March 28, 2014

Currently Loving [Life Edition] + Link Up

My life has been a complete disaster for last couple of weeks. First hubby and I both got strep throat (thankfully Jonathan escaped that toll) and then as soon as everyone felt better, we caught a stomach bug. This time no one escaped and it was the worst. Slowly but surely I'm back to my normal self, Jonathan is still recovering but hubby was fighting it for a week and finally surrendered with fever and chills. 
So, there isn't much to love in my life as of late but I made an effort to find things that make me happy and enjoy them as much as I can. Here I present to you what I'm currently loving in life.

Currently Looking At: this adorable face. Love

Currently Working On: fireplace mantle with spring flowers and vibrant colors

Currently Smelling: fresh blooms sitting pretty on my kitchen table 
Currently Reading: the spring edition of Cooking Light magazine. Crab cakes here I come.

Currently Can't Get Enough Of: the cutest smile and bear hugs


March 26, 2014

Parenting Toddlers

When it comes to parenting, different stages of child's life require much wisdom. Babies are sweet and sleepy; they want to hang out on your shoulder and as long as they are fed and changed, it's all good. Now, toddlers are a totally different story. They are fully functioning members of a family, as they try prove themselves at every possible opportunity. They are very independent at this age and yet need us the most. So here's how parenting a toddler has changed my life. 

1. GIVE FREEDOM (as much as it is safe). They have very little control over their world - from what they eat to where they sleep, we decide everything for them. So whenever possible and you can give them the freedom they so desire, do so. Let them experiment with different foods and textures, run freely in controlled environment and don't be too harsh when they make a mess. 

2. TEACH. At this point in their life, they soak up every single bit of information that comes their way. Toddlers are very observant, that's why they imitate adults so much. Give them place and time to learn instead of restricting everything all the time. Whenever you have time, sit down, play, read and have fun with them. It may seem like not much to you but they are learning even when you are just goofing off. They are learning valuable social skills of human interaction and trust.

3. BE FAIR. Keep everyone in your household, including yourself to the same standards. If you think they shouldn't have candy but you are \eating M&Ms by the bag full, they will catch on very soon. They may not understand it and you may be able to get away with it now, but sooner or later they will resent your partiality. 

4. REDIRECT. When so little of your life is in your control, and you can't do this or that, frustration comes on easily. Toddlers are frustrated a lot at the world around them because they either can't do something, won't do something or simply don't want to do something. Redirect their attention away from the frustration and engage them in something else.

5. BE CALM. Whenever toddlers are upset, frustrated or cranky, it's best to stay calm. It won't do any good to you or them to get all frizzled and start yelling. Escalating situation by yelling and making arguments will just make it worse because they will resist it. Just accept the fact that they will be upset in some near future and will refuse to do whatever it is you want them to do. So keep calm - you have a toddler on hands.

1. REASON. At this point in game, they don't understand reasoning. You can explain all you want why they need to go to sleep and why mommy loves them, but they don't understand it. When making rules, be firm but soft spoken. Assure them by hug or kiss but still keep on doing what you must. 

2. BRIBE. I know it seems that everyone is doing it but it's simply very ineffective way to train. It teaches the child that he needs to do something only if there is a reward for such behavior. They need to learn that obeying and listening is part of their life. It's simply what they need to learn without alternatives and bribes.

3. IGNORE. Sometimes you just want to close your eyes and not see what's happening. But your toddler is watching you every moment of the day. Sure there are times when it's better to just walk away and not engage, but ignoring mean and defiant behavior will not do him/her any good. It needs to be addressed, punished and corrected.

4. GIVE UP. When it seems like you've tried every option and they still refuse to follow directions or eat that veggie, just step away. Don't keep at it if there are no results but don't get so frustrated you just want to give up. Sometimes, you just need to regroup, find another approach and start all over again. Repetition and consistency is your best friend when it comes to toddlers.

March 24, 2014

On Pause

dress & boots: Lord and Taylor, shirt:, watch Target, purse: Nine West
It seems that spring pushed a pause button and we cannot recover from the great amounts of snow that's outside. It's still very cold and we keep the heat on all the time, as well as our boots . Also we got hit by second plague in our household - stomach bug. Being the weak bodied type that I am, and still recovering from strep throat, I am suffering the worst. The only day that I felt better, I managed to get out of the house with Jonathan and catch the nasty thing. So this post is brought to you from lounging on the couch and clear liquids diet, which totally sucks. So when they (the experts on internet and husband) say that you should stay in for a few days and take vitamins after being sick, you better believe them. 
Welcome to new week and thanks for stopping by! 

March 21, 2014

Currently Loving {Weekly Link Up 2.0}

Another week has gone by and I don't know where it went. Although it's officially spring, we couldn't be any farther away from it. It's currently snowing outside and doesn't show signs of stopping any time soon. Between being sick all week and having below freezing temperatures, I haven't taken any outfit pictures because, let's face it, you don't want to see my pajamas. They are old and they are from Target. Instead I bring you another installment of Currently Loving series and these are some of the coolest things around the web. Link up your posts and spread the word! 

1. How cool are these stacking chairs? The coolest things are available to kids now-a-days.

2. Lovely length ad gorgeous cut of this dress makes me want to take the price plunge. Swoon!

3. Because we all need to laugh at ourselves...

4. Loving neon for this spring and especially this bag.

5. Tried Brazilian Steakhouse and loved every second of it. It was absolutely delicious and totally worth the steep price point. If you never tired it, it's so worth it!

6. I've been feeling under the weather last weekend with some flu-like symptoms. It might be from fatigue, stress or exhaustion.

7. Is having enough material good and a comfortable life here really a blessing? Read this.

8. Life around the globe in pictures is so different then ours. A lot to be grateful for.


March 19, 2014

Spring Bags

When A Household Is Sick

Unrelated shot when everyone was well and actually had time to take pictures.

Last weekend was part of 'it was the worst time of my life' story and it all started Saturday morning. 

I woke up feeling tired, achy and overall blah. I did not want to get out of the bed and had no appetite. Hubby was a sweetheart and got up with Jonathan while I got to snooze extra hour or so. We had plans with a few of our friends to go out of town. I hate to cancel on people, so we ended up going and had a great time. But by the end of dinner I was shivering and coming down with some awful chills, that the entire ride home I was jittery and cold. 

All night and the next morning I was ready to die. I had the worst chills and my body felt like I was run over by a train a million times. All that along with never-ending pain in my throat let me think I had the flu. Dear husband took Jonathan to church and cooked lunch, went to the store and got me medicine and fruit so I could stay in bed. I went to see the doctor  Monday morning and the diagnosis was strep throat.

Next day, hubby started getting down with same kind of  fever and chills. He was feverish all night and next day had the same diagnosis - strep. It had got to be the worst - both of us with a full of life and energy toddler. Shoot me now.

Two out of three people in our household had strep throat, so we quarantined ourselves inside the house without anyone in or out. Since strep is highly contagious and awfully painful, I'm was so worried about Jonathan getting it too but thankfully, he didn't. I wiped down the entire house with Clorox wipes and rewashed every utensil I used every day. We feeling better but still not totally there.

It was hard being a parent while being sick. 

When a sweet, babbling baby wanted to clime in bed with us and play pick-a-boo but all I wanted to do is bury my face in a pillow, it was hard. When he wanted to play with me and kiss me all over and I couldn't, it was hard. When he wanted to be held and carried but I was too tired to even get out of bed, it was hard. It was hard not to be physically close, kiss, hold and love my baby when he so desperately needed it. It was probably harder then going through the pain and ache and after only a day of being away from him, I realized how much I missed that sweet boy of mine.

So if anyone in your house is ever sick, stay away from them. Do not sleep in the same bed (even if they want to cuddle), do not share a glass (unless you sanitized it), do not give them a kiss goodbye (so cold, I know) and certainly, do not exchange any bodily fluids (wink). It's hard being sick and caring for a baby but when both are sick, it's even worse. Take that from me.

Thank you for stopping and hope your week is going better than mine!

March 13, 2014

Currently Loving {Weekly Link Up 1.0}

If you have been following bloggers any amount of time, you know we are all about the new thing. We are about shopping, buying the newest trends and looking forward to the new season. We are rarely satisfied with what we have because someone else already has something everything we want. I've noticed it to be true even in my own life. We are going after things we don't have and constantly disregarding the things we do have. We get caught in the materialistic, shopping-crazy life style and it's hard to break away from it. 
Here, I'm starting new kind of link up. What is it I'm currently loving in my life, around the web and just in general. Link up your favorite pair of jeans, or the newest cupcake recipe you tried that makes your skirt fly up. Whatever it is you are currently loving in your life, do share with us and let's try to be happier, kinder and satisfied with what we have.

1. How much TV should children watch? I'm a proponent of the least amount possible. This article seems to suggest we need to keep this up until he's 12 years old. What do you think? Is it even possible?

2. Are you in a blogging rut? Here are some ideas!

3. Loving this early spring outfit which makes me want to take out my summer dresses.

4.Husband and I waited for our first kiss until the altar. So good to see that this couple did the same thing and happy with it. Would you?

5. Absolutely heavenly recipe of almond croissants. And guess what? It's super easy!

6. I've been using the same moisturizer  for last several years. Trying to find something else that works without having to spend hundreds of dollars with trial and error. Help!

7. Do I need another dress? Yum, Yeah!

8. Anyone else is crazy about the color of the year? Meh.


March 9, 2014

Funny Story

blouse: H&M, jacket: Loft, skirt: thrifted, bag: Kate Spade, shoes: ALDO
The other day, hubby and I were doing some organizing in our pantry which is downstairs in the garage. We both went down there and talked about doing some spring cleaning very soon and how we should attack it. Well, as we were finished and tried to open the door to go into the house, we realized that we were locked inside our own garage. Jonathan was asleep in his room (thank God) and stove wasn't on but still, it was kind of freaky. So there we were standing in front out own door unable to open it. Low and behold, my smart hubby picked the lock and were able to escape without any further difficulties. Thankfully we were locked in our own garage which has all his handy man tools, although it seemed funny and ironic at the same time. Good thing that funny story didn't turn into anything dramatic.
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day! 

March 4, 2014

A Winter Of Outfits




I had a lot of fun with my closet this winter. Stretching my imagination with things like sequins and hats, freezing in the snow while taking pictures and taking a break in  January (only four outfits?). I purchased this coat in December and, although on sale, spend two months' worth of budget money. It was definitely an investment and I'm loving it. So that brought me to not being able to shop for two months in January and February. It was tough staying away from all the amazing sales, especially when they offer free shipping. I focused all my time on decorating the house and organizing Jonathan's birthday party, which was a lot of fun. I had to channel my creative energy somewhere. And now that we are on spring's footsteps, although yesterday we plummeted into negative temperatures again, I'm ready to take out my neons, florals and lose the tights and coats. Which one was your favorite outfit this winter? 
Thank you for stopping by.

March 3, 2014

Spring Trends :: What To Wear

Metallics, Pastels and Florals
Spring/Summer 2014 Favorite Trends

Spring is a heartbeat away. According to the calendar we have only a few days of winter left but he weather on the other hand isn't budging in. Looking at some of the Spring/Summer 2014 trends, I couldn't help but notice that there is nothing new coming our way. NoReally. There are the trusted pastels, florals and button-down shirts that everyone loves. Other trends, like iridescent fabric and crazy geometric prints are making a comeback but aren't my favorite. While some trends, like tea length skirts from the turn of 20th century and wide legged pants from 80s, those aren't the only trends designers are borrowing from the good old days. Braids and messy, romantic hair is making a huge return into fashion. I don't know if I want to revisit the 90's trends like fringe, culottes, and cropped jackets but I'm willing to try the metallic details and full skirts. I'm not a fashion expert and I like simple, understated trends so you may not  agree with me  and that's OK. These are the trends that I absolutely love for the Spring/Summer 2014. Enjoy and thank you for stopping by!

February 24, 2014

Five Things Every Mother Needs

After a year of motherhood, I fell like I know a little bit about what it takes to be a mother.  I'm certainly not an expert but from personal experience, I've discovered these are the things every mother needs. No questions asked.

Every mother, no matter how much experience she has, will agree with me that all she really needs is a good night's sleep. Without any interruptions, without anyone calling for water, or a clean diaper or asking where the new diapers are. It's those precious eight hours that feel like heaven and make everything seem better, rejuvenate your spirits and make the world brighter. So whenever you can, treat yourself to the luxury of a full night's sleep, even if you have to turn in at 8 pm and don't get up until you absolutely must. I guarantee, you will feel better and those dishes will still be there in the morning (I promise I won't tell anyone).

When you are running late (which is like me 99% of the time) and still haven't had a drop of food in your mouth, while trying to get everyone else ready, the last thing you want is to spend time trying stuff on. To look fresh and put together, you need to figure out what works for you, personally. Your hair, your skin and body type are something that defines who you are. Learn to accentuate your strengths, work with your body type and find drug-store make up that gets the job done. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on make up and clothes to look good. Figure out what works for you and stick to it.

Every mother (and father) needs a break. The last thing you want to do while on a date night is worry about your child(ren). You need to find someone, be that friends, family or hired help, who you trust with your  child(ren) completely. There cannot be any doubt that the person you are leaving your child(ren) with is fully capable of handling that responsibility. Make your wishes fully known, specify things they should and should not do. It's your child(ren)'s well being you are talking about and you shouldn't have to apologize for anything.

When you are running out of steam and just about rip to shreds everything that comes your way, it's time to step aside and take a breather. Every mom needs some 'me time' to refocus, relax and simply take your mind off everything that has to do with feeding, changing and taking care of babies. Mothers with tiny newborns, preschoolers, school-age children, or teenagers, either one or many, need time away from motherhood responsibilities just to ensure their sanity. Put some 'me time' in your schedule or it will never happen and you will feel run down and exhausted. 

It's impossible to get through a day of motherhood without laughing, whether it's at the kids or yourself. The moment when your child does something wrong and you know you should reprimand him/her but all you could do is laugh? Yes that one. It happens to everyone. Just go ahead and smile at your child because really we need more laughter in our lives. If you can't do anything about a situation, you can at least get a good laugh from it and that's worth something. Stop taking yourself so seriously and take it easy, and life will seem much simpler when you can show your children you can laugh at yourself and be silly too. 

And that's that!
Thank you for reading.

February 19, 2014

Fancy Shmancy

dress: H&M, jacket: Loft, shoes: Zara, purse: Macy's
We are well into the week but I just cleaned up and finished all the laundry from last weekend's festivities. Jonathan's birthday party was a lot of fun and he definitely enjoying himself (eating as much cake as his heart desired). I, on the other hand, was sad that after so much preparation and anticipation of the day, it passed so quick. Our little boy is all grown up and it makes my heart cringe every time I think about his newborn cuddles. I may write a sappy mommy post about how hard it is to see your children grow up. Like you haven't read enough of those right?
On a totally different note, spring is almost here and I'm sending the winter off with one of its best color combinations - burgundy and black. I cannot wait to get my pastels out and start wearing less layers, as well as enjoying the outdoors with Jonathan. And since there isn't another occasion for a fancy shmancy dress up after Valentine's Day for about two months, I'm asking for one (from my husband that is). I love being home with Jonathan but a lady has got to put her fancy on at least once a week. Date night it is.
Thank you for stopping by!

February 17, 2014

Are You Tired Of Winter Yet?

top: Banana Republic, shirt: Target. skirt, coat: J.Crew, booties: Liz Clairborne 
The only way to escape winter blues here, in the northern part of hemisphere, is with pop of color. Adding color to everything from food to clothes can improve your mood dramatically. It's also beneficial for your health to eat a variety of different colors fruits and vegetables (source). Why not do the same with your wardrobe? Life changing I tell ya! 
At this time in the season, you have probably worn those over sized sweaters and leggings  plenty of times, so everything starting to look boring and outdated. This is where adding a little pop of color comes in handy because spring is so close. Also, black + (insert your favorite bright color) looks great in winter, so go ahead and mix it up! You will enjoy the end result and your closet won't seem like a graveyard anymore.
Thanks for stopping by.

February 12, 2014

My Wild Valentine

sweater: J.Crew Factory, skirt: Talbots, shoes: Zara, necklace: H&M, clutch: DIY, belt Target
Although, love is in the air, all I can think about is my son's birthday party this weekend. Seriously, since when did Pinterest become the raining king of baby parties? I can't stop pinning and researching one awesome idea after another. It's hard to stop, really. As any Pinterest-driven mother I'm attempting a themed cake all on my own but it's not really coming out, to say the least. After two trial runs, it still looks sloppy and frosting isn't light and fluffy. I may just give up and order it from a bakery. Am I going to go into the Mother's Book of Shame for that? I hope not. Also, I'm looking for a night out from all the planning, cooking and cleaning this Friday night. Can't wait to get all dressed up and have an adult-only time with my hubby. What are your plans? Going out with the crowds or staying in?
Thank you for stopping by.

February 11, 2014

My Preppy Valentine

blouse: H&M, skirt: thrifted, flats: TJMaxx, purse: Target, belt: Loft 

I love wearing sparkles for any occasion (or without one). Valentine's Day calls for something extra special so I'm breaking out my sequin skirt. Of course, there is the traditional LBD and heels but why not go with something preppy? Dust pink and navy is one of my favorite color combinations right now because it's effortlessly stylish. And flats enable you to move easily and break out into dance moves at any moment, because love is a great reason to celebrate. This Valentine's Day which look are you going for? Sexy or cute? Preppy or daring? I still haven't decided on the outfit but I adore this look. 
Thank you for stopping by! 

February 10, 2014

My Tasty Valentine {Eggs Benedict Recipe}

Let's face it, anyone can buy a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. But it takes special thought, preparation and care to do something extra nice for your significant other. Making their favorite dessert (my favorite is crème brulée ;-) or bringing breakfast in bed, or even surprising with weekend getaway all would be extra special. 
I'm a self proclaimed queen of breakfast food. I love everything from french toast to savory crepes with smoked salmon, but nothing tastes better than a hot plate of Eggs Benedict first thing in the morning. Of course, it takes practice to get the egg perfectly poached but it's certainly worth it. Then comes the sauce - smooth, velvety, decadent Hollandaise sauce. I have made the sauce from scratch and it was delicious but using packaged dry mix is just fine too. Your sweetheart won't know the difference tasting this delectable dish and admiring the work you put into it. 

2 Eggs
1 English muffin
2 slices of Canadian Bacon
1 Package of Hollandaise Sauce dry mix (make it from scratch recipe here)
2 tbsp butter 
1 cup milk 

First, bring a pot of water to a boil. While the water’s boiling, place a few English muffins halves and an equal number of Canadian bacon slices on a cookie sheet. Lightly butter the English muffins and place them under the broiler for just a few minutes, or until the English muffins are very lightly golden. Be careful not to dry out the Canadian bacon.
Now if you do not have an egg poacher you can poach your eggs by doing the following: With a spoon, begin stirring the boiling water in a large, circular motion. When the tornado’s really twisting crack in an egg. Or two. Or three. The reason for the swirling is so the egg will wrap around itself as it cook, keeping it together. Cook for about 2 ½ to 3 minutes but be careful not to over cook the eggs because they will be hard inside and that's not how you eat eggs Benedict. With a slotted spoon remove the eggs from water and place them on paper towel, keep warm in the oven heated to 200F until ready to serve. 
Melt two tablespoons of butter and add the dry sauce mix, whisk together incorporating it into the butter. Increase hit to high and add the milk, keep stirring and bring to boil. Set aside.
Place the English muffins on the plate, face up. Next, place a slice of Canadian bacon on each half. Vegetarian variation: you can omit the Canadian bacon altogether, or you can wilt fresh spinach and place it on the muffins for Eggs Florentine, which is divine in its own right. Place the egg on top of the bacon and then top with a generous helping of Hollandaise sauce.
Note: To ensure that everything is hot at the time when it’s ready to serve plunge the poached eggs back into the hot water just before serving, and make the Hollandaise at the very last 

Recipe adopted from here.