April 17, 2014

Easter Egg Ideas

Hope you enjoying this week and getting ready for Easter celebration!Here is some Easter eggs ideas for you. I may just go ahead and try the natural dye from veggies. They look so cute!  
Some eggs are meant to be fancy and addressed as Sir
Some eggs are simple.
Other eggs are fancy and gold.
And totally different kind of eggs are elnatural

Hope you enjoy your weekend and don't forget the real reason for this celebration!
Christ is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!

April 16, 2014

The Last of It

top: H&M (similar dresstop)
skirt: Talbots (similar)
heels: Zara (similar)
clutch: old (similar)
It's Christmas time. Just kidding. Well, it surely looks like that outside my window - the entire ground is covered with white blanket! That is after sandals and pool weather on Sunday - New York weather is crazy, I tell ya. So here we are back in cold again and the last of black and white outfit for this season (don't quote me on that though). 
So what's better then a dress that can be worn as a top? Pretty much nothing. My sister was giving me the stink eye and said 'went shopping again?' in her sisterly condemnation voice. I was glad to say I did not (I think hubby sand Hallelujah at that point). The trick is to have a dress short enough that it can hide underneath the skirt's hem. Also, you want the skirt to be thick enough so that no one would be able to tell you are wearing more underneath. I love experimenting with clothes and this is just one of the ways to stretch your dollars and get more wear out of your clothes. 
Hope you have a good (non-snowy) day!

April 15, 2014

Currently Loving {Life Edition} + Link Up

... every. kind. of. cupcakes. 
...outdoors with this guy - I can never catch him

... cute little succulents (they are still alive) 
...my new shelves in the kitchen that display my collection of cook books

... hugs and more hugs with daddy. they are such a sweet sight.
(Jonathan was trying to sing to himself as if he was being rocked to sleep)

         Anna - Happy Medley                                                                      Kimberly - Mascara Melodies 
For this week's link up, I'm joined by gorgeous Kimberly from Mascara Melodies who loves fashion and music. She has an incredible sense of style and a few bags and shoes I would love to steal from her closet. 

1. Please follow your host (via Facebook or Instagram ) and fabulous Kimberly from Mascara Melodies (via bloglovin)

2. Link up anything... it could be one of your previous posts that you are loving or something new you just can't wait to share!

3. Please include a link back to this post within your post or grab my button from the side bar (because it's such a nice thing to do!)

4. Now simply add your link below! We hope you all enjoy meeting other bloggers and discovering some new things.

5. If you would like to Co-Host Currently Loving Link Up, email happymedley@gmail.com for more details!

April 14, 2014

Easy Does It

dress: Old Navy (similar)
bag: Kate Spade
necklace: Forever21 similar
shoes: Marc Fisher for Macy's (similar)
glasses: DKNY

Welcome to the new week! I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed some of the gorgeous weather we've been having. We were thrilled to finally ditch the coats and jump into flip flops and shorts. Sunday afternoon we took a stroll and it was wonderful. On the other hand, with the coming of warmer weather and Jonathan being outside more, there is going to be a lot more laundry, that's for sure. He loves running around and exploring the outdoors so at least that's a plus. We will be spending a whole lot of time outside and probably forgetting to eat lunch at one point. So happy to see the weather warm up because we've been cooped up inside far too long.
Enjoy it friends! 

New additions to SHOP MY CLOSET page! Just in time for spring (mostly little worn or new) 

April 11, 2014


shirt: Target (similar)
skirt: Calvin Klein (similar)
shoes: Ann Taylor (similar)
bag: Kate Spade (similar)
necklace: Target (similar)
Yesterday was all about bright and bold colors but today we are talking neutrals and pastels. Whatever the mood strikes, I guess. At times I feel like I want to be low-key but put together, other times I want to put on every color in my closet. Clothes are such a feelings-based territory that it's hard not to judge people by what they wear. If you don't care about your appearances and aren't groomed, it will definitely send a clear message. But if you are put together in a clean, proper clothing, people will treat you with respect. I've noticed that in my life. If I dress and behave like a lady, I get more open doors and prime parking spots. So if there is one advantage to shopaholism (is that even a word?) is that you get free stuff and more parking. Yes, that's the meaning of life. I'm just joking (it's Friday after all). 
I hope you have a great weekend!