Showing posts with label HandM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HandM. Show all posts

January 17, 2014


sweater, glasses: H&M, skirt: J.Crew, boots: gift from Belarus, scarf: Joe Fresh, bag: Kate Spade

When I find something I really like and that fits me well, I tend to wear it for days on end. Case in point, this skirt. It's warm, comfortable and just the perfect length for everyday errands, or even going out to dinner. The weather has been mild lately, and I'm loving it. No need for parkas but it's still cold enough for a light blanket of snow and chilly air. If the winter would stay like this for the entire five months, I would enjoy it a lot more. Besides the milder weather, there isn't much going on here. So I hope you gals (and boys) have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by.

January 13, 2014

Feeling Blue

shirt: Joe Fresh, sequin tank: LOFT, blazer and pants: H&M, booties: Liz Claiborne, watch: Target

Every year, after I put all the Christmas stuff away, I start feeling blue. January is the worst month ever. There are no holidays, nothing exciting going on, just cold ans snow. Lots of it. My New Year's resolutions, to be honest, are failing miserably. Shame on me. But here's to a new week and keeping up with my goals. 
First up, healthy breakfast of buttermilk buckwheat pancakes. Yum! (Recipe coming soon)
Next, devotions and off I go.
Hope you are having a good day and thank you for stopping by! 

December 11, 2013

More Red

turtleneck: Land's End, blazer: Banana Republic, jeans: H&M, booties: Ann Taylor, bag: thrifted
Since I already have an outfit with a red skirt, it only makes sense to have an outfit featuring red pants. I think.
First let me let out my frustration with H&M! The sizes in that place are getting smaller by the day (or my behind is expanding by the minute). Let's talk how sizes affect our moods. I know that I'm usually size 4-6 in bottoms but when I tried on size 8(!) the other day, I couldn't even get my one leg into it. I decided to go up a size and although I was able to (barely) fit into the pants, I walked out of the store feeling fat. I know, I'm not a skinny girl but I am a no size 10 either. So what up with that H&M?
In other news, Christmas shopping is so much fun this year, as I am making thoughtful and valuable gifts. Mostly, I'm done and ready to get wrapping. It's my favorite part, but my ribbons always get tangled up and I loose the scissors. Go figure. Hope you are getting ready for the holiday season and having fun with it!

December 3, 2013

Been An Angel All Year (Smh)

top: H&M, jacket: LOFT, skirt: TJMaxx, booties: Guess
Every year around this time of year, I like to incorporate red, black and sparkle into my outfits. Also, I cannot stop listening to Christmas music (especially this) and smiling. Really, a yacht is not a lot ;-) Christmas time really is the best. It's all about spending time with family, eating lots of delicious food, going to parties and giving gifts. I love giving because when I have put extra thought into someone's gift and they like it, it's the best feeling in the world. And speaking of gifts, I'm all done with my Christmas shopping (talk about early) which makes my life so much easier from now on. Are you gifting or focusing on unworldly gifts? 
Thank you for stopping by and have a good day!

October 24, 2013


button-down, crossbody: TJMaxx
sweater: H&M
jeans: Target
booties: Old Navy
Currently I am ...
-  focusing more on my marriage. Let's face it once the baby is here, daddy takes the back burner and really that isn't right

- reading Russian books to my baby

- planning the holiday parties and dinner menues

- doing lots of shoes shopping looking for a perfect pair of riding boots. Any suggestions?

- realizing that at the quarter century mark in my life (next week. eeek!) I have so much to be thankful for

- making an effort to be friendly and make friends, putting extra thought and time to revive old friendships

- enjoying a Bible study class 

- praying for wisdom

- loving the perfect fall weather

- looking on the positive side and counting my blessings

- eating an entire box of candy. not even sorry

October 22, 2013

[Not] Copycat

top: H&M
cardi; Gap
skirt: J.Crew
shoes: Guess
bag: Nine West
First thing first, I did not copy color combo of this outfit. The above was my Sunday outfit and I was not anywhere close Kendi to even remotely think of stealing her idea. But I do love the mustard and plum-ish wine color together. It was not even that cold on Sunday but I pulled out all of my winter wool stuff (skirt and cardigan are pure wool). It's hard to to imagine what I'm going to be dressed like in winter now that I don't have the extra baby weight to keep me warm. 

Yesterday I started a link up party over here and haven't received many (well like none) submissions for the Inspiration Monday. Talk about discouraging. 
Ladies, link up your inspiration outfits, thoughts, pictures, DIYs and any other ideas you have so we all can be inspired by the creativity and words of wisdom. 

On the other hand, I've been working on so many different 'words of wisdom' posts lately that I'm running out of ideas. For a person who's not good horrible at creative writing and majored in mathematics in college, I sure picked a weird hobby. Ha!

 A fresh-off-the-boat immigrant is writing life advice and words of wisdom in a foreign language while taking outfit photos of church outfits. Are you still following?

Hope you are having a great week making leaf angels 
(like the snow angels but in the beautiful foliage. get it?)

September 17, 2013

Not Perfect

top: H&M
skirt: Talbots
shoes: Calvin Klein
glasses: DKNY
 This may come as shock to some of you, but I'm not perfect. (sarcasm)
There are days when I honestly don't want to get out of bed, stay in my PJs all day, , forget to change my kid's diaper and don't even bother to brush my teeth (I know, gross).
We all have those days.

Behind the pictures of outfits and perfectly polished clothes, I don't want to seem fake. 
At times I have struggles and I do fail.
I struggle to keep within my monthly budget (currently considering getting in trouble with my budget to get these bad boys), have emotional meltdowns and altogether bad days. Even my perfectly worded monthly posts about Jonathan's well being sometimes don't come out that easy, especially after a long day of cranky babe and no sleep.
 It's real life and life isn't perfect. 

Sometimes, I have a hard time with the concept of imperfection.
I get into the mode and try to show this perfect image of who I am (perfectionist) and forget to be real. Of course, I try to be as honest as possible but really, who's life is perfect?

You cannot judge someone else' life by their Insta account and Facebook updates. There is just so much more to it and when we don't see the entire picture and what's going on behind the scenes, it's easy to get discouraged. But today, in my perfectly imperfect life I'm at peace with who I am and where God has me.
Thank you Lord for this imperfect life.

August 21, 2013

Thrifty Chic

top & skirt: Thrifted
shoes: H&M
Thrift store shopping is probably my favorite kind, because you never know what you will find. Sure there is lots of junk out there and you have to look really close but in the end, it's worth it. Other times it's not.
When thrift store shopping, I have bought items I thought I needed and things there were too big/small in hopes of altering them myself. That never happened. 
One thing I do when I'm looking through the isles of unneeded clothing is stand out patterns, one-of-a-kind pieces and timeless classics. And of course the fit.
When I spotted this skirt, I loved the striped pattern but wasn't sure if I wasn't going to fit into it. The white top was a no-brainer. 
If you aren't sure about thrift store shopping give it a go on an off night, or with a friend who knows her way around. Then dig in and pay close attention to all the details, tags and patterns. Take your time and you will be surprised what you can find!
Happy Hump Day! 

August 19, 2013


dress: Lord & Taylor
shoes: Aldo
clutch: H&M
I'm about to simplify my life.
Lately it has been (very) busy.Yes, I know you hear that all the time but it's true.
 Saturday morning hubby was home and we were all sleeping in (trying to at least). When Mr. Baby woke up we took him with us to bed and he was rolling and cooing all over. But both hubby and I kept reaching for the phone and checking whatever it is we are constantly checking. Then it hit me - this is ridiculous! We can't even play with our child without checking the phone all the time. 
This has got to stop!

We live in information overload age. If you not sure of something, all you have to do is Google it and bam, here is your answer. Constantly having multiple apps, email and blogs available on the phone is making this life a lot more stressful and complicated.
Comparing your life with someone else' Instagram account is driving us crazy because we are never satisfied with ours, constantly on the run and always distracted from 'real' life. 
I decided to change that.

From now on I will only be checking Facebook, email, Instagram and my blog once a day! To keep my sanity in tact, make sure I spend enough time with my family and focus on the important things in life (like having everyday devotionals), I  am going to set a time once a day where I check all the media outlets and pay all the online bills (if necessary). That way I don' have to feel  guilty about time spent online knowing that everything else taken care, that I'm not being idle wasting my time. 
I'm sure it's going to be hard at first because it's a habit and I do need to turn off all the notifications and stop constantly checking for comments on the blog. 
Enough said.
Let's make life simple again.
Have a great day!

August 14, 2013

In Between

tee: Loft
skirt: J.Crew
clutch: H&M
heels: Rampage
My body has been kind of in between lately. You know the stage where you don't have the big belly anymore but not quite back to the pre-pregnancy weight yet? Yep that one.
Until yesterday that is...
I fit into my favorite pair of denim shorts, (not just zipped the fly while not breathing) and I could actually comfortably move in them. It was a long awaited victory.

For some of you ladies, post baby weight loss may come easily and you spring back into shape the moment you pop that baby out, but others (mere mortals like myself) have to work for it. 
You become a mom, have new responsibilities, have another human being fully dependent on you and yet, have to look slim and sexy day two postpartum. Well, give yourselves a break! 
We do a lot and have the hardest job in the world, so if the baby weight isn't off yet, it's OK. 
Since when being a mom became a sexy role anyway? 

I've been really hard on myself. Beating myself up for gaining too much weight during pregnancy, not loosing it fast enough, for not getting everything in the house organized, for not taking Jonathan outside more, for not spending more time with hubby and more. The point is, the list never ends and I still feel overwhelmed no matter how much I got done.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves and our families by trying to be everything for everyone. The most important thing though, is being happy from within. Your family and you will benefit from it more then from seeing skinny, hungry mom running around and having carrot sticks, while miserable.
Put those carrot sticks to good use- make yourself a carrot cake dear. Have a slice. 
Don't you feel better already?
Now go get on that treadmill and work them calories off.

June 24, 2013

Weekend Happenings

top: TJMaxx (similar)
skirt: Loft (similar)
shoes: Tahari
clutch: H&M
Welcome to Monday!
Hope you had a good relaxing weekend.
 Mine was filled with birthday celebrations - a one-year-old party and my mom's birthday. It was lots of fun.
My sister and I threw my mom a small bday party yesterday night. Sunday afternoon we started getting some major rain and lighting. A lot of people lost their power and it was hot and humid outside. 
Thank God we didn't because first of all, the party would've been ruined and then it A/C wouldn't work. 
I'm so spoiled. I know. 
All in all, it was a great weekend.
What did you do?

still being [molly]

June 17, 2013

It's a Girl Thing

dress: not sold online (similar)
flats: Target
bag: H&M  (similar)
glasses: DKNY

Hello lovelies! 
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We finally had some sunshine and warmth but it started pouring on Sunday night. Again.

I feel like it's been raining for the last few months here. Non-stop.
On Saturday, some girls from church and I went out and did some shopping. Well, some did and some didn't. But what struck me the most is how much we all were into it. Even if ladies weren't buying anything, going around admiring pretty dresses and throw pillows was satisfying enough. Seriously, it's such a girl thing. 
What's my point?
There is none. 
Girls like shopping. 
The end of story.
But you knew that already, right gals? 
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day

June 10, 2013

Hard To Find

The same blouse works two ways
blouse: Target
skirt: NY&Co
heels, clutch: H&M

Hello lovelies... 
Hope you had a great weekend!
Really, it seems like a man with a good character and solid moral values is hard to find nowadays.
I'm so happy I've been blessed with an amazing husband who treats me right, because settling is worse than being alone.  
So here is something for you gals on this bright Monday morning.

A good man is hard to find
You always get the other kind
Just when you think that he is your pal
You look for him and find him fooling 'round some other gal
Then you rave, you even crave
To see him laying in his grave
So, if your man is nice, take my advice and hug him in the morning, kiss him ev'ry night, 
Give him plenty lovin', treat him right

For a good man nowadays is hard to find, 

A good man nowadays is hard to find.


Have a great day! 
