Christmas can be the busiest time of the year. With all the shopping, party attending and other family activities there is no time to breath. I feel like sometimes I'm running from place to place, making pretty things but never actually stopping long enough to admire the beauty of the season.
Thankfully, my son reminds me often.
He grabs my hand, says "c'mon mom" and drags me to the couch where we sit and read every book that he has. Than I'm reminded how special this time of year is. Instead of running back to my boiling pot of pasta, I actually make an effort to put away the social media and just be in the moment.
So no matter what you are doing and how many activities you have scheduled from now until December 25th (and beyond), take time to enjoy the season.
Slow down. Sit on the couch and listen to Christmas music, put away the phone (and the laptop, and the tablet) and simply live. Grab a cup of hot coca, tell your children about the real reason for the season and pray together. There is nothing more special than time spent with family doing things that matter.
Instead of buying more stuff and caring for what people will think of your Christmas decorations, think of those who are hurting, alone or have nothing this Christmas. Share the love of God with those in need and spread Christmas cheer!
Enjoy the Christmas season!
xo, Anna