November 20, 2012

Thankful For... Family and Friends

turtle neck: French Connection, jacket: H&M, jeans: Liz Lange Maternity, bag: TJMaxx, shoes: Aldo
Life isn't complete without people you love. I'm blessed to have a great family and awesome friends. 
I'm thankful for..

mom and dad who raised me right, taught me about God and showed loved every day

my sister - it's amazing growing up with a sister. We did everything together, from getting in trouble to playing
our silly games

my husband's parents and their love

all the extended family of my in-laws... there's a lot of them

getting two more sisters when I married my hubby - it's a girl central over here

church family 

friends that we can just enjoy life with - from Friday night joined dinners to double dates

being able to share the best and worst moments of life with friends 

building a family of our own with the man I love

girls game nights in

the thoughtfulness and love I am being showered with during this very special time of my first pregnancy

November 19, 2012

Thankful For... Us

shirt: Evan Picone, sweater: Loft, skirt: NY&Co, shoes: BCBGirls, bag: Kate Spade NY 

I just want to take time to count all the blessings and give thanks to God for everything that I have. From the material to spiritual blessing and everything in between, I am truly blessed.
Some things that I am thankful for...

the best husband in the world - he truly is my rock, my best friend and love of my life. 
this precious gift of life that's growing inside of me... becoming a mother is truly life-changing... 
being able to satisfy my pregnancy cravings without being bound by financial constraints (most people in other countries can't splurge on scallops or sushi every week)
having fun and just enjoying life from simple things like staying in bed on Saturday morning to getting pampered at a local spa with a massage
being able to have fun together, enjoying each other's company
stealing a kiss in the middle of a crazy busy day
planning our future together and talking about our boy
getting a place we can call our own, our home
enjoying similar interests - from movies to political discussions
being able to talk about everything and anything
having the security and love in our relationship grow stronger with every day
simply being able to live with each other day in and day out, seeing those ugly sides and still falling in love with each other every single day
place in hearts that we call family - just the two of us (soon to be three of us)

November 16, 2012

Colorful Fall

dress, scarf, hat, boots; TJMaxx, blazer: Land's End, bag: Kate Spade NY
I love sunny fall days. They are so fun to dress for. The main idea is - layers, layers and more layers. Right now we have a mix of cold, brisk days with sunny afternoons - it's perfect fall. I love that you can still wear dresses and boots without hiding them under a puffy coat.
Today I'm at 28 weeks and honestly starting to worry a little bit (it all depends on your definition of little). I told the doctor that I'm scared of the unknown and he told me it's a piece of cake - giving birth. Dude, how would you know? Stepping on the scale the display is right in your face, I mean, who wants to see that number? Just hide it and tell me everything is going great and I'm perfectly healthy. But fitting into my pre-pregnancy dress made my day that much more colorful and bright. 

November 13, 2012

Happy Harvest

blouse: Merona/Traget, cardigan: Loft, skirt: J.Crew, necklace: J.Crew (via Ebay),
shoes: Aldo, bag: Kate Spade NY
We were celebrating Harvest Sunday at the church and the weather could not have been any more perfect. I'm so thankful that we live in the land of plenty and being able to have what we want, not only what we need. 
Honestly, too many times, we as Americans, complain about thing that aren't even necessities. Most of the world population struggles to make ends meet and I have family oversees that go through that on daily basis. They have tiny little apartments (think tiny and scale it down by like 10), get around on public transportation and eat fruit only during summer months when it's cheap. 
We need to appreciate things that we have, the plentiful, great harvest and the prosperity in this land. 

November 12, 2012

Royal Apple Cobbler {recipe}

There is nothing better then a warm apple cobbler on a cold fall night (with or without ice cream). I eat mine with hot tea. I love apple pies, but there is something to sophisticated and delicious about a cobbler. I've made different cobblers - from peach to mixed berry yet Pioneer Woman's recipe for blackberry cobbler is the best. I used her recipe but changed couple of things.

- First, I used apples with blackberries. Apples alone seem a little boring and a blackberry cobbler is way too expensive (this time of year). So I've used one pint of blackberries to add color and taste to the apples. Perfection!

- Next, I do not like shortening. Honestly, something about it makes me feel like my butt is expanding while I'm adding it to the recipe. I substituted it with canola oil which is the best for cooking.

- Lastly, I sprinkled the top with almonds. I love how the creamy inside mixed with the crunchy nuts makes for the best taste and texture.


  • 1 pint of Blackberries
  • 4 medium Tart Cooking Apples 
  • 1/2 cup Plus 4 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 whole Zest Of Lemon
  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
  • 4-5 Tablesppoons Canola Oil
  • 4 Tablespoons Butter
  • 3-4 Tablespoons Almonds
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 1/2 cup Milk

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine blackberries, ½ cup sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a mixing bowl. Stir and spread out in a buttered Pyrex dish.
In a separate bowl pour flour, salt, baking powder, and 1 tablespoon sugar. Add oil and butter and work mixture together with a pastry blender (or your fingers) until the mixture is coarse. Measure ½ cup milk, add an egg, and mix together. Pour into flour mixture, stirring as you go. Mixture should be smooth and not dry, but not over sticky.
Take clumps of dough and place them on top of the blackberries. Lightly flatten dough with your fingertips. Sprinkle with 3 to 4 tablespoons of almond and bake until golden for 30 minutes. Berry juice will be slightly thin, but don’t be afraid. It will gradually soak into the biscuit-like topping and make your life complete.
Serve with vanilla ice cream and hot tea.