January 15, 2014

Jonathan //10-11 months//

I just realized that with holidays and all, I forgot to write Jonathan's 10-month post. I guess, mama got a little carried away with it all. 
There aren't that many changes taking place right now but dear boy, you are so fun right now. You take interest in everything that's going on around you and absolutely love books. It's the very first toy you will reach for. You are still crawling and, although you walk with only one hand holding on to mine, you don't have any intentions of walking any time soon. You get around so fast in your walker that you have no incentive to start walking on your own. However, your babble definitely resembles more grown up speech and you are repeating syllables all the time. 
The only thing you don't like is when I feed you. You, Mr. Independent, want to do it yourself and it's a struggle to feed you every time. You are very particular about taking your sweet time with chewing your food and unless you are very hungry, you will not eat anything. Honestly, this stage is the most fun (except lunch time when I get a little frustrated). It seems like you are starting to understand more and more. 
I love playing with you and taking you in arms right after your nap, when you still want to cuddle. Or when you fall asleep in my arms while having your bottle. It's those sweetest moments when it's just you and me that I will cherish forever. 
Happy almost 1 year old!

January 13, 2014

Feeling Blue

shirt: Joe Fresh, sequin tank: LOFT, blazer and pants: H&M, booties: Liz Claiborne, watch: Target

Every year, after I put all the Christmas stuff away, I start feeling blue. January is the worst month ever. There are no holidays, nothing exciting going on, just cold ans snow. Lots of it. My New Year's resolutions, to be honest, are failing miserably. Shame on me. But here's to a new week and keeping up with my goals. 
First up, healthy breakfast of buttermilk buckwheat pancakes. Yum! (Recipe coming soon)
Next, devotions and off I go.
Hope you are having a good day and thank you for stopping by! 

January 10, 2014

Thoughts On Feeling Like a Failure

I have been thinking a lot about what have I accomplished. Not just in the last year but in my entire life. Looking at other women my age and those even younger, at those with, what seems like, better marriages and celebrity-worthy closets I got jealous. I started feeling pity for myself because I don't have a thousand people following after two years of blogging, every item in my closet does not have a J.Crew label on it, my husband is not a freelance photographer who takes pictures of me for living and my baby's outfits are not Instargam-worthy.

I'm just a married girl with baby in tow who has a blog. I write half legible sentences of incoherent thoughts and post pictures of simple outfits. That's it. I'm not sensational or original. In most cases I look to Pinterest and other blogs for inspiration. I carefully plan out all of my blog outfits and take a million pictures of baby for that one cute grin.

And so I've been feeling sorry for myself just a little bit for a couple of reasons. I don't have a career and I'm not rising to the top of corporate ladder. I haven't made a huge following for my blog and I don't have very inspirational thoughts. I don't have a 'wow factor' with every outfit and I cannot afford Valentino rockstuds. (Google it if you must). Feeling like I don't have anything to show for my life, like I haven't accomplished much has taken over me.

It's easy to feel inferior and like a looser by looking at other people's blogs, families, business, children or what have you, through the prism of social media. Most of the time we do not see the whole picture. We get caught up in the covetous state of mind because let's face it, our culture pushes for it. I see a lot of 'currently coveting' posts and none 'look I'm happy with what I've got' posts because we are always looking for more. That makes us compare our lives with others' and when it doesn't line up with a tiny snapshot of reality, we feet like we failed.

That is absolutely not true.

Behind heavily edited pictures, polished looks, staged family photos and perfect lighting there are people. People who have faults, who fail and who don't have it all together because I surely don't. And that's OK. It's OK to be ordinary and just myself. It's OK to be living an ordinary life, raising babies, loving my husband and growing old. It's OK to be grateful for what I have and do the best I can with the life that God gave me.

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise
 (2 Corinthians 10:12)

January 8, 2014


I know, I know... I'm almost a week late with this post but here it goes. Every year I make some kind of resolution. Whether it is to read Bible more or exercise three times a week, inadvertently I seem to fail, oh I don't know, the second day. I've made some personal goals by taking stock of 2013 and re-examining the year.

Many of us, as Christians, know of God and what He represents but we don't take the time or put enough effort to really know Him. I'm one of them. It's easy to go through the motions of church, ministries and talk of Christianity but a lot harder to actually live it. I don't want to get more spiritual or have better prayer life (although both are good), I simply want to know Him better.

Every so often I pledge to spend more time with hubby, have meaningful conversations and go on more dates. In reality, everything else gets in the way and now with a baby in tow, it's even harder to make time for each other. This year it's going to be different. It is not just an intention and good thought, but a realization that good things take work. More work than I have put in it so far. 

This is a big one. It's not just to exercise every day or go on a diet but have a healthy life style. Everything, from what I eat to what I watch on TV, has to have a positive impact on my life to be part of it. To be healthy means not just be free of physical illnesses but have a positive state of mind and well being.  

I love to travel and see new places, especially with the ones I love. Be that a short drive to a neighboring town or trip abroad, living to experience interesting places is the new goal. I have one life to live so need take advantage of the time and youth while I can enjoy it. Oh the places I will go!

I'm a master at planning. The moment I wake up, I have a plan in mind -  what I'm going to do that day, that week and even month. This year I'm determined to live in the moment and be present with my mind in every minute of every day. I want to enjoy every moment of my life without worrying that it doesn't fit into a well devised plan.

P.S. We are in frozen country right now so outfit pictures aren't coming your way anytime soon. The only thing that I'm wearing right now is a puffer jacket and rabbit hair snow boots. Yes, it's that bad.

That's all for now!
Thanks for stopping by.

January 3, 2014

Christmas Recap

Christmas Eve at my mom's house...

My sister with her daughter...

The ladies with the babies... Can you tell they love each other? 

The only decent picture from opening presents ordeal...

It was a mess... Someone had to step in... 

She loves her first doll...

Jonathan with his auntie...

Me with the stinkers...

This may be a little confusing. From left to right - my niece Zoe, my cousin Andre and my son Jonathan. Yes it's an interesting family we have ;-)

Christmas day at Sergey's parents... 

Goofing around... 

Love my sis (in-law) can you tell?

Family picture time. Again. 

To recap - Christmas was fun this year. It was also hectic, and loud, and fast, and sweet. It was mostly very different from all the other Christmases we had. Having our own baby and two more on my family's side, Christmas Eve was nothing short of exciting (to say the least). The plan was to let babies open the presents, feed and put them to sleep so adults could have a nice sit down dinner. That didn't happen. Nobody wanted to sleep and everyone was up. Christmas Day was spent at my in-laws house and it was nice. Festive lunch, opening of presents and sitting by the fireplace until late at night. After the much needed break from blogging I'm ready to start the year, with some changes and goals in mind. 
Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend!