July 23, 2013

Guilty as Charged

dress: JCPenny (similar skirt)
shoes: Kate Spade (similar)
clutch: TJMaxx (similar)
glasses: DKNY

Well, well, well. Look who's go another new dress.
Guilty as charged.
How can you pass up such a pretty flower print on sale  for only $9.97? Obviously, I couldn't. 
I'm usually not the one to find anything good in JCPenny but hubby and I were browsing their new selection of home goods and let me tell you, it's simply amazing. From the cute and comfy bedding to modern light fixtures, I about bought half of it. 
And of course, they put the sales racks right across from all the new stuff. 
I went off the straight and narrow to try a couple of their dresses and so glad I did.
It's a perfect dress for a Saturday family day together.
Thank you for stopping by.

July 22, 2013

It's a Heart Issue

top: Joe Fresh (sold out)
skirt: NY&Co (similar)
shoes: ALDO 
clutch: old
As a Christian woman, mother and a wife right kind of clothing is very important to me. How others see me, how I portray Christianity and how I feel about what I wear, are all parts of one issue - modesty. 

Growing up, I was forced by my parents to dress conservative and mom would never buy us anything she thought we should not wear (i.e. mini skirts, halter tops).
Then I went all the way off balance and wore only skirts and dresses for couple of years, thinking that I will win 'points' from God by doing so. (That's a blog post in itself)
When I got married, I rebelled a little, because my parents couldn't tell me what to wear. Not that I looked sleazy or anything, but some cuts were lower and hems were higher. I definitely wanted to show some skin.

Now I'm finally starting to find the delicate balance, while being comfortable with who I am as a woman and a Christian.

You see, I grew up with this preconceived ultra conservative notion that Christian people put a bag over their heads and read Bible all day long. Although, no one around ever did that, it was still wrong to put on make up, color your hair or wear jewelry (not even wedding band). 
Having a heart for God and looking good was impossible, because apparently all Godly people were ugly. Wrong.
There are many accounts in the Bible of women dressed in beautiful clothing, Godly men exchanging gold jewelry and God describing His Bride as a beautiful lady. Also, check out the book Songs of Solomon - that woman is smoking hot. Somehow they've missed that.

The most important thing in any Christian person's life is his/her heart. God doesn't care if we do something out of duty or because we were told we are supposed to. 
He wants us do it from the heart or rather not do it at all.
If I'm putting on a maxi skirt and a long sleeve turtle neck and hating it, God knows what's going on inside and really doesn't care for the outfit. But that does not mean I can put on a mini skirt and a halter top and claim that I'm a spiritual person either. 
There has to be a balance to life. Balance between looking groomed and attractive, and becoming vain and abscessed with labels and latest trend. 
Balance is hard to come by because that is a heart issue.

P.S. Happy birthday to my wonderful hubby! Love you! Muah.

Linking up with Molly for Monday Fun Day

July 19, 2013

Three Things

hat: Target
shoes: Kate Spade (similar here or here)
Happy Friday lovelies!
I have a couple of things that I need to share.
One. I feel like a superwoman with some sexy super powers when I wear this dress. Only because every time I put it on, I have to tell hubby not to get any ideas. Or why not? ;)

Two. Target is my favorite store, can you tell? Yep! The store isn't paying me to say this but they have been stepping up their game lately. Three out of four articles of clothing in this outfit are from Target because they are stylish and affordable. 

Three. I'm in love with my new shoes. Hubby actually found them for me on a major sale during our last shopping trip. They are super duper comfy and go with everything. And when I say everything, I mean, EVERYTHING, so you will be seeing a lot more of them, that I'm sure.
Here is to a great weekend! 
Thank you for stopping by! 

July 16, 2013

Jonathan //5 Months//

Dear boy, you are such a blessing and joy!
You are sweet and easy going. Still sleeping through the night, and giving us absolutely no trouble. We take you everywhere we go and you are such a happy camper. We went out to eat for lunch and you set in the car seat for the entire time and didn't even make a peep. 
Although we left you with grandma for bedtime once but you didn't like it. Stinker.

You love goofing of with daddy and aren't afraid of heights. You love looking around and so curious. 

I'm making sure that we take enough pictures as a family together. Time flies so fast and I can't believe you are already five months. You have changed so much and everyday is an adventure.

You are eating less often and loving the new solid foods. We gave you everything to try from lemons to carrots and you pretty much like every kind of food, but the cucumber didn't have much taste. Except you aren't fan of formula (I wouldn't blame you) and it took a while for you to get used to it. You still love nursing though and only will take formula once or twice a day.
We went to the beach and you enjoyed it. Then we took a walk around the lake and you took a nice long nap. I love your little hat - you look so adorable in it.
It's amazing to watch you explore and take in the world. 
I thank God everyday for such a great blessing in our lives!

July 15, 2013

My Lover Is Mine, And I Am His

'So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.'

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. 

Friday we celebrated our 5th weeding anniversary.
 I honestly can't believe it's been five years but it has been truly amazing! We weren't able to go away (kid troubles) but still took a full day off to relax and pamper ourselves. 
Fancy shmancy lunch to start the day (insta), then massage and spa relaxation, finishing off with delicious dinner. We did have plans to go see a movie but baby Jonathan didn't think so.
He refused to be put to sleep by grandma and was demanding his daddy (he usually puts him to sleep).

We came home early and instead of watching a screen and not looking at each other, we were able to spent some quality time together.
It was great to just get away for a day and focus on each other.

Happy Anniversary Love!

still being [molly]