October 21, 2013

Inspiration Monday Link Up

Hello Lovelies!
This is sort of a new chapter for my space on the world wide web and I'm happy to announce that it's not just skin deep. It goes further then that.
Ever since starting this blog, I didn't want to just have an outfit/day and some cute remarks but truly an inspirational space where people can come to and gain ideas, share thoughts and generally be uplifted. Life of outfits is just one side of me and there is so much more that I want to share. 
There are many important issues needed to be discussed and moments to be shared that I don't want the time to go buy without changing the world my corner at least a little bit. 

I don't know much but what I do know is that people want to feel like they are not alone, like others are going through similar problems and too don't have perfect Insta pictures. We are part of a community and as women, need to encourage, uplift and strengthen each other. There is enough negativity and darkness in this world that a little bit of inspiration is all we need to make this world a better place.
So let's get to it, shall we?

October 18, 2013

Why Not


top: Old Navy (DIY)
jacket: Loft
skirt: thifted
shoes: TJMaxx
purse: Old Navy 
Sometimes I find a piece of clothing that I wear all the time. It's comfortable, goes with lots of colors and can be dressed up or down. Case in point, this skirt.
Yes, I found this skirt for mere $4.99 but the quality of wool and lightness of the fabric, as well as the fit is just perfect. I've worn this skirt almost every day for the last two weeks. And why not? 

Sometimes, you put together a perfect outfit and who said that you can't wear it over and over again? The fashion police is not going to come knocking on your door if you wear the same outfit for a week. Because if it really works and makes you feel great, that's all that matters.

P.S Check back later today for the how-to on this jeweled top. I did do this myself.

Hope you have a great weekend! 

October 16, 2013

Jonathan {8 Months}

Dear boy, you are growing so fast. I'm happy to see you are healthy and big but at the same time it makes me sad, knowing this time will never come back. 

You are crawling everywhere! Actually you started crawling the day after you turned seven months and haven't stopped since. Getting up and pulling on everything, trying to get to me whenever I'm away - it's all so much fun (and so worrisome for mama). You are walking along side the couch and not afraid to let got of my hand (so brave). 

Toys do not interest you anymore - everything else seems to be more fascinating, interesting and captivating. It takes you about 30 seconds to find your way back to where I am after I put you down to play by yourself. No place to hide.

You have only two teeth but even that's enough to leave tiny bite marks on the couch. (thanks baby;-)
 You love playing with other children. Every time you are in the church nursery you are absolutely smitten by all the action. You love playing with your cousin and together you are trouble. 

The way you explore everything and the enthusiasm you greet me with every time I walk in the room is absolutely adorable. You smile at me and crawl so fast trying to reach my feet that sometimes you trip over yourself, silly goose. 

You love bath time and get super excited when I turn the water on. We play and splash, get to know water and everything you can do with it. Bed time is my favorite because I get to hold you and feed you, while you snooze in my arms. Since I'm not nursing anymore, I really enjoy the special bonding time we have together and don't want to teach you to hold your own bottle. 
It's so precious because I know it will not last very long.

You have gotten so used to falling asleep in my arms with the bottle that you refused to fall asleep on your own. It was a battle that I had to face because you wouldn't fall asleep without mama. Being a mother is hard because I have to make decisions that break my heart at times but in the end I know they will be good for both of us.

I have introduced you to the foods that we eat and you love it. Simple soups, fruits and veggies, chicken and cereal are your primary foods and you seem to enjoy it. Although, every new taste is very exciting so we are trying everything we can get our hands on. 

I'm loving this stage. You are learning from everything and watching my every step with complete fascination. Although you are trying to get into every cupboard and cause trouble, you are so much fun to be with. You love reading books and playing, it's great to watch you explore new things. 

We are trying to eat dinner all together when daddy is home and you love being a part of our meal time. We pray with you and hold hands while you babble away. It's my absolute favorite. 
You sleep very good and wake up with a smile on your face every morning - you are one of the happiest babies I have ever seen. 

Stay little baby boy.
Mama loves you.
Daddy sends his love too.

October 11, 2013

Thrifty Chic {Take Two}

shirt, skirt: thrifted
necklace: Forever 21
watch: target
glasses: DKNY
shoes: borrowed from sister
I get asked a lot about my thrift store finds and how do they don't look like second hand clothes at all. 
Well, that's the idea. 
Thrift store shopping is always an adventure in itself. Will you find a great buy or walk away empty handed? And when you do find that J.Crew cashmere sweater for mere four bucks, you feel like you just won a lottery.
So why not? 
Why not mix high end designer pieces with thrift store finds? 
Why not even go head-to-toe thrifted? 
It's not for everyone but it's sure rewarding when done right (I wrote a post about this earlier). Once you score some great finds, you will be asking yourself why you haven't done this earlier. 
Stop by your local thrift shop and see what you find. 
Have a great weekend!

October 10, 2013

September {Budgeting Series}

dress, pants, skirt, crossbody

I did not forget about the budget post for September but was super busy to sit down and do this. Lately, I'm head-to-toe Target. I can be the spokesperson for the brand, I have so many clothes from there. 
Especially this fall, Target is having so many gorgeous styles at a great price. I cannot walk out of there without a tank, a top or baby item. 
Plus, their home section is amazing! I am dying over their pillows and side tables. 

For this fall, I'm looking for more burgundy, black and olive colors (next best thing to camo). I bought a white sweater from H&M and a Vince Camuto blouse (worn here) at Burlington Coat Factory. 

 I did go over the budget (a little) but scored some great pieces that I already have in heavy rotation. 
October's budget has already been spent on one item. Yes, I bought something expensive but beautiful and lasting, and I know that I will be wearing it for years. Now you just have to wait to see what it is.

BUDGET: $100
TOTAL SPENT: $126.43
OVER: $26.43