November 12, 2013

What Would You Do For a Blog?

shirt: Loft
cardigan: J.Crew
skirt: Express
shoes: Guess
bag: Target
As the weather gets colder, it's a lot harder to take outfit pictures outside. The photographer is all bundled up in coat and I'm freezing my tail off for about ten minutes. Then I ask myself, why am I doing this?

Well, for one, I love doing it because blogging is my creative outlet, which doesn't let me get into mommy jeans rut at home.
Secondly, as I've mentioned before, my goal is to inspire people and show girls that you can dress fashionably yet modestly. 

I hope my efforts are not in vain.

Really, I will have to find a better location for outfit pictures this winter because I'm on the verge of giving up. The cold wind and snow will do that to ya. 
You can only go so far until you can't feel your toes and shivering from the icy chill.

What would you do for you blog? How far would you take your determination? 
Do share ladies! 
Thanks for reading and have a great day!

November 11, 2013

Thoughts On Turning Twenty Five + Inspiration Monday

 Whenever you pass a big milestone in life, it makes you stop and think. You are either satisfied and happy with what you see your life becoming or completely disappointed.
Turning twenty five isn't that big of a deal but still, it's a number that shows I'm approaching thirty (it's a dirty word in vocabulary). It is a milestone and a turning point that certainly got me thinking.

Am I doing something with my life to serve God? 
What have I achieved?
Am I in the center of God's will?
What are my goals and dreams? 
Am I headed in the right direction spiritually, emotionally and socially? 
What kind of memory and legacy will I leave behind?
I mean, there is a lot to consider. 

One thing that I'm sure of is I'm blessed. I have more than I deserve and ever would've of dreamed of to have. In the petty little every day problems, I seem to loose the sight of the big picture, of God's enormous blessings in my life. 

Life is good when it's shared with the ones you love. It's even better when you invest your life into others and help make some one's life better. I do not want to live for me and mine, just doing what's necessary for my family. I want to help others beyond my front door, to love people and serve any way I can. 

If I say I have no regrets, I would be lying. There are things I wish I would have done differently, and advice I would've have listened to, but it's not what's important. Important thing is to move on, to grow, to change things that I can and to accept things that I can't.

I want my life to matter. I want it to leave an imprint on someone else's life, to show others what love of God really means. 

Do I fail? Sure... I burn out, I struggle with things, I don't have enough faith and I get discouraged. Doing the right thing isn't easy. Sometimes it feels lonely and sometimes I don't want to do it at all - I want to throw in the towel and quit. 

Life isn't all roses and pretty pictures. Life is hard and behind every face there is story, there is hurt, there is pain and there are those who help us go through it all. I want to be that person. I want to help people, to leave a lasting impression on life, to do something that matters, to leave a legacy that's worth mentioning in a eulogy. 

I want to...
learn to love people like God does.
forgive and truly let go
move passed disappointments
inspire others to do the right thing
be thankful
have mercy with people
serve God with my talents (as little or much as I have)
help people through the storms of life.
be soft spoken
being able to admit that I'm wrong and change 
raise responsible and God-fearing child(ren)

I don't want to... 
quit because it's hard.
get bitter
forget God's blessings and mercy
worry about tomorrow
be judgmental 
live carelessly
be angry
lose sight of what's important 

Life is a gift so we need to start living like you are only given today because nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.
Thank you for reading and God bless!
Join the link-up party below and spread inspirational words and encouragement!

November 7, 2013

Winter Wishlist

coat, bracelet, chambray, booties, pumps, bag, skirt, boots, wallet
When it comes to winter wardrobe, I go with warmth. (It's the old lady in me)
In all seriousness, finding practical, warm and stylish clothes is not as easy as it sounds. 
Couple things on this list are not essential and more of a want than a need

Although, I do have my eye on this coat (praying for a better sale) and a pair of black booties. 
Hope you have a great weekend and get ready for the cold months, be that organizing your closet or insulating your house. 
Let the shopping begin!

November 5, 2013

Cheap 'n Good

dress: Target
sweater: Gap
shoes: Payless
bag: Target
Why is it when you shop at different stores, you judge the price point differently? If I'm in J.Crew and they have a dress on sale for $50 I will think it's a steal but then when I'm in Target and dress for $35 seems like a highway robbery.

The quality, for one, is definitely an issue and, although I do love boutique stores and designer apparel, nothing makes you feel better then knowing you scored a great buy for a low price.  
I've said it before and I will say it again - Target is my domain. I can rarely walk out of there without a sweater or pair of jeans. No, really, it's that bad.

Honestly, unless you are loaded (and I'm not) buying designer clothes for everyday wear seems ridiculous. Of course, every girl needs wants a designer handbag and a pair of statement shoes or jewelry, but for day to day wear, it's simply not practical. Geeesh, look who's talking about practical.
To sum it up, cheap 'n good is the stuff my closet is made off (with a few exceptions) but I still want a pair of booties and a handbag.
It's definitely a girl thing. And there is no stopping it.

Hope you have a great day!

November 4, 2013

October {Budgeting Series}

plaid shirt - $14.95 (H&M)
brown boots - $33.95 (DSW)
black booties - $24.95 (Old Navy)
TOTAL: $73.85

I can't believe we are in November already... The cold weather is upon us and I'm not a fan already. Honestly, when I sat down to calculate my total for this month, I could not think of anything else I bought except these three items. 
Well, technically I bought more (it was my birthday month after all) but ended up returning most of it. Like these Coach booties that I found in TJMaxx were gorgeous and comfy but the soles seemed too thin for winter. Also, the J.Crew crossbody had so many scratches on it, I had to return it. It seemed to have a very poor quality leather material.

I'm so happy I stayed withing my budget ($100) and to be completely honest, it's getting easier to do so. I'm forcing myself to wear everything I have, remixing and styling in different ways. Also, controlling myself at every sale sign and especially in Target helps a lot. Thinking critically about every piece and 'do it NEED it' or 'do I WANT it' approach is helping me avoid unnecessary purchases.

This month I'm all about winter staples which are going to last me for years to come. Since I have some gifts from my birthday, this month's shopping should be really fun. Will report back after Thanksgiving. 
Hope you have a great day, be inspired to stay withing your budget and link up below! 

October 30, 2013

Unpopular Choice (or Why We Don't Celebrate Halloween)


I have had a burden on my heart for a couple of years now to write this post but haven't found the right words. Also, being unpopular and not following crowd publicly is tough, especially knowing that it may cost you. This may not be popular, or politically correct or even go with what your church may say, but it's worth saying. 

My heart is saddened by all that I see during this time of year and clearly I want to make a) my opinion well established b) persuade someone else to take the road less traveled.
On the eve of the most evil and dark holiday, I want to talk to Christians who know better. If you aren't a Christian, this article isn't for you.

Every time I see a professing Christian talk about their Halloween celebration, I cringe. It makes me sad knowing that those who will be celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, glorifying God in their hearts just few weeks ahead, take the time to celebrate evil and darkness. In no way shape or form am I an expert, or theologically experienced in any kinds of debates. I'm just a mother who wants to make sure that her child will grow up knowing the truth and not be blinded by the 'feel good' mantra of this holiday.

As Christians our family does not celebrate Halloween .
We do not get dressed up (even in 'good' characters), we do not carve pumpkins (even with smiley faces), decorate our house (even with Disney characters), we do not give out candy (even to the Christian kids in church) and we do not celebrate Harvest instead. We choose to not participate in any part of it.

To many of you, this may seem harsh and stone-age like but let me explain why this holiday should have no place in our homes, hearts and especially children's activities.

- Halloween is a celebration of darkness, evil, death and lies. It takes something that's evil (like trickery and mischief) and puts a fun spin on it. Only because there is candy and super hero (or even Bible hero) costumes involved doesn't mean it's wholesome or good.

- Witchcraft, zombies, death and evil spirits are definitely have nothing to do with God. They glorify evil, they associate with darkness, viciousness and wickedness (which are part of demonic forces).

- The most important part of this holiday is children. They dress up (seems like fun), get together with friends (more fun) and go trick-or-treating ( promising to do mischief if not received candy). It's all done under the false pretense of innocent entertainment but is it really? If the holiday itself is evil why would we as Christians would want our children to have any part of it? Parents are the ones who know better.

- The origins of Halloween are of pagan religion, dressed up with Catholic church's celebration of all saints. None of these are found in God's word and both celebrate dead. God is life and full of goodness and everything that's opposite of that has nothing to do with the Lord. Therefore we should have nothing to do with it either. 

- There are many references and clear verses in the Bible (look here) where God clearly speaks about evil of witches, charmers, talking to the dead and sorceress. Many times when God's people went in the ways of Pagan religions (exactly where Halloween originated) and celebrated their holidays, they lost His blessing. 

- As Christians, we are supposed to be different. The people in this world know that, but for some reason Christians don't. Associating with such holiday and its practices we are condoning and giving place to the evil that clearly marks this day. If this day has even a hint of horror, corruption and immorality we should not take part in it.

Researching the origins of Halloween, studying Bible and what it says about such practices, and looking at this from the Christian point of view makes it very clear. No amount of persuasion or guilt-tripping will make you change your mind but praying and asking God to show you what's right and good may just give a whole different perspective on this day. 

More articles about this are here 1 , 2 , 3

This is not meant as an attack at anyone I know or those who don't agree with me.
 All profane and degrading comments will be deleted.

October 29, 2013


sweater: Gap
vest: Land's End
skirt: thrifted
boots: from Belarus
necklace: ILY Couture
Every outfit is just an outfit until you add accessories. A statement necklace and few bangles, a scarf and a designer handbag can really spice up a boring get up. 
There were times when I went overboard and piled on everything I could find; and then there were times when an outfit was just blah. But really knowing when to add and when not to add the right kind of  accessories is a skill.
Sometimes it's easy getting dressed and look stylish but others, not so much.
There is a reason why some bloggers are very successful and others are not; why some women look stylish and others look trashy. It takes some common sense and an eye for balance. Also it takes planning of the outfits and maybe tiny bit of pinning
In all seriousness, nobody has so much imagination and creative stride to put together a 'blog-worthy' outfit every time, but with planning and correct amount of accessories it really can happen. Probably not every time but often enough to make you feel like a fashionista. 
Hope you have a great day!

October 28, 2013

For Better and For Worse

When I go through perfectly edited blog posts and see nicely done family photos, I start to think that some couples have it all together. Their kids look great on Christmas cards and their Instagram accounts are just a mile-high pile of perfect corners of their house. How do they seem to have it all and I have a snotty infant and a messy kitchen? 

First I got jealous but then I got real. We only show what we want on this little space and paint the image we want others to see. It goes with everything from clothes to children to bedtime stands. Yes, great images and perfect posts help build following and people may PINterest the heck out of your images but that's not real you they see. They see a version of you, and usually it's the best version. 

I, for one, don't have it all together. There are times when I feel discouraged by the smallest following ever, feel angry at my husband for not being a bit more sensitive and run out of patience with my son. We are far from perfect and that's something I want to share

We started as any couple - full of dreams, hopes and aspirations. I really thought that we were different than everybody else, that our story was special and the love we had would keep the fire burning forever.          But I was naive, young and very wrong. 
Fire will not keep burning unless you keep putting firewood into it. If you keep burning on the first love logs, soon the fire will die and you will be left with nothing but cold coils. 

Behind every outfit, lovely smile, and baby picture there is always a story.

The cute pictures of Jonathan at the park have a less then perfect behind the scenes story. 
We started the day off with nice family breakfast and as I was cleaning up, hubby went outside to rake leaves. The weather was gorgeous and I thought we could go for a nice walk. I asked him, and he said, later. Fine. Later it is. (I probably had a little bit of attitude there)

I thought we would go the park near by, take some pictures of Jonathan, enjoy the warmth of the autumn sun and just hang out as a family. My husband on the other hand, thought that I meant walk around the neighborhood. So we were bickering and getting impatient about who said what, and in the process, I forgot to grab diapers and a bottle for Jonathan

Then, of course, I had to do my make-up and hair and was taking a little longer than he thought was appropriate amount of time to get ready to go to the park. 
(We have very different ideas about time limits, apparently)
As we got into the car and drove off, I realized that the stroller was still in the garage, as I took Jonathan for a walk the day before. We had to turn around and go back for the stroller, as husband reminded me about my absentmindedness yet again.
Needless to say, by the time we got to the park, we were in less than pleasant mood. 

But those are the times when it takes some work. 
It takes a calm and gentle voice of one person to bring the other one back into the good place. To remind yourselves, that everything is OK and the most important part is that you are together. 
I have to admit, it's not easy. Sometimes, I fail at being gentle and calm and blow up like a hot air balloon. Other times, I'm full of love and good intentions and nothing seems to bother me. 

Life is full of those moments. But it's the ability to learn, to moved passed it, to enjoy life in every way, to laugh at the weird parts and to forgive each other for the mistakes. I'm still working on that.
After all, we sighed up for better and for worse.

October 24, 2013


button-down, crossbody: TJMaxx
sweater: H&M
jeans: Target
booties: Old Navy
Currently I am ...
-  focusing more on my marriage. Let's face it once the baby is here, daddy takes the back burner and really that isn't right

- reading Russian books to my baby

- planning the holiday parties and dinner menues

- doing lots of shoes shopping looking for a perfect pair of riding boots. Any suggestions?

- realizing that at the quarter century mark in my life (next week. eeek!) I have so much to be thankful for

- making an effort to be friendly and make friends, putting extra thought and time to revive old friendships

- enjoying a Bible study class 

- praying for wisdom

- loving the perfect fall weather

- looking on the positive side and counting my blessings

- eating an entire box of candy. not even sorry

October 22, 2013

[Not] Copycat

top: H&M
cardi; Gap
skirt: J.Crew
shoes: Guess
bag: Nine West
First thing first, I did not copy color combo of this outfit. The above was my Sunday outfit and I was not anywhere close Kendi to even remotely think of stealing her idea. But I do love the mustard and plum-ish wine color together. It was not even that cold on Sunday but I pulled out all of my winter wool stuff (skirt and cardigan are pure wool). It's hard to to imagine what I'm going to be dressed like in winter now that I don't have the extra baby weight to keep me warm. 

Yesterday I started a link up party over here and haven't received many (well like none) submissions for the Inspiration Monday. Talk about discouraging. 
Ladies, link up your inspiration outfits, thoughts, pictures, DIYs and any other ideas you have so we all can be inspired by the creativity and words of wisdom. 

On the other hand, I've been working on so many different 'words of wisdom' posts lately that I'm running out of ideas. For a person who's not good horrible at creative writing and majored in mathematics in college, I sure picked a weird hobby. Ha!

 A fresh-off-the-boat immigrant is writing life advice and words of wisdom in a foreign language while taking outfit photos of church outfits. Are you still following?

Hope you are having a great week making leaf angels 
(like the snow angels but in the beautiful foliage. get it?)

October 21, 2013

Inspiration Monday Link Up

Hello Lovelies!
This is sort of a new chapter for my space on the world wide web and I'm happy to announce that it's not just skin deep. It goes further then that.
Ever since starting this blog, I didn't want to just have an outfit/day and some cute remarks but truly an inspirational space where people can come to and gain ideas, share thoughts and generally be uplifted. Life of outfits is just one side of me and there is so much more that I want to share. 
There are many important issues needed to be discussed and moments to be shared that I don't want the time to go buy without changing the world my corner at least a little bit. 

I don't know much but what I do know is that people want to feel like they are not alone, like others are going through similar problems and too don't have perfect Insta pictures. We are part of a community and as women, need to encourage, uplift and strengthen each other. There is enough negativity and darkness in this world that a little bit of inspiration is all we need to make this world a better place.
So let's get to it, shall we?

October 18, 2013

Why Not


top: Old Navy (DIY)
jacket: Loft
skirt: thifted
shoes: TJMaxx
purse: Old Navy 
Sometimes I find a piece of clothing that I wear all the time. It's comfortable, goes with lots of colors and can be dressed up or down. Case in point, this skirt.
Yes, I found this skirt for mere $4.99 but the quality of wool and lightness of the fabric, as well as the fit is just perfect. I've worn this skirt almost every day for the last two weeks. And why not? 

Sometimes, you put together a perfect outfit and who said that you can't wear it over and over again? The fashion police is not going to come knocking on your door if you wear the same outfit for a week. Because if it really works and makes you feel great, that's all that matters.

P.S Check back later today for the how-to on this jeweled top. I did do this myself.

Hope you have a great weekend! 

October 16, 2013

Jonathan {8 Months}

Dear boy, you are growing so fast. I'm happy to see you are healthy and big but at the same time it makes me sad, knowing this time will never come back. 

You are crawling everywhere! Actually you started crawling the day after you turned seven months and haven't stopped since. Getting up and pulling on everything, trying to get to me whenever I'm away - it's all so much fun (and so worrisome for mama). You are walking along side the couch and not afraid to let got of my hand (so brave). 

Toys do not interest you anymore - everything else seems to be more fascinating, interesting and captivating. It takes you about 30 seconds to find your way back to where I am after I put you down to play by yourself. No place to hide.

You have only two teeth but even that's enough to leave tiny bite marks on the couch. (thanks baby;-)
 You love playing with other children. Every time you are in the church nursery you are absolutely smitten by all the action. You love playing with your cousin and together you are trouble. 

The way you explore everything and the enthusiasm you greet me with every time I walk in the room is absolutely adorable. You smile at me and crawl so fast trying to reach my feet that sometimes you trip over yourself, silly goose. 

You love bath time and get super excited when I turn the water on. We play and splash, get to know water and everything you can do with it. Bed time is my favorite because I get to hold you and feed you, while you snooze in my arms. Since I'm not nursing anymore, I really enjoy the special bonding time we have together and don't want to teach you to hold your own bottle. 
It's so precious because I know it will not last very long.

You have gotten so used to falling asleep in my arms with the bottle that you refused to fall asleep on your own. It was a battle that I had to face because you wouldn't fall asleep without mama. Being a mother is hard because I have to make decisions that break my heart at times but in the end I know they will be good for both of us.

I have introduced you to the foods that we eat and you love it. Simple soups, fruits and veggies, chicken and cereal are your primary foods and you seem to enjoy it. Although, every new taste is very exciting so we are trying everything we can get our hands on. 

I'm loving this stage. You are learning from everything and watching my every step with complete fascination. Although you are trying to get into every cupboard and cause trouble, you are so much fun to be with. You love reading books and playing, it's great to watch you explore new things. 

We are trying to eat dinner all together when daddy is home and you love being a part of our meal time. We pray with you and hold hands while you babble away. It's my absolute favorite. 
You sleep very good and wake up with a smile on your face every morning - you are one of the happiest babies I have ever seen. 

Stay little baby boy.
Mama loves you.
Daddy sends his love too.

October 11, 2013

Thrifty Chic {Take Two}

shirt, skirt: thrifted
necklace: Forever 21
watch: target
glasses: DKNY
shoes: borrowed from sister
I get asked a lot about my thrift store finds and how do they don't look like second hand clothes at all. 
Well, that's the idea. 
Thrift store shopping is always an adventure in itself. Will you find a great buy or walk away empty handed? And when you do find that J.Crew cashmere sweater for mere four bucks, you feel like you just won a lottery.
So why not? 
Why not mix high end designer pieces with thrift store finds? 
Why not even go head-to-toe thrifted? 
It's not for everyone but it's sure rewarding when done right (I wrote a post about this earlier). Once you score some great finds, you will be asking yourself why you haven't done this earlier. 
Stop by your local thrift shop and see what you find. 
Have a great weekend!

October 10, 2013

September {Budgeting Series}

dress, pants, skirt, crossbody

I did not forget about the budget post for September but was super busy to sit down and do this. Lately, I'm head-to-toe Target. I can be the spokesperson for the brand, I have so many clothes from there. 
Especially this fall, Target is having so many gorgeous styles at a great price. I cannot walk out of there without a tank, a top or baby item. 
Plus, their home section is amazing! I am dying over their pillows and side tables. 

For this fall, I'm looking for more burgundy, black and olive colors (next best thing to camo). I bought a white sweater from H&M and a Vince Camuto blouse (worn here) at Burlington Coat Factory. 

 I did go over the budget (a little) but scored some great pieces that I already have in heavy rotation. 
October's budget has already been spent on one item. Yes, I bought something expensive but beautiful and lasting, and I know that I will be wearing it for years. Now you just have to wait to see what it is.

BUDGET: $100
TOTAL SPENT: $126.43
OVER: $26.43

Truth Be Told

blouse: Forever 21
top: Target
pants: LOFT
bag: Kate Spade
heels: borrowed from my sister
Truth be told, the heels I'm wearing with this outfit 1. not mine 2. killers for the feet. I wore this outfit with flats to go shopping and the second time out with heels  really love it). My sister was taking the pictures so I had to borrow a pair of killer shoes. Seriously, some shoes are not meant to be. Whoever made those hates feet and want to see them suffer.

On a totally opposite note, I'm enjoying the beautiful fall. Savoring the last sunny days by DIYing my kitchen table and spray painting almost everything I owe. As well as going to the very last farmer's market and buying a bouquet of fall flowers. I miss summer, but there is just something about a brisk, sunny fall morning with gorgeous colors all over that makes your heart sing. 
Enjoy it and have a great day.

October 7, 2013


vest: Land's End
skirt: thrifted
boots: TJMaxx
purse: Target
I love fall. It's my favorite time of the year, truly. The beautiful scenery of the changing foliage, layering of my favorite boots and skirts and deep colors are all so inspiring. 
Plus October is my birthday month, so I'm truly an autumn babe. 
The only thing that I'm not looking forward to is the impending winter months. I literally have ice water instead of blood and am always cold. I live in boots and sweaters all winter long. 
For now, the few sunny days and perfect temperatures are exactly what I need to enjoy this time of the year.
Hope you have a great week and enjoy this beautiful autumn.
Thank you for stopping by.