October 22, 2012

Embracing the Moment

top: Target, cardigan: Gap, skirt: Express, shoes: Nine West, necklace, bracelet: Charlotte Russe
Once upon a time, I vowed not to live life ungrateful  I didn't want to work all my life for that dream job, just to get there and realize I didn't want it after all. I didn't want to wait to live. I didn't want to think along the lines of "just let me finish college then..." or "when we buy a house of our own, then..." or " it's when we have kids of our own then..." 
But lately all I catch myself thinking is exactly that.
I have to admit, I haven't been embracing each and every moment.
I keep thinking forward to the end of my pregnancy and what I'm going to do then. How I'm going to exercise more, take my kid to the park and do other fun things.
I keep thinking that when we finally move into our new home, I will have all my cupboards organised and shelves without any dust. Ever.
That's what happens, when we forget to just live in the moment. Do the best we can to enjoy life right now.
Even if that means organizing all my cupboards right before we move.
But you don't wake up one day thinking, that from now on you will enjoy life and embrace the beauty of it.
It's a process. It's enjoying one day at a time.
This year has been the hardest of my entire life but it's also have been the most blessed. I am learning to live to the fullest because I don't know what tomorrow will bring and how it's going to change me forever.
Here is to enjoying the life right now.
Have a great day! 

October 19, 2012

For the Peoples

blazer: H&M, skirt: Banana Republic, shoes, tights: TJMaxx, scarf: old
Sometimes people disappoint. 
Sometime, people hurt.
Other times, it's great to just share with some people.
And sometimes you find people (if you at least find one, you are blessed) without whom your life would just be endlessly empty and cold. 
So I guess, there are many different people in out lives, and they are there for a very specific reason.
Some teach us hard, valuable lessons. Others just support and encourage us. 
When you put all those people together- it's called life.
So to learn some things, to get better at other things, to challenge us, to support us, to guide us and sometimes just to simply make us mad, we have been blessed with people in our lives with whom this life is infinitely full and satisfying.
Thank you everyone for being part of this blog and journey I'm on.
Each and everyone of you is greatly appreciated!

October 18, 2012

Something Special

My Outfit: sweater, jeans: Gap, blazer, heels: H&M 

  With the pregnancy progressing and having my bump at that perfect time when it's showing just enough but I don't look like a whale yet, we wanted to record this precious time. 
So I did a little shopping, packed a couple of outfits, made a cute baby banner, provided huge amount of inspiration by Pinterest, and headed downtown for some picture time.
 The weather was great but as we got there, then the wind picked up and I instantly turned into an icicle. 
But three outfits later and whole bunch of walking around in high heels, we had what we came for. 
Here is a sneak peek at the lovely couple with a bump...

P.S. All the pictures were taken by Eli from Elimaging Photography.

October 16, 2012

Still in Heels

skirt: TJMaxx, sweater: H&M, scarf: Gap, shoes: Kenneth Cole, clutch: NY&Co
I was standing in line to sign into the hospital security system which is a pain after 9pm, (my hubby works at a local hospital, where his on-call shifts last anywhere between two to eight hours and he can't leave the patient) bringing my beloved some food. 
The couple standing right in front of me was obviously headed to the ER. The guy had sniffles and was dressed in his pajamas, while the lady was holding his cold medicine, constantly looking back at me. 
Those sort of things just creep me out.
 I was getting inpatient, and really wanted the whole process to be over as soon as possible. Well, as I was wondering what's their problem and why they are staring at me, I finally realized - I have a baby bump sticking out AND I'm wearing one of my nicer outfit (not the one in the picture). 
I see many pregnant women just trotting around in their PJs or pair of jeans and a hoodie. People are shockingly asking me how can I still be wearing heels, and most certainly complement me on my choice of clothes. 
I'm not saying that I don't like my most wonderful, soft and plush fleece PJs, but dressing well makes me feel like a woman. Not just a pregnant mother-to-be. It sort of lets me keep my identity as a person and not just someone who will be something in about three more months. 
I know that people have complications and most uncomfortable pregnancies ever, but I have been blessed with smooth sailing. And maybe in four weeks I will give up my heels too. 
But until then, it's stylish all the way.

October 12, 2012

All Good Things

top: TJMAxx (???), skirt: J.Crew, shoes: Aldo, bag: Kate Spade NY, coat: Tahari (old)
I know I have been complaining quiet a bit lately. Well, if you haven't noticed, I have. Even my hubby has and I think it's time to make some changes
So instead of talking about all the things that are wrong with this world, I'm going to focus on the many good things I have in life. 
Although the crankiness and hormones have been getting the best of me lately, I am looking forward to the day I'm going to become mother. To the day my life will change forever.
And the day I'm going to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes (which I do realize won't happen for a little bit longer postpartum). 
Have a great weekend and thank you for reading!