October 29, 2014

School of Life {God Thoughts}

image source

A lot of times, we forget how much time and work it takes to get anything good come out of us. No, seriously! The bad habits, awful language and nasty attitude are easy to come by but the good habits, edifying words and sweet attitude are something we have to work on. Work very hard and very long - a life time.

Whenever I make a mistake, say the wrong thing or simply disobey God, I feel like a failure. I feel like there is nothing to be done and I'm a lost cause. I strive for perfection and can't reach it. I look to achieve fault-free character but fail every time.

Perfection is an unattainable illusion because I'm a (forgiven by Jesus Christ) sinner.

I do (and will always) make mistakes but it's how I deal with them that God really looks at. God knows that we are still sinful as His children. He (almost) expects us to fail and that is why He says that we CANNOT do it alone.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Phillipians 4:13)

Every mistake, every wrong deed and thought is a learning process that the Lord wants us to participate in. God gives us hard times and puts
 us in difficult circumstances because He wants us to learn something and move on.

As forgiven children of God, we should never stop learning.

God is always willing to take us to new heights in wisdom and understanding of Him if we would only chose to open up our hearts to Him. Most of the time, if we don't, He has to give us those lessons over and over again because, as stubborn children, we refuse to obey.

It may hurt and be difficult but because He LOVES His children, He wants the best for us.

God does everything out of love, never out of anger or impatience. He doesn't punish us because He's tired of our disobedience - He chastises those who he loves the most.

Life is a series of lessons.

Those of us who chose to learn and participate in God's school of life, will be rich in wisdom and understanding, which definitely makes life a lot more joyous. It may hurt sometimes, it may seem difficult or even unfair but God knows the future. Trust Him to take you through those lessons safely and learn from every mistake. 

Is God teaching you a valuable lesson? Have you gone through difficulties without an understanding of why? Now that you've gone through trials, can you see why God put you through them?

Join the conversation on my FACEBOOK page!

October 27, 2014

Dressy Jeans

Braids | Cropped Jeans | Sweatshirt | Fashion | Happy Medley

Blouse (similar)
Pumps (similar)
Similar Tote
Life is too short - wear heels! No, seriously, ladies enjoy the season while you can still walk barefoot. The time of the year when we sit at home and look out of the window in hopes of seeing a ray of sunshine is almost here. I'm dreading the next six months I'm going to have to spend in fleece pajamas and triple tights. 

But on a happy note, Christmas time is coming and it's the most fun when you have kids. Can't wait for Jonathan actually get to open presents this year. Yay for white Christmas but then I wish we could just skip straight to May and have beautiful spring all over. Alas, it's not going to happen. 

So head on over to your closest TJMaxx and grab some fleece lined leggings, put them on and marvel at the fact that you haven't been living them before. You are welcome! 

October 22, 2014

Fall Plaid

Miniskirt | Plaid Scarf | Fall Outfit | Side Braid| Happy Medley

sweater: Banana Republicskirt: Gap (real, steal), scarf: Joe Fresh (real, steal), bag: (real, steal),   flats: Marc Fisher (real, steal)

I know that a lot of my readers range in income and buying potential. A lot of times, I only include only ONE option for the clothes I have one, but from now on I will try to include a REAL($$$) price and STEAL($) price. So whatever it is you're looking for, you can find it on here.

Hope you are enjoying your week because mine is going extremely well! Hubby and I got to spend a day together without baby at home and I tell you people, it's such a blessing to have family close by. We weren't planning on anything but it just turned so that Jonathan spent the night at my mom's house and my sister babysit him entire day. 

We were able to get some quality time together (ya know;-), lounge in bed, sleep in and have coffee together in the morning - all without being interrupted for one minute. Then we spent the rest of the day furniture shopping and possibly getting me a birthday present. It was glorious! I cannot imagine my life without my family and so grateful that we live close to both parents. 
Thanks for stopping by! 

October 20, 2014

Mix It Up

Stripe Dress | Target | Polka Dot | Brown Boots | Happy Medley

dress: Target (similar, similar)
shirt: Target (similar)
boots: Nine West
bag: similar
necklace: J.Crew
Welcome to Monday! Hope everyone is getting used to the plunging temperatures and slowly taking those sweaters out. My favorite thing about the fall is riding boots and the many (many) ways I can wear them. I love pairing them with dresses, skirts, jeans and even shorts. You can't go wrong with a nice pair of cognac riding boots. Also mixing prints is always fun, but I like to stay within the same color scheme. Thank you for stopping by gals! 
Have a great day! 

October 17, 2014

Unrushed Yes {God Thoughts}

In the middle of my usual everyday chores, I had a thought. 'God, I'm so busy all the time; unrush me'.

Most of the time, I'm doing something. I'm not an idle person, as taught by my mother, always completing chores and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. (side note: will the dust under my bed ever stop accumulating?)

I come from a family of hard workers - there was no time to waste, and something always had to be done. Even now, when I sit down to relax or simply have a day off, I feel guilty unless I accomplish even the smallest of assignments.

A lot of times, I think that what I'm doing in the here and now, isn't as important as the big things I could be doing. But that's simply not true.

So after praying that simple prayer to God, I got my answer almost immediately and I didn't like it. (I burned my hand  taking a pan out of the oven. Ouch.)

There I was standing over my kitchen sink with my hand under running cold water, mad. I was steaming and yelling at myself for not being more careful and just hating the fact that I will have to take a break and sit down for a few minutes, because I had 'stuff to do'. 

Shortly after, I sprained my wrist and really had to stop doing certain things. Being that it was my right hand, I had to ask my husband to chop the onions for soup (and I'm an independent girl). It was annoying and painful but I wasn't rushing through anything for sure.

God answered my prayer and I didn't like it because it hurt me.

A lot of times, we have these grand aspirations, and superb ideas of serving God. Weather it is on the mission field or as a church leader, yet we forget the simple, every day tasks God called us to do. We rush through the everyday stuff, we pass by the little things in hopes to achieve that grandiose mission. That's no what God asks of us.

Before we become the church leader and go to the missions, we must learn to embrace the everyday, to slow down and notice God's hand in the small things.

I know personally, that I have a tendency to rush. I rush through things in hopes of completing the task AND THAN enjoying myself. But maybe we should enjoy the moment we are in. We need to see what God is teaching us through it, learn to unpack even the tiniest responsibility.

His lord said unto him, Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord. (Matthew 25:21) KJV

I want to give God my life of service to others, but most of the time I complain about the enormous piles of laundry I have to finish. Or when I don't want to get up early to get my child because he won't sleep in on Saturday morning.

I'm learning to slow down. To enjoy the moment, to learn what God's teaching me right now but it's a conscious decision that I have to make every day. Instead of planning and scheming for the next project, Simply take your time in the present and ask the Lord to give you gentle reminders to slow down.

God bless and thank you for stopping by!