March 20, 2013


blouse: Target, blazer,shoes: H&M, skirt: J.Crew, necklace: Forever21
We got fooled. Last week the weather was awful nice. Too nice for NY.
It was in fifties and the snow melted. It was gone. All of it.
On Monday night we got a snow storm advisory and the only time I wish the that they (the weather people) were wrong, they were right.
We got pounded on Tuesday.
It snowed. All day long, it snowed. It was snowing as if the Earth has forgotten that it's March and time for spring. That it's time to let those blooms come up.
On the other hand, it was a magical, beautiful world outside for a while. That is if you didn't have to leave the house all day. And we didn't. 
Hubby was off and we lounged with the little one all day watching re-runs of shows and having us some cinnamon buns. Of course, the buns didn't support my loose-weight-as-quickly-as-possible diet but they were pretty good. In the words of hubby they were 'fine'.
So although we got fooled into thinking that the spring is here, having hopefully one last stay-at-home snow day was great.
Now bring it on spring.
Have a great first day.

March 18, 2013


top: Loft, cardigan:Gap, skirt: JCPenny, shoes: Nine West, necklace: Charlotte Russe

Another week. Another Sunday night (when I'm writing this post).
It's amazing how fast the time flies. Especially with a newborn. 
Sundays are our busiest days. Think getting a three course dinner for twelve out of town guests busy.
It goes like this. 
I feed Jonathan as hubby makes some coffee for himself and tea for me.
Then he burps and changes a diaper as I do my make up and hair.
Then I get baby dressed, and probably change again, as hubby dresses himself.
Then I get dressed (and hopefully something fits)
Somehow we manage to eat left over pancakes and bacon from yesterday and have some coffee/tea. 
Then strap the kid into the car seat, check the diaper count in the bag and off we go.
Come back. Have lunch. That is Jonathan gets his lunch first then we eat.
Maybe a nap.
Repeat routine from morning and off we go again for evening service.
By the time we get home that night we are beat.
The only way we (read: I) can survive a day like this is by planning ahead.
I get all the outfits picked out the night before and iron everything that needs to be ironed, then hang them on the door.
Then I get lunch ready to be set in the oven the next morning. I even pour water into tea cattle so all I have to do the next morning is to turn it on.
Don't get me wrong,
I love being in the service. I love the people.
 I love Sundays.
But they are just a tad busy.
Thank God there are Mondays.
Then it starts all over again. 

March 15, 2013

This Guy

Jonathan recognized his daddy right away. Awake and alert when hubby was talking to him.
I just want to take a minute here and brag about this guy a little. The bigger of two. I suppose there are many mushy and overly lovely-dovey blog articles flying all over the net but here is another one.
Bear with me.
First of all, I love this guy. 
His ability to make me laugh. 
His willingness to be there for me. Every time.
His strong beliefs and unwavering convictions.
His few wise words.
His adorable, most sweetest baby talk to our son.
His willingness to sacrifice for our family.
His ability to notice the little things.
His ability to do those little things that matter the most.
His lion-like guard of our family. Of me. Of our boy.
His ability to say the sweetest, most meaningful things looking deep into my eyes, taking my breath away. 
But most of all, his natural ability as a father.
The day I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't keep it in. I had these great plans in mind of how I would tell him, but I was in such a shock that it was written all over my face. I had a storm of emotions and a hurricane of thoughts going through me but he was there to let me pour my emotions out.
Mind you, he's not the kind of guy that will be jumping up and down with excitement but he will rejoices in quiet of his heart. 
Then the very first ultrasound he was with me. And the second and third. I mean, this guy has been with me every step of the way. 
Then when it was time to make the tough decision - induction or no induction - he was so supportive. He didn't rush me or push me towards a decision. He was ever so patient and understanding of my battling mind and never ending "I don't know".
Once in the delivery room he was on the edge of his seat (I could tell) although he breathed tranquil spirit. He calmed me and constantly reminded of my breathing and relaxation techniques. 
Then came the moment.
Moment he became a father. 
Like with everything, he accepted our son with calm adoration and was present every single moment of the day ever since. 
As a right of passage first diaper was on daddy ;-)
Now that we settled into our new life and living with a baby in the house has become somewhat familiar, I realized how much he actually means to me. How I couldn't do it all without him. Without his sweet words of encouragement and reassurance. 
He truly is my rock.
Of course, he isn't perfect and there are days when he annoys me and drives me up the wall but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Our life isn't perfect. We have our ups and downs. 
We may not have it altogether but together we have it all.

March 14, 2013

//Jonathan// One Month

Technically you were one month yesterday but mama was super busy and you were super cranky,
so here it goes.
I want to take the time to remember you little dude.
. I don't want the time to go by and forget what your sweet little face looked like at every stage of the game. 
You are so precious.
You are definitely every bit a boy.
You are a tough little guy. When I change your diaper in the middle of the night, you brave the cold wipes and don't even cry. Just make these cute groans while looking at me with your big wide-open eyes.
You are not so sleepy anymore and like to be awake a little bit longer. 
I'm still not sure if your like your bouncy seat but I think you for sure don't like the vibration option. You don't mind the birds chirping though.
You are such a cuddler. You would cuddle with me all day long and sleep on my chest without ever picking your head up. I would love to, dear, but I do too have to tinkle sometimes. 
You are a good sleeper. Five to six hours at night easily which makes my job easier.
You are quit serious and make some adorable faces with your crooked brows.
I love that you are getting some major cheeks. I kiss them a lot.
And those little fingers. I mean, so tiny and so precious.
I have discovered today that you don't like to sleep in just a onesie - you love to be swaddled tight.
Bath time is amazing. You grunt and groan but never cry while waving your little fists in the air.
Lastly, you love riding in the car and fall asleep the moment we get in. 
I think you are doing pretty well for being brand new, while we try to figure you out. It will take some time, but bear with us, the newly made parents. We too need some time to get the hang of this parenting thing because you know what, it's quit difficult at times. 
But together we make a great team.
We love you and can't wait to see you grow. 

March 11, 2013


top: Target, skirt: thrifted, shoes: Tahari, necklace: Sharlotte Russe, 
belt, glasses: Loft, bag: Kate Spade NY

Yesterday was the second time we took Jonathan to church. He loved it - sleeping the car seat the entire time. Who wouldn't? He was snuggled in his penguin suit with the matching hat, covered with a blankey and a cover for the outside and quickly became most popular kid on the block. I mean, he is the cutest
Yet somehow, 'he wasn't warm enough' according to some.
There isn't one way to raise a kid. All advice isn't good. And only because another mother did it this way does not mean I have to follow. 
It may sound selfish, but I want to do it my way. 
I may not know everything, I don't have the years of experience but what I do have is mother's instinct. 
There are so many people (I mean, like everyone) offering advice. 
He's crying - must be you didn't feed him enough. Don't do the schedule thing, just give him boob every time.
He's crying again - tummy hurts so give him some water.
Again - don't rock him, he will get used to it.
And again - he's just plain cold (favorite of Russians).
Everyone has some kind of advice to offer and only because they raised couple kids and did something and it worked for them, it does not mean it will work for me
I really do like good advice. I listen. I take it all in. Only I decide what's good for me and what isn't. 
It's a right I reserve for myself as a mother.
Because mother knows best