July 12, 2013

Babies Make Your Heart Grow Softer


Once you have a kid, everything changes. I mean, everything
Your priorities shift, or at least they should.
You start asking people where they bought their strollers and begin thinking about what you are going to leave to your kids after you are gone.
Most of all, though, you change your perspective on child rearing.

Before you have kid(s) their cry seems endless, their whining annoying and their smiles - dorky. After you have a kid of your own, it seems that every cry is a call for help, every whine is just cute babble and every smile is pure joy.
Then you realize what you think you know about raising kids and advice you offer has zero ground, no matter how many parenting books you read. You don't know squat.

You start getting more patient, kind, soft spoken, caring and gentle. 
You stop judging other moms in the grocery store whose kids are having a melt down. 
You stop giving looks to parents whose kids don't want to eat anything except hot dogs and cereal.
You don't look down on mothers who bribe their kids with cellphones and ice cream.
You don't roll your eyes at moms who breastfeed for two years because their child refuses to wean.
You don't judge mothers those don't breastfeed at all.
You don't criticize parents who can't go to public places with their chillins.
You don't because you understand, for the very first time, actually how hard this parenting thing is, how much it changes who you are.

These little chubby, adorable human make you softer. 
They bend and twist your heart in the ways you haven't imagined before. 
They make your heart ache when you are away from them.
They make you cry when they cry.
They melt your heart with their smiles.
They make your heart skip a beat with every milestone.
Babies. They are true God-given blessings.
And they make your heart grown softer with every passing day.

July 9, 2013

Lunch Date {Look Book}

dress: Target
heels: Zara
tote: J.Crew
necklace: Bauble Bar
bracelets: T&J Design

Need a perfect outfit for a lunch date to catch up with the girls?
Why not go for a high-low maxi and high heels!
I love the mint and nude together and those heels are absolutely gorgeous! 
Have a great day!
And maybe have a lunch with a girlfriend?

July 8, 2013

Rest and Relaxation

tee: Target
shorts: Banana Republic (thriftred)
shoes: Aldo
tote: thriftd
I'm ready for some rest and relaxation.
This weekend has been crazy busy. Is that even possible? I guess it is because it was super busy and at times a little crazy. 
Between the holiday and our church having Vacation Bible School, I've been on the go since Thursday morning.
This week is going to be especially nice since hubby has vacation time and we are going to celebrate our five(!) year anniversary. 
First thought: where did the time go? 
Second thought: what am I going to wear to the celebratory dinner?
As I try to decide what to wear and try on about dozen outfits, complaining that I have nothing to wear, you lovelies, enjoy your day! 
Thank you for stopping by.

July 4, 2013

Modern Americana

toteOld Navy
necklaceJ.Crew Factory

Happy 4th to you lovelies! Hope you are enjoying some sunshine, delicious food, and time with family and friends. And since this blog has a sense of style, here is an inspiration for your outfit of the day.
There is nothing more American then jeans and red,white & blue. This look embraces the modern take on patriotic USA colors, in a very obvious way (hello flag bag).
Have a great day! 

Fashion & Faith

July 2, 2013

June {Budgeting Series}

June was a good month with some great finds. Considering that I returned this dress from last month's purchases (it was on the back order until the end of July) and had a little more this month, I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of this 'shopping on the budget' thing. 
Anyhow, last month was really good - here is the update.
Let's see how I did this month.
Mint Dress (Dorothy Perkins $43.78) - I actually bought a little darker shade of mint (on sale w/ free shipping) but it sold out already. Loving the color, length and cut - perfect pencil dress for any summer occasion. 
Striped Maxi (Target $29.99) - Loving how the chevron pattern in front slims the figure and that it has a sleeve. It's so comfortable, I've already worn it one too many times.
Purple Shorts (J.Crew 19.99) - I love the cut and feel of these Bermuda shorts and since I'm wearing my grey once non-stop, I thought a bright pair will get a lot of use as well.
Pink Tee (Target 10.99) - Don't have a pink top. Must. Have. Pink. The. End.
Beige Shorts (Banana Republic $49.50/thrifted $4.99) - I wanted to get couple shorts in neutral color and a trip to thrift store proved itself worthy of these cute shorts. Comfiest party yet.
Sandals (Coach $59.00/TJMaxx $20.00) - these are the cutest flip flops that I have ever owed. I love that they are super comfy, have a bow and perfect for a busy mama's summer wardrobe. Plus they were on clearance. Why not?
Sequin Skirt (Club Monaco $199/thrifted $5.99) - when I saw this skirt, I knew I had to have it. It's a perfect party skirt and for a great(!) price. I already wore it for my mom's bday party and planing to find more uses for it. Outfit post is coming soon.
Basic Tee (Target $6 x2) - definitely need tees for everyday comfortable wear. Especially when baby spits all over ya and you have to change it at least once a day.

Total: 146.73 - 16.78(carry over from May) = 126.95
Budget: $120
Red Zone: $6.95
Carry Over: None