goodness and grace. 
...understanding of their little minds and how God designed them.
...tenderness for their fragile soul and impressionable spirit.
...affection and smiles. 

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;  does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
(1 Corinthians 13:4–8)

Love takes much effort on our part and doesn't come easy because, let's face it, we are selfish human beings.
It's hard to give love as a parent without having a constant source to receive from.
This is why God's love to us, people, is such an important part of His existence. He loves us every time we mess up, every time we leave Him and don't obey Him; every time we make mistakes and are unkind. We bring turmoil on ourselves and still ask Him to help us and guide us. And He does.
Truly God's love is amazing!

As a mom, I know that I cannot love my child as much as God loves him. I cannot come even close in understanding, kindness, compassion and wisdom that God has with us but I can try.
It isn't easy and every day grind gets to me.
I fail. I ask His forgiveness. 
I try again to be the best mother I could be. To show my little boy what love really means and how give it to others. How to live it and show love in my everyday life.

October 1, 2013

One Heart

 MUNCHKIN #1                     +                         MUNCHKIN #2



Over the weekend hubby and I (finally!) got a chance to get away from the daily grind. It was a long awaited but short-lived vacation that we both very much needed. 
One thing I did not expect is to miss my baby so much. 
This little munchkin of mine completely stole my heart. 

My sister was gracious enough to watch Jonathan and, although I trust her completely, I was anxious. The night before we were supposed to leave, I couldn't sleep, was super worried and doubting the entire idea.
 I honestly did not think it was going to be this difficult to leave him behind. For just one night, mind you.

I've read countless stories of mothers who had to leave their child over night (or two) and how they were driving away in tears. I thought that those mothers were taking it a tad too far. Why wouldn't you want to leave your kid somewhere to escape for couple of days? 
You do. Really. You need to.
But when it comes time to leave, you doubt and feel guilty and just about to cry. 

You brought the little munchkin into the world and that heart is a huge part of you.
No matter where, no matter how far away, he will forever and always be with you.
He's a little part of both of us.

Who do you think he looks like?