Showing posts with label Baby Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Boy. Show all posts

December 2, 2013

A Thankful Heart + Inspiration Monday Link Up

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas in full swing, my heart is just so full. I'm thankful for so much in my life that it's hard to express in words. I'm so thankful for this life I've been given and the countless blessings in it. I'm so glad for the tradition to set this day aside and just rest (although some of us have to cook all day long which takes some work;-). It is so good to get together with family, eat lots of deliciousness, see all the children run around (and get a little bit cranky) then take a nap (or two). The best part is sharing it with the ones we love, focusing more on meaningful things in life and less on materialistic.
In the spirit of thankfulness, I challenge you to an attitude of gratitude. Each day from now until the end of the year, choose one specific thing to be thankful for every day, write it down and thank God for it. Make it a priority to be grateful wherever you are, no matter what the circumstances may bring. Live it everyday, choosing not to worry and stress out, instead focus on the good things in life, Count your blessings and as a result you will gain a thankful heart.

November 18, 2013

Patience {Motherhood Challenges Series}


Would you believe me if I said that I get frustrated with this cute little face and run out of patience? 
Well, it happens more than I like to admit. 
Patience is not my virtue and I will be the first one to admit it, but motherhood has brought a whole different perspective on it.
Having patience and practicing it is not an option anymore. It's simply something I have to do on a daily basis or I will loose my mind. 

As a mother, the primary caregiver and teacher, I become frustrated and impatient.
I know deep inside that he's still very little, he doesn't understand what 'no' means, or that he needs to wait 15 seconds for me to make his bottle. 
Yet it's still hard not to loose my cool. 

It's hard to be patient and still have discipline, to understand his little mind and not get frustrated at his inexperience, to teach him everyday tasks without getting annoyed with his forgetfulness.
Sure, he's cute, and sweet, and adorable, and fun but he still has his moments and it takes a lot of motherly patience and discernment on how to react and what to do when his mood strikes.
I ask the Lord to give me patience but then find myself frustrated and angry with the next situation if something doesn't go the way I planned or envisioned. 

We ask God for patience, but really it isn't something God can just pour on us. Patience is learned with time and age, it's something we conscientiously have to choose and act with, something we have to practice everyday. 

Therefore my prayer is not for God to give me patience. My prayer is to know God, and how He loves us, to show Him in my everyday life. He has so much patience and long-suffering with us, where many times we don't deserve it. 
God really knows us, yet has enough patience to let us come to Him, and let us learn and grow, without force or constrain. 
Learning to love like God does is what going to give me strength to have enough patience for my everyday life.  No matter what life brings.

November 15, 2013

Jonathan //9 months//

I remember sitting in my PJ's right after I got home from the hospital, trying to latch you on (crying from the horrible pain) and thinking that this will never end. I will not survive this.
And here we are - nine months later, still alive and well.
You are making all kinds of babble noises as I'm typing away at the computer.

You are smart and fun kid to be around. You love books and every time I open a book you just love turning pages with me and looking at pictures. You play with books by yourself and attempt to turn pages on your own - so stinking adorable.

You are getting into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. There is absolutely nothing out there that doesn't look or sound interesting. Shoes, for example, are the best and you look to chew on them any chance you get.

You still only have two teeth and although the top gums look like they are a little swollen, they aren't coming out yet.
Since we have the luxury of having two living rooms, I bought a gate to keep you in a controlled and safe environment when I need to cook or get stuff done. You play in it for a while but it does get old, and you love to follow me around.

Your regular bed time is 8pm and usually you wake up between 4 and 6am for your bottle. Then fall asleep again until about 8 or 9. But of course the days daddy has a day off and we want to sleep in you will decide to wake up at 7am and proceed to demand to be picked up.

You are eating pretty much everything we do (although finger foods are your absolute favorite). Whenever I'm cooking, I don't add seasoning until the very end and puree your food then season ours.
You have the most adorable and funny laugh and everything is a game. We play and laugh, and read, and goof around together - I'm loving this stage the most.

You love going shopping and sitting in the cart like a big boy, looking around and grabbing pasta boxes any chance you get. You barely fit in your carrier car seat  and it makes me sad that you are growing so fast.
Bath time is a daddy duty and your absolute favorite - you squeal when you see shower start. You two have a lot of fun together, judging by all the laughing that's going on in the bathroom

You finally learned to hold your own bottle and now it's a lot easier putting you down for a nap, although sometimes I let you fall asleep without a bottle.

You have an easy-going personality and as long as you are fed, changed and rested - all is well with the world. You are starting to show your toddler side and definitely will let everyone know when you don't like something - we are working on it.

As much as I can, I'm teaching you the meaning of 'no' and that I mean it. Most of the time you understand it but still keep coming back and doing the same thing over and over again. I'm definitely learning patience.

You love going to new places and stranger's houses don't intimidate you at all. Really, anyone can babysit you and you will have no problem with it. Especially you love being spoiled by grandmas.

You are crawling and cruising everywhere you can, and I don't think walking is too far away. You can get places a lot faster by crawling so walking isn't on your To Do list right now.

Out of all the different stages and changes you have been going through, I'm enjoying every moment. Seeing how fast time flies and you will never been this little again, I'm doing my best to take in every moment, not to complain and just enjoy the life right now. 

October 4, 2013

Cute and Cranky

The amount of faces this kid makes is just too much. The grimaces are hard to explain and happen at the most unexpected moments. He is very vocal and animated so sometimes just watching him from aside is fun. He can be very happy and then very serious in a matter of seconds.
I mean, this face, you guys is too much for Friday morning.

Besides being the cutest kid on the planet (too far?), he has been cranky.

 Last two weeks he hasn't been sleeping or eating well. We both had a cold and a runny nose, so that may have had something to do with it. 
So forgive me if I haven't been on this bloggidy blog lately because frankly, the most important thing on my mind right now is getting ample amounts of sleep. And chasing after a baby who can climb steps, crawl and constantly pull on my legs, begging to be picked up. 

October 1, 2013

One Heart

 MUNCHKIN #1                     +                         MUNCHKIN #2



Over the weekend hubby and I (finally!) got a chance to get away from the daily grind. It was a long awaited but short-lived vacation that we both very much needed. 
One thing I did not expect is to miss my baby so much. 
This little munchkin of mine completely stole my heart. 

My sister was gracious enough to watch Jonathan and, although I trust her completely, I was anxious. The night before we were supposed to leave, I couldn't sleep, was super worried and doubting the entire idea.
 I honestly did not think it was going to be this difficult to leave him behind. For just one night, mind you.

I've read countless stories of mothers who had to leave their child over night (or two) and how they were driving away in tears. I thought that those mothers were taking it a tad too far. Why wouldn't you want to leave your kid somewhere to escape for couple of days? 
You do. Really. You need to.
But when it comes time to leave, you doubt and feel guilty and just about to cry. 

You brought the little munchkin into the world and that heart is a huge part of you.
No matter where, no matter how far away, he will forever and always be with you.
He's a little part of both of us.

Who do you think he looks like?

September 23, 2013

What We Are Up To

I thought instead of boring you with a minute by minute update on what's going on (who needs another one of those?) I'll summarize it for ya.
Here it goes. Only the important stuff ;-)

Making : a ton of DIY projects. Started a million of them but how many will I finish?
Cooking eggs Benedict every morning. I have to lay off the Holaindaise
Drinking : water out of fancy glass bottle. even with a weeknight dinner it feels a bit grown up and we like it
Reading: between pages of marriage and baby books. Must. Know. It. All.
Wanting: a vacation
Looking: at my baby trying to stand up all by himself 
Playing: with his shoes. they are just so fascinating and it's like a new toy every time
Wasting: time on Pinterest
Sewing: a dress I found in thrift store which was too big on me. 
Wishing: for summer days to stay longer.
Enjoying: family time when daddy gets home. especially when Jonathan goes to sleep and I get him all to myself
Waiting: for the weekend. exciting stuff is happening
Liking: my new brightly colored wall in the kitchen
Wondering: when Jonathan will start walking
Loving: the changing foliage 
Hoping: for a mild winter
Marvelling: at God's goodness, love and mercy everyday. it still amazes me 
Needing: more time in a day 
Smelling: the last rose in my garden
Wearing: lots of fall colors 
Following: too many blogs
Noticing: how old I'm getting
Knowing: that this time will never come back and Jonathan will never be this little again. sad face
Thinking: about Sunday message
Feeling: tired
Bookmarking: cooking magazines
Opening: curtains every morning and letting sunshine in
Giggling: with my sister and mama. best time ever
Feeling: my cold toes. always

Got the idea from this lady

September 18, 2013

Life Lately, In Pictures

This is our life. 
This smiling face, curious gaze and lots of kisses.

Have a great day!

September 13, 2013

Jonathan //7 months//

How fast does the time fly! 
When you were born and I was constantly nursing you and changing your diapers every two seconds, it felt like the routine would never end. Yet here we are seven months later with you sitting, eating solids, desperately trying to crawl and talk.

Your bottom two teeth came in just the other day without fever, drool or much wining. The night before, you woke up about five times and I was getting aggravated and tired of it. After picking you up the third time, changing your diaper and nursing you, I decided it's time for you to sleep. You wined for a little bit and fell asleep. An hour later you woke up again, and then again. I bet it was probably uncomfortable but you got through it.

You are really trying to crawl and most of the time just want to stand up. Last night you took your first step on all fours and daddy and I about to have had a party. You are so active and curious, always looking and exploring things. 

You have the most adorable and funniest laugh. We play and cuddle, I read to you and make animal noises and you just crack yourself up. 

Most nights you sleep 8pm - 7am but if you had a lot to eat, you do wake up once in the early morning with a super soaked diaper. I change you quick and put you back to sleep, after a quick nursing session.

You are easy going and happy kid unless you are a) hungry b) tired c) have a dirty diaper. If all of the above are done, then you are a happy camper. Although, you still don't want to hold your bottle on your own.

You love taking walks with me. Every morning when we go for our stroll, you just look around and don't make a peep. About half an hour into it, your start getting tired and fall asleep. I get my exercise and you get your nap.

Daddy and you have a special bond going on. Your father loves spending time with you and playing with you. You are his 'little buddy' which is always sweet to see.

You are in 12 months clothes now and growing by the minute it seems. I don't know if you are even going to fit into the clothes I bought you for the winter. Your weight is average but with height you are in 75th percentile.

You still love to nurse and be near me. I love to hold you when you are sleepy and almost falling asleep on my chest, sweetly sighing and closing your eyes. I put you on my shoulder and press my cheek against your soft baby skin and just don't want to let you go. I want to capture and sear that moment into my brain to remember it and hold it in my heart forever.
 I love this stage and want to just stop the time and enjoy your sweet little smiles with two little teeth, and hold you in my arms a little longer, before you try to run away.

Love always,
 mom and dad

August 30, 2013

Guilt {Motherhood Challenges Series}

Before becoming a mother, I knew of the great responsibility that comes with the role. However I did not know that some of my biggest faults and challenges will come out of hiding and, having another human being in my care, be magnified by like a hundred. 

I've always struggled with guilt. 
Constantly feeling guilty for simple things that I choose to do for myself, my family and what others think of me. I mean, it's difficult being a people-pleasing perfectionist with guilt-ridden mind.
Since motherhood is a constant choice of parenting methods, feeding schedules and sleeping styles it's hard not to look at other moms and think 'how do they have it all together?'

People tell me that I only have one, that it's nothing compared to multiple kids. And maybe they are right. Maybe I'm just a big wimp and maybe I don't know anything but let me tell you something: it's hard.
It's hard enough with only one baby.

Having a community of other mamas, going through exactly the same thing you are going through sure is helpful but at the same time, we only things on very surface. I have fallen prey to letting others think that I'm the best mother out there; that I have it all together.
Most of the time I don't.
And since I'm doing it wrong one time or another, guilt is something that gets me down every time.

I feel guilty for not nursing until 99 months old. Although I'm still doing it and supplementing with formula, there are mamas out there who don't let their kids have a drop of formula. 

I feel guilty for taking time for myself during the day and letting him just play and whine a little on his own.

I feel guilty for letting him cry it out when he just doesn't want to do anything else, given that he's fed and changed. I taught him how to fall asleep on his own, but even that was heartbreaking at first. Letting him cry for five to ten minutes is hard enough but when I hear someone else say that you should pick your baby up every time he cries, just about puts me in tears.

I feel guilty for not taking enough family photos and missing his first laugh  Not taking a video of his first cry or whatever else important may have happened and I didn't have camera on hand.

I feel guilty for wanting to leave him (at mere four months old) with my sister, so hubby and I could go away for a few days. Although it didn't happen, people look at me with shock for not wanting to take the baby along with us. I feel guilty for being so selfish.

I feel guilty for forgetting to pick up my baby from the nursery the very first Sunday we went to church. I mean, who forgets they have a newborn? Apparently I do.

I feel guilty for wanting to go to work and not just be stay-home wife and mama. I hear people say that I should just enjoy him right now, which I absolutely do. Though, at times, I need to feel like I'm a grown adult with other interests besides what color his poop is or what new food should I try feeding him.. 

I feel guilty for not having enough patience with him when he just wouldn't eat those peaches; or when he doesn't want to go to sleep according to my schedule; or when his whining is driving me nuts. 

I feel guilty for getting too busy and not taking time to pray. To pray for my family, my little boy, for wisdom and guidance because I sure need it.

I feel guilty for not playing with him when I have chores to do, or simply not getting home for his bed time. 

I feel guilty for not spending enough time with hubby and constantly focusing on Jonathan. Even our conversations come down to what I do during the day and how long Jonathan naps.

All these things are every day challenges that mothers (read: I) face and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 
Or am I? Please tell me I'm not, so I can stop thinking that I'm crazy.
 With all the perfectly edited and filtered Instagram baby pictures (they don't have any food on their little bow ties and their hair is perfectly combed), I think it's time to get real. 

Life isn't perfect and we all have to deal with issues, we are all in the same boat. It's good to know that you are not the only one dealing with challenges and storm of emotions running through your postpartum body. That other mamas too give their babies formula, let them cry it out, play by themselves, don't have enough time for anything, forget their baby in the nursery, can't wait for 8 o'clock and want to escape the house sometimes. 

God has been teaching me patience. He has also been humbling me big time, showing me that I'm just like everyone else, that I don't have it all together, that I need Him every day. More then ever. 

At the end of the day, I pray God will guide me through and help me do my best. Although, when I don't succeed at times, there's always tomorrow and He will be there too. 

August 16, 2013

Glimmerglass Queens (and a Prince)

Last weekend my sister, mom and NkI headed out for a gals (and kids) day out. We took a boat ride and strolled through the streets of one of the prettiest towns in Upstate New York. It was a gorgeous day for being outside and exploring, having some delicious bakery and watching the kids' reaction to water. Here is our day in recap.
Jonathan slept through half the boat ride, then attracted every grandma on the boat with his adorable smile.
Must be nice.
My mom, niece, sister, Jonathan and I (love his look)
We barely made it to our first ever boat ride. It was pretty awesome.
All hands on deck. Or in the mouth.
My niece rocking the rich and snobby look.
Must pose for outfit picture.
Must pose for outfit picture #2

Cool old fashioned theater turned into a store. Fo' shame.
There is something behind the closed gate.
Apparently this guy is famous. 
The architecture in the old town is always very romantic.
Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Style ElixirHer And Nicole

July 16, 2013

Jonathan //5 Months//

Dear boy, you are such a blessing and joy!
You are sweet and easy going. Still sleeping through the night, and giving us absolutely no trouble. We take you everywhere we go and you are such a happy camper. We went out to eat for lunch and you set in the car seat for the entire time and didn't even make a peep. 
Although we left you with grandma for bedtime once but you didn't like it. Stinker.

You love goofing of with daddy and aren't afraid of heights. You love looking around and so curious. 

I'm making sure that we take enough pictures as a family together. Time flies so fast and I can't believe you are already five months. You have changed so much and everyday is an adventure.

You are eating less often and loving the new solid foods. We gave you everything to try from lemons to carrots and you pretty much like every kind of food, but the cucumber didn't have much taste. Except you aren't fan of formula (I wouldn't blame you) and it took a while for you to get used to it. You still love nursing though and only will take formula once or twice a day.
We went to the beach and you enjoyed it. Then we took a walk around the lake and you took a nice long nap. I love your little hat - you look so adorable in it.
It's amazing to watch you explore and take in the world. 
I thank God everyday for such a great blessing in our lives!

June 7, 2013

Leading By Example

A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.
Ever since I got pregnant, I've been thinking a lot more about what kind of example I'm going to be for my kids. Am I going to be the kind of parent my children will follow and be proud of? Or the one they want to stick in the back of the family album and be embarrassed of at the family reunions?

We talk a lot about teaching our children to do right.
To respect their peers.
To honor their elders.
To love their neighbors.
To fear the Lord.
To esteem their heritage.
To obey the authority.
To love their spouse.
To cherish the youngsters.
To protect this God-given Earth.

And that's all fine and good and very necessary. As parents we have the responsibility to raise those little ones into mature, responsible adults with solid moral values.
The best way to do that is to teach by example.

You can spend your days drilling, talking and lecturing your children about what is good, wholesome and right but if you yourself isn't doing any of it - it's not worth a  single penny.
Your actions speak louder then your words.

You have to be respectful to your mean boss, without talking trash behind his back.
You need to honor your parents and grandparents, landing them them a helping hand when they need assistance in their old age.

You need to love those who gossip about you, mean to you at the grocery store and take your pew on Sunday morning.
Those who take advantage of your kindness and take your parking spot at the mall. Those who don't respect your space and privacy, and who don't ask for forgiveness. Love them.

You need to show your children how to fear God and honor Him with your life. How to be an example to this world without judging those who aren't doing right. How to be a genuine Christian and nevermind occasional hypocrisy and hate.

You need to appreciate where you've come from and who you are. No matter the race, ethnicity and color without putting anyone else down.
You need to obey the laws that are put in place by the government, even if at times they seem ridiculous and the authorities aren't truthful.

You need to protect the littlest children from the cruelty and hate in this world, showering them with  abundant love.
You need to protect this Earth for future generations and be thankful for sunshine and rain, for beauty of flower and depth of an ocean.

You must be what you want your children to become.

May 6, 2013

Long Awaited Spring

top TJMaxx, skirt: Thrfted, shoes: Forever21, necklace: Macy's, clutch: H&M

I'm so happy to report that the New York State has caught on to the idea that it's spring! And it's absolutely stunning! The beautiful flowers in bloom, the gorgeous trees budding with tender green leaves and absolutely every kind of bird is out there at 5am singing its harmonious song (and not letting me sleep). I'm loving it! I feel like this winter was so long and I have waited for sunshine my entire life. 
We (Jonathan and I) are talking long strolls in the park, taking in the scenery, lounging in the backyard and doing everything possible to spend as much time outside as possible. 
He is loving the sun. And the kids love him. He's like a magnet for every little girl out there - they just want to touch him, kiss him and just plain eat him up. I mean, who wouldn't? Such a heart breaker already!
And because this week it's going to be roasting hot, we are planning on baking out on the sun until 'medium well', or maybe even 'well done'. Well, more like me baking and Jonathan enjoying the cool shade and breeze. This guys has got it made! 
Have a Happy Monday! 

P.S. Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY which has been extended until Wednesday, May 8th!