March 31, 2014

Hint Of Spring

blouse: Loft (similar). sweater: J.Crew,  skirt: Ann Taylor (similar), heels: Zara (similar)
It seems that everyone around the blogosphere is styling sandals and cute summer dresses... Alas, I cannot even start thinking about sandals! We had some snow yesterday night and now all of the ground is covered with white stuff. But when you are so desperately in need of spring and sun, you do whatever you can to bring some sunshine in your life. Like this sweater. Yes, it's bright and it's yellow but does it light up my outfit! It's a hint of spring in this cold, frozen world I live in, called New York.
Thank you for stopping by! 

March 28, 2014

Currently Loving [Life Edition] + Link Up

My life has been a complete disaster for last couple of weeks. First hubby and I both got strep throat (thankfully Jonathan escaped that toll) and then as soon as everyone felt better, we caught a stomach bug. This time no one escaped and it was the worst. Slowly but surely I'm back to my normal self, Jonathan is still recovering but hubby was fighting it for a week and finally surrendered with fever and chills. 
So, there isn't much to love in my life as of late but I made an effort to find things that make me happy and enjoy them as much as I can. Here I present to you what I'm currently loving in life.

Currently Looking At: this adorable face. Love

Currently Working On: fireplace mantle with spring flowers and vibrant colors

Currently Smelling: fresh blooms sitting pretty on my kitchen table 
Currently Reading: the spring edition of Cooking Light magazine. Crab cakes here I come.

Currently Can't Get Enough Of: the cutest smile and bear hugs


March 26, 2014

Parenting Toddlers

When it comes to parenting, different stages of child's life require much wisdom. Babies are sweet and sleepy; they want to hang out on your shoulder and as long as they are fed and changed, it's all good. Now, toddlers are a totally different story. They are fully functioning members of a family, as they try prove themselves at every possible opportunity. They are very independent at this age and yet need us the most. So here's how parenting a toddler has changed my life. 

1. GIVE FREEDOM (as much as it is safe). They have very little control over their world - from what they eat to where they sleep, we decide everything for them. So whenever possible and you can give them the freedom they so desire, do so. Let them experiment with different foods and textures, run freely in controlled environment and don't be too harsh when they make a mess. 

2. TEACH. At this point in their life, they soak up every single bit of information that comes their way. Toddlers are very observant, that's why they imitate adults so much. Give them place and time to learn instead of restricting everything all the time. Whenever you have time, sit down, play, read and have fun with them. It may seem like not much to you but they are learning even when you are just goofing off. They are learning valuable social skills of human interaction and trust.

3. BE FAIR. Keep everyone in your household, including yourself to the same standards. If you think they shouldn't have candy but you are \eating M&Ms by the bag full, they will catch on very soon. They may not understand it and you may be able to get away with it now, but sooner or later they will resent your partiality. 

4. REDIRECT. When so little of your life is in your control, and you can't do this or that, frustration comes on easily. Toddlers are frustrated a lot at the world around them because they either can't do something, won't do something or simply don't want to do something. Redirect their attention away from the frustration and engage them in something else.

5. BE CALM. Whenever toddlers are upset, frustrated or cranky, it's best to stay calm. It won't do any good to you or them to get all frizzled and start yelling. Escalating situation by yelling and making arguments will just make it worse because they will resist it. Just accept the fact that they will be upset in some near future and will refuse to do whatever it is you want them to do. So keep calm - you have a toddler on hands.

1. REASON. At this point in game, they don't understand reasoning. You can explain all you want why they need to go to sleep and why mommy loves them, but they don't understand it. When making rules, be firm but soft spoken. Assure them by hug or kiss but still keep on doing what you must. 

2. BRIBE. I know it seems that everyone is doing it but it's simply very ineffective way to train. It teaches the child that he needs to do something only if there is a reward for such behavior. They need to learn that obeying and listening is part of their life. It's simply what they need to learn without alternatives and bribes.

3. IGNORE. Sometimes you just want to close your eyes and not see what's happening. But your toddler is watching you every moment of the day. Sure there are times when it's better to just walk away and not engage, but ignoring mean and defiant behavior will not do him/her any good. It needs to be addressed, punished and corrected.

4. GIVE UP. When it seems like you've tried every option and they still refuse to follow directions or eat that veggie, just step away. Don't keep at it if there are no results but don't get so frustrated you just want to give up. Sometimes, you just need to regroup, find another approach and start all over again. Repetition and consistency is your best friend when it comes to toddlers.

March 24, 2014

On Pause

dress & boots: Lord and Taylor, shirt:, watch Target, purse: Nine West
It seems that spring pushed a pause button and we cannot recover from the great amounts of snow that's outside. It's still very cold and we keep the heat on all the time, as well as our boots . Also we got hit by second plague in our household - stomach bug. Being the weak bodied type that I am, and still recovering from strep throat, I am suffering the worst. The only day that I felt better, I managed to get out of the house with Jonathan and catch the nasty thing. So this post is brought to you from lounging on the couch and clear liquids diet, which totally sucks. So when they (the experts on internet and husband) say that you should stay in for a few days and take vitamins after being sick, you better believe them. 
Welcome to new week and thanks for stopping by! 

March 21, 2014

Currently Loving {Weekly Link Up 2.0}

Another week has gone by and I don't know where it went. Although it's officially spring, we couldn't be any farther away from it. It's currently snowing outside and doesn't show signs of stopping any time soon. Between being sick all week and having below freezing temperatures, I haven't taken any outfit pictures because, let's face it, you don't want to see my pajamas. They are old and they are from Target. Instead I bring you another installment of Currently Loving series and these are some of the coolest things around the web. Link up your posts and spread the word! 

1. How cool are these stacking chairs? The coolest things are available to kids now-a-days.

2. Lovely length ad gorgeous cut of this dress makes me want to take the price plunge. Swoon!

3. Because we all need to laugh at ourselves...

4. Loving neon for this spring and especially this bag.

5. Tried Brazilian Steakhouse and loved every second of it. It was absolutely delicious and totally worth the steep price point. If you never tired it, it's so worth it!

6. I've been feeling under the weather last weekend with some flu-like symptoms. It might be from fatigue, stress or exhaustion.

7. Is having enough material good and a comfortable life here really a blessing? Read this.

8. Life around the globe in pictures is so different then ours. A lot to be grateful for.